Who Rode Today?

We went for a ride together but honestly, it was a real challenge to ride with her as she is a new rider and that Honda will barely get out of it's own way. I had to lead because they didn't know the roads good enough...it was hard. I was so self conscious of not accelerating too fast or anything that I had the bike in C mode and even then it was hard to keep them where I wanted to because her bike was just so slow.

Sammy Hagar was in a situation like this once long ago. It inspired him to write, "I can't drive 55". Perhaps you can turn this painful situation into something positive like that?
Sammy Hagar was in a situation like this once long ago. It inspired him to write, "I can't drive 55". Perhaps you can turn this painful situation into something positive like that?
I made it simpler than that, I sent them out on their own without me.

My son and I scheduled time to ride together as he and I share similar riding styles...
Hi. Ride is put off for a bit. Project got much bigger as not she wants to put 4000 lbs of hay on top of the enclosed tack room.
Work is going good if you like dust cod webbs big black spiders and dead bunnys.

Had my son and his family up for a week, he brought his bike as well as his lady's on a trailer...

His lady rides a Honda 500 Scrambler...it's a decent little bike.....not my style though.

We went for a ride together but honestly, it was a real challenge to ride with her as she is a new rider and that Honda will barely get out of it's own way. I had to lead because they didn't know the roads good enough...it was hard. I was so self conscious of not accelerating too fast or anything that I had the bike in C mode and even then it was hard to keep them where I wanted to because her bike was just so slow.

To top it off she's kind of a hipster so chooses style over function and has this new-old style helmet with the big bubble visor and no vents....it was hot and she was melting in that thing....I told her people in the day wore those because there was nothing else.
Kind of a same here. We went for a ride with a friend of mine on a 300 cc scooter. It was a good ride and to be fair the scooter was decent enough until 100km/h. In comparison with the Scrambler Hipster Lady my friend is a seasoned rider just somehow in love with the scooters. So we spent a great time together, but damn it was slow, especially with passing other cars, the scooter just haven't got the punch. I had my right thumb sore for couple of days from prolonged periods of waiting for a twist on the throttle, it hit a nerve I guess...
Friends and family are friends and family. Life is full of diversity and this is as good as one can get.
Kind of a same here. We went for a ride with a friend of mine on a 300 cc scooter. It was a good ride and to be fair the scooter was decent enough until 100km/h. In comparison with the Scrambler Hipster Lady my friend is a seasoned rider just somehow in love with the scooters. So we spent a great time together, but damn it was slow, especially with passing other cars, the scooter just haven't got the punch. I had my right thumb sore for couple of days from prolonged periods of waiting for a twist on the throttle, it hit a nerve I guess...
Friends and family are friends and family. Life is full of diversity and this is as good as one can get.
Years ago we had a guy who was a member of the base motorcycle club who rode a Bergman scooter....it was a 650 so was fairly decent...

It was really rear weighted with the engine under the seat though..
One ride we were out in the back country and one section had a hill with a pretty sharp corner on the far side......we've all been over this area before so there was no surprises, I and another rider were ahead of him and went up, over the hill and around the corner with zero issues...

He on the other hand must have had a brain-fart and overshot the corner ending up in the ditch.....

After a bit when we didn't see him behind us we spun around and back-tracked and found him sitting on a rock having a smoke and saw his scooter which was relatively undamaged sitting a few feet away on it's stand. He had a glove box on it which came open and spewed out it's contents over a 30 foot distance...we gathered all his stuff up.........and then gave him the name "Slider" which stuck to him...

He later bought a Yamaha V-Star then an HD full dresser.....both of which he dropped a few times......
Got a little under 100 miles on Saturday morning. Needed to replace the locks at my mom’s house so took the long way to get there. Twice now I have noticed that while using Shell gas, my mpg picks up. Averaged 40 mpg running 70 ish. I did see that my rear cylinder is running 1 point fatter than the front. Might try to get those closer to each other later. For now, just enjoying the wind.












I got in a hundred miles or so scrubbing in a new rear on my Kawasaki. Ended the ride by riding around the nearby Bass Lake, population 527. There are several very expensive homes on the lakeshore. 3-4 boats and jet skies were out and one guy was surfing the wake of the boat ahead very closely. At first glance I thought, WTH? never seen anyone ski so close behind the boat and then saw the surfboard. Weather was tolerable around 84 degrees, traffic was minimal the sky was blue and the trees were green.

Anyone that makes it to the Topaz Lake and Lodge Thursday Eve gets a free dinner.

All it takes is gas.

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I got in a hundred miles or so scrubbing in a new rear on my Kawasaki. Ended the ride by riding around the nearby Bass Lake, population 527. There are several very expensive homes on the lakeshore. 3-4 boats and jet skies were out and one guy was surfing the wake of the boat ahead very closely. At first glance I thought, WTH? never seen anyone ski so close behind the boat and then saw the surfboard. Weather was tolerable around 84 degrees, traffic was minimal the sky was blue and the trees were green.

Anyone that makes it to the Topaz Lake and Lodge Thursday Eve gets a free dinner.

All it takes is gas.

Hi. You do take the best photos. I do not like it when the trees are blue and the sky is green.
I was going to, and not looking forward to it either because it's raining. I was supposed to go down to the city to have my forks overhauled and racetech springs installed but I woke up to a message saying the parts are delayed and they'll call and rebook when there in. It's probably the first time I've been happy parts were delayed. A ride on a rainy day is no deal breaker, unless you're getting tires fitted, but to be stuck wandering around down there for 3 or 4 hours in the rain would be no fun at all.
I’m gwine ‘over the hill’ in the morning boys. High elevation heading east will be 9,623’ over the Sonora Pass on 108. I’ll likely return west thru the Park on 120, the Tioga Pass at 9,943’. Now, what shall I order for dinner? Let’s see, beef, elk, chicken, venison, bison or wild boar baby back ribs? I might even add a lobster tail. Maybe a soothing tequila after at the bar.

The lodge is just over the border in Nevada on 395.

About 100 miles today stopped by my friends house so I could use his welder to finish modifying the top rack to install my top case. Not thrilled about how it looks on this bike since the gen3 looks somewhat more “compact” than the other gens so this case looks too big. Will probably be selling this one and getting a givi that’s under 50 or even 40 liters (this one is the 57 liter).

About 100 miles today stopped by my friends house so I could use his welder to finish modifying the top rack to install my top case. Not thrilled about how it looks on this bike since the gen3 looks somewhat more “compact” than the other gens so this case looks too big. Will probably be selling this one and getting a givi that’s under 50 or even 40 liters (this one is the 57 liter).

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That Bagster looks really good on it.
I rode today, bike off the stands, tires pumped to 41psi and first stop.

Lake Tillery


Then I opened up in sixth, she went so fast, we travelled back in time a bit.



Second last stop a bit closer to home.


And finally, at the gas station and nothing better than checking your fuel consumption to make sure the tune is spot on. This ride had a bunch of twisties and they were bumpy twisties. Did 160 a few times and between 120 - 130 several times. So very happy with 193 miles, reserve light not on yet and she took 3.8 gallons.
