why i dont do the inners any more in detail


veni vidi vici
Donating Member
i had one member on here who totalt destroyed his inners, i told him it would take time to repair them, well he sent me a partial payment to do this, i cut him a big big break on the cost to help him out. i worked on them when i could. while i did this this fellow keep on wanting updates, remember as i posted before i did this on my free time, under no i will get em doe in a week or so.im a very very busy man, i have alot going,my life comes first.
now then his was frigged up bad and i mean figging bad, eneded up with his pressure that i gave him a new set of inners, primed,sanded and painted them sent him pictures, all i got was compliments on the pics. told he he was sending the remaninder out money order cause his paypal was closed long story he said.
being a good man i went ahead and sent the innners to him before payment, that was three weeks back. as to this day i have not got my remainder of money from him. one email he replied he was out of town, and girlfriend would mail it, i ahve sent him around five more emails, some p.m. on here, no reply back i did this kid a service, i went out of my way busted my ass to get it done for him. now he wants to sticke me for 150.00 i dont play games like that . you owe me, you pay me. since he wants to play thise little game i will not send nothing else out without payment so everone has this guy to thank for that. im giving hime two more days to make it right if he does not i will realease his name, im sure theres some member close to where he lives i can talk into paying him a visit. its not above me to take a roadtrip down to florida and take back what is mine, and dare him to do something about it. enought of this crap is enough. i want my frigggin money for straighting up you mess, name will be metioned soon. so the board will see what you are, ill take it to other boards also let them see what you are. because of this dead beat i will never do another set of iners for anyone. 99 percent of members here are good as gold. i ran into the one percent of deadbeat. no excuse dude, dont tell me know lies, pay me what u owe me, i can care less how much you loss in the last deal you screwed up doint it yourself.then begging me to fix it. i just got your junk panels fixed good enought to use again. the balls in your court pay up and its forgot you get to keep your integerity on this board and know one knows . the clock is ticking....monday night is the dead line and the world will know what type of guy you are, one that pays his deals or one that is a CROOK.
Sorry for your headaches... I can empathize with your "Check is in the mail" thing going on... what a hassle and it sours you on everyone else..
I can't believe this!

"Ethics, morals and standards" Is this to much to ask?

Im in florida bro, I could go pay a visit, but I dont know if I could do anything, i;m a small guy, 6'3 320, bench about 375 and have a concealed weapons permit






Joe , I am sorry that one person messed things up . You have every right to be upset about this crap. Your work speaks for itself and the kind of person that you are! Hang in there BRO!!!
Man that sucks . I hope this guy pays. Everyone here has seen your work and knows u r a stand-up guy. I hope oneday u will
provide this board with your service once again and it does not seem like much to wait and receive your money b 4 u send out
finished product....
I remember the thread about the jacked up inners. Sorry bro, you drew the line, lets see if he comes through. I hate a headache.
Im in florida bro, I could go pay a visit, but I dont know if I could do anything, i;m a small guy, 6'3 320, bench about 375 and have a concealed weapons permit

I use to be able to do 385 till I got tendenitis in both elbows
thats what heavy lifting does to ya






All it takes is one deadbeat to ruin it for the rest of us!!!

thepushercg does great work and is one of the most honest guys out there. I hope this guy comes clean.

very funny chris, but i hate when people f**k with my boys on the .org, I dont want to get violent, buti will if necessary



