Your 1 stop post for all the info...

<span style='font-size:13pt;line-height:100%'>THEY ARE TAKING RESERVATIONS, GO TO THE LINK I PROVIDE AND CALL TO MAKE RESERVATIONS.</span>
If you call ASAP you can get the rates posted on that site (within a few dollars) These are Vendor rates! Not sure how long they will do this. One nights fees will hold your reservation. You can cancel up to thirty days before arrival. 10% fee charged... Or within thirty days YOU LOSE ALL YOUR MONEY... You don't have to worry about blocked rooms the resort is small enough it didn't really matter. Most of the rooms listed will sleep 2-4 adults. Call and ask if you have questions, the rates don't changed based on occupancy! If there's only one or four the fee's remain the same. I did some price comparison to other motels/hotels in the area and found the prices to be in line with the cost of staying directly at Copper Mtn... So, I didn't persue this avenue to far. If anyone comes up with something better than Vendor prices POST UP.... Looking forward to meeting everyone!
So far people planning on attending... (H, Reservations Made Copper Mtn Resort),( © Reservations Made Camping), (O, Reservations Made Other), (L, Local)
1. Ks-waterbug (H)
2. BusainSD ©
3. 04BusaVA
4. bacharles
5. PsychoZ
6. Kevin Kesler
7. zukracer (H)
8. skathegip
9. Loboboy (H)
11-17. Moondog +4-6
18. him (?)
19. BigBSBusa (Will depend on Military)
20. Jester0769
21. DREW
22. BusaMike
23. MidnightBusainSD (H)
24-25. MrGxr (+1)
26. scottybusa
27. UR IT!
28. Sweeper
30. Rhythm
31. chev982 © Traveling the farthest distance....?
32. Wayneswa ©
33. aurorabusa (L)
34. 5280Busa (L)
35. Thinker62
36-37. PaceMaster © (+ wife)
38. crazzycowboy ©
39. Draycore (H)
40-42. DR1300R (Dad and Stepbrother) (H)
43. ThunderPants
44. HondaJon (H)
45-46. BLKBLU04 (+ wife) Traveling the farthest distance...?
47. BUSA1?
48. CAPTAIN (?) Baddassbusa is loaning a Busa for Capt.
Who am I missing... ?

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lookin good KS, each time you post a list it gets bigger
I may have 1 or 2 extras now alll of a sudden and good luck with the reservation the guy i got was alright but took awhile to get it all setup
yeah the guy I had was like, you are coming for what? I was like, hmm, me thinks you should know when this many folks are coming to your place

How far of a ride is it from Copper Mt. to the Mt. Rushmore area? I'd really like to make a "drive by" on the way home
Just wanted to ask--[ The list is BIG ] awsome --How many Busas do we think could be lined up in ONE row !!!!!!!! World record ---- Gonna be fun- and thanks gang for putting this together for us.


Zukracer it is a pretty decent stretch at least 400 miles and no less then 7 1/2 hours unless your gona speed which if you do better have a good radar detector last time on my trip to denver i ran across 4 cops you have about half the drive on the interstate which is faster but to cut down on miles and time you have to take alotta smaller 2 lane roads I have tried the all interstate route and for the extra speed you can go it dosen't help i will have a full days drive from where i am to get there so i am really debating if i will trailer the bike or if i will ride i would love to ride but i also wana get there in one day which is ruffly 600 to 700 miles depending on my route
Hey KS, you can count me and the wife in.  I think I will be challenging chev982 for traveling the farthest distance!!

Not sure where we will be staying yet.

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Zukracer it is a pretty decent stretch  at least 400 miles and no less then 7 1/2 hours unless your gona speed which if you do better have a good radar detector last time on my trip to denver i ran across 4 cops you have about half the drive on the interstate which is faster but to cut down on miles and time you have to take alotta smaller 2 lane roads I have tried the all interstate route and for the extra speed you can go it dosen't help i will have a full days drive from where i am to get there so i am really debating if i will trailer the bike or if i will ride i would love to ride but i also wana get there in one day which is ruffly 600 to 700 miles depending on my route
so its possible to get up there in a day and then ride around the area where Mt. Rushmore and stuff is
I'm thinking about just taking the whole week off after the event to stop in there and then visit some friends in IA & OH on the way home. I'm probably leaving work wed the 17th and driving to a buddies in Conway AR and then on to Copper thursday so I can be there early Friday for the fun
Only made reservations for Friday and Sat at the resort so I'll probably just get a cheap room in Denver or figure something out along the way.... heck won't be the first time I'd sleep in the truck

Thats the current thinking anyway.... My girlfriend is going to probably come (fly into denver) with me to the event but head back home after that, so I'll be solo for the drive back to NC .... so stopping off in places will make it better

Yeah Zuk you could easily make it to Rapid in a afternoon from Denver leave at noon you'll probly arrive around 8 taking into account stops for fuel or bathroom depending on how ya do that or you could be there by noon if you wanted to leave at 6 am i'll be doing a caddy corner route down from the chamberlain area to Denver unless BusainSD convinces me to ride down with him in which case it will add a few more miles for me to head to rapid and then down
My best guess is that the current picture is around 75 Busa's..... This would include Scott's group MHBO. The Org is coming through again, look at the numbers...

Is it August yet?  We should do scenic hiway 7 asap. Will need 2 new tires before Colorado.
Busa1, welcome to the site! You plan on coming to Colorado for the Meet-N-Greet? Hope you can, looking forward to meeting each and every member..... Gots some ideas. Will post some info to everyone on the list.
Just made reservations for Friday nite the 19th and Saturday the 20th at copper head resort. Dad, brother and me will be staying in a condo w/kitchinette. Yea baby is it August yet..Put an 'H' by our group Ks.
Dad BMW K1200LT, Brother 05 zx 636 and Me of course on Lucy..Leaving from Rock Iland Il. on the week of the15th not sure of the exact day yet..
Quote (ks-waterbug @ Feb. 08 2005,13:22)
If you call ASAP you can get the rates posted on that site (within a few dollars) These are Vendor rates! Not sure how long they will do this. One nights fees will hold your reservation. You can cancel up to thirty days before arrival. 10% fee charged... Or within thirty days YOU LOSE ALL YOUR MONEY... You don't have to worry about blocked rooms the resort is small enough it didn't really matter. Most of the rooms listed will sleep 2-4 adults. Call and ask if you have questions, the rates don't changed based on occupancy! If there's only one or four the fee's remain the same. I did some price comparison to other motels/hotels in the area and found the prices to be in line with the cost of staying directly at Copper Mtn... So, I didn't persue this avenue to far. If anyone comes up with something better than Vendor prices POST UP.... Looking forward to meeting everyone!

So far people planning on attending... (H, Reservations Made Copper Mtn Resort),( © Reservations Made Camping), (O, Reservations Made Other), (L, Local) (? Tenatively planned)
1. Ks-waterbug (H)
2. BusainSD ©
3. 04BusaVA
4. bacharles
5. PsychoZ
6. Kevin Kesler
7. zukracer (H)
8. skathegip
9. Loboboy (H)
10. TIMMYDUCK (Traveling the farthest Distance?)
11-17. Moondog +4-6
18. him (?)
19. BigBSBusa (Will depend on Military)
20. Jester0769
21. DREW
22. BusaMike
23. MidnightBusainSD (H)
24-25. MrGxr (+1) ©
26. scottybusa
27. UR IT!
28. Sweeper
30. Rhythm
31. chev982 © Traveling the farthest distance....?
32. Wayneswa ©
33. aurorabusa (L)
34. 5280Busa (L)
35. Thinker62
36-37. PaceMaster © (+ wife)
38. crazzycowboy ©
39. Draycore (H)
40-42. DR1300R (Dad and Stepbrother) (H)
43. ThunderPants
44. HondaJon (H)
45-46. BLKBLU04 (+ wife) Traveling the farthest distance...?
47. BUSA1?
48. bass boss (?)
49. CAPTAIN (?) Baddassbusa is loaning a Busa for Capt.
Who am I missing... ?

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KS, put a circle C next to MrGxr and friend.... CrazzyCowboy and us are together for this event. thx
I'm thinking on leaving Wednsday, getting there  Friday. I figure 2-3 days. Plan on a bit of site seeing, Yogi Bear and Yellowstone park.
What about you chev982?

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I dunno if the Canadians are driving the longest distance.....

A basic guestimate from Mapquest says
Total Est. Time: 28 hours, 13 minutes Total Est. Distance: 1766.71 miles. Actual route will bring the trip to 2000+/- miles and 2 days.