2007 Hayabusa (I think this is the real deal)

I wish he would stop worrying about trying to fix/prove anything, be friendly, hook up and just ride with all the FL .org members and have a good time..... and stop being a dork. There's really no poin tto any of it.


You are sorely mistaken. It is you who does not have his facts straight. The last tests we have seen head to head, with a 150lb professional racer aboard, he could not get the ZX-12 to top his performances he laid down on the Busa. Head to Head. One article. Not some chump who's obviously jaded to one side, ahem, but a guy who rode both with total neutrality as a perspective.

This was before I bought a Busa too. One of the final reasons I decided to buy the Busa. Because at the time - it was the fastest - EVEN IF IT WERE AN 1/8th OF A SECOND IN THE 1/4 MILE!! IT WAS STILL THE DOCUMENTED FASTEST STOCK BIKE BACK THEN - ZX-12 INCLUDED!!!
Go my inferiority-complexed / vexed friend...... back to whatever rock you crawled out from under - before you wear your welcome out. Its obvious through your only here to sling ####. We don't need that in this community. I really dont care to check on your forum. If this is how pompous and jaded the people are over there at Kawi-land.
Your a complete jackass. Anyone with a computer can come here I guess.

Ahhhhh..... let me stop. Im about to go off......
Yeah that was sugar-coated......

Guess all Kawi owners are not like BulletTrain or my neighbor Jerry. Those guys are just into bikes..... Not sugarbritches.

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Wow I just read the rest of this post , interesting to say the least .
Now I believe it all comes down to the rider , but when you put the same rider Example: Larry Laye on both bikes the Busa comes out on top , Read it in super bike mag .
Tedbeile-1 magazine in the last 5 years said the Busa was faster.... IT MUST BE TRUE!! I guess the 10 or so mag tests done since 2000 that put the ZX12R on top were all just fooling around. Silly me.

Superbike Mag... does anyone even read that magazine?

If you think 1 magazine test in the last  5 years is conclusive... here take a look at 10 of the 12 or so WORLD WIDE magazine tests that put the ZX12R as the FASTER bike...


There are scans of the magazines available there just incase you don't trust the numbers posted. Even a summary just in case you're too lazy to read the whole story.

Again, we are talking about FASTEST not QUICKEST... there's a difference. I've already stated that the hayabusa is indeed the better 1/4 mile bike... not by much.. but it is easier to drag. I'm talking about Top Speed.

Top Speed is something that leaves very little to skill and focus' on the BIKE. 1/4 mile testing can swing either way very easily depending on which bike the test rider feels better on... but top speed, that's all bike.

So please, take your 1 backyard magazine test and rethink your position. Don't take the exception as the rule.

(btw... in all the tests done by every magazine... the same rider is used on both bikes)

WWJD/BentValve- I'm not here to prove anything or fix anything... I'm here to have a civil discussion on the topic at hand. You're making this out to be something that it isn't in order to justify a few of your guys acting like asshats trying to turn this into a war of words.

I am very comfortable and pleased with the purchase of my bike, believe me... I did my research before spending a dime and rode both bikes extensively. So don't think for a second I regret my purchase or wish I bought a Busa. If I wanted a Busa... I would have gotten one. Hell, it would have been cheaper at the time!!!!!! I dished out a little extra to get what I felt was the better bike for me. I'm sure many of you did the same exact thing and found the Busa to be the better bike FOR YOU. Kudos! It just sucks for you guys that every turdball poser across the globe buys the bike for bragging rights at the local pub instead of for the bike itself. A victim of it's own hype... the Busa has become the Poser's weapon of choice. I know quite a few of you guys know exactly what I'm talking about.

zxmurphy- how in any way shape or form is what you said any different from what I've been saying this entire time? You've done nothing but completely agree with my point, yet you jumped on the tiny bandwagon of biggots and wanted to give me the boot? Sort of hypocritical don't you think? Casting fire down to me for sharing your view...

Damned if I do, Damned if I don't around here, eh?

I think some people just don't like an outspoken person. If it's my posts you don't care for... don't read them. Take away the illusion of a gun directed towards your head and click the big red X in the top right corner and be on your merry way.

Toyz- I bet you've been waiting months to use that picture. I'm glad you got some sort of kick from posting it. I bet you're going to look soooooo coool at school tomorrow when you tell everyone how you punked phantom12. No doubt you'll achieve your dream to be the most popular kid in the 7th grade. And to think, all it took was posting a picture that has been already circulated and seen by just about everyone on the internet already.

Your originality leaves us all in envy.

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Here you go again running that dayum mouth again PH12, you just like talking that SMACK, Ive said it before and I will say it again....put up or shut up....instead of your "quote punking out mode", those who know me here in K-town know who Iam and what I can do on my Busa....so I don't need to show you anything or prove anything to anybody.....but like I said before on labusa bring the little toy of yours up from Florida and I will send you back on a bus with a ticket in your hand...plain and simple.....Im tired of hearing you run your mouth here and labusa....so put up or shut up....just because I don't post alot of things on labusa doesnt mean Im not around....your just full of bullsh*t and run that mouth....
P12, there is so much nonsense in what you post, it takes away from the fact that the 12 is indeed an excellent bike. It comes down to rider's taste and ability. There is no clear cut faster or quicker bike. Kaw missed the mark when they made the 12, it was designed as a Busa destroyer and failed, as far as aftermarket performance goes, it's no contest. In your aerodynamics cluster-f@#k, you state that if the 12 were lowered, had the mirrors removed, aftermarket can etc, it would be more aerodynamic than the Busa. Well, if my dog had opposable thumbs, he wouldn't need me to open his dog food, now would he? Point is no matter what you cry whine or yell about, the Busa holds the records, and the 12 is a very worthy runner up.
Hey, have you figured out a way to change your 12's plugs without dropping the motor yet?
oh that was funny
..... I have never disputed the abilities of a ZR-12 but I know my bike and have been racing 15 yrs 1/4 mile...I need to figure out how to post up my video off my camcorder to a computer so I can show some video...any ideas...
Oh I guess when a ZR 12 beats me I guess then I will have to evaluate my reasoning....thats only fair...but take a man that is 6' 2" tall and weighs in at a 230 lbs on a street bike, and tells me he can dust me....now thats funny
like I said we got a good 1/4 mile track here and like I said put up or shut up and bring your pinks....its simple damn got to figure out how to get this video up off my camcorder..help
just one thing to add in here, if the ZX12 was the fastest production bike in the world, why does kawi don't claim it

Would it be a good marketing argument! It works for suzuki
I've ridden both, totally stock, and prefer the Busa. The 12 is a cool bike that is slightly more nimble with a great high-RPM rush but the Busa's torque is noticeably superior throughout the powerband. "Torque" is the force that actually moves the motorcycle. Kaw builds awesome engines (I've owned a bunch of them) but the 12's 100cc torque deficit is obvious after riding a Busa. Almost all of the shootout tests I've seen in recent years gives the acceleration edge to the Busa and I'm not even going to go to top speed. That has been settled time after time and most of us know who is king. If it were not so, I would be riding a 12.

Happy trails....
I'm dumber for having read this ZX drivel.

The ZX-12R a SLOWER BIKE. Next.

Now, back to the spyshot...

BTW - If that's the 2007 Busa, and we're talking +200hp along with the comfort, stability and size we have now.... WHERE DO I FOOKIN' SIGN??


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Creekboy- You've been called out and found to be full of crap. You are not worth the trip kiddo. Lying about running 7.88 and racing for Vance and Hines.... that alone is grounds for ignoring you.

You talk big and bad... but you have no proof of anything. Just the same old, "buying the pot" scare tactic. Pathetic really.

If you had half a brain... you'd realise the circles I run in down here. If you were at all credible, Barry Henson is only 15 minutes away from me and a quick phone call away. If you could provide ANY credibility making it worth anyones while to come up there... I PERSONALLY know of 3 different mid 7 - low 8 second bikes that are always looking for chumps like you that think they are tough.

I'm not a 1/4 mile guy... I'm a 9/10th's guy. Been to the strip a few times, best I could coax out of my stock motor piped 12 was 10.18@140mph out of 15 passes or so ever on the bike.

Might not be the fastest guy around... but at least I'm honest about my ET... unlike you and your "7.88" LMFAO!!!

MR.Brown- It's not a matter of "whoulda,shoulda,coulda" when speaking about the Aero's. Yes, in showroom stock trim the Busa is more aerodynamic.. (if you're a very small rider). But when you streamline both bikes... they are not too far from each other as far as Cda is concerned. I never said the 12R would be more aerodynamic if at the same spec as the Busa.. I said it would close  but the frontal shape of the busa's cowl and rear hump give it a slight edge... slight. If you're going to comment on my posts, make sure you read them correctly.

As for the plugs, I changed the plugs on my ZX12R just fine... motor didn't need to be touched. Was it simple and effortless? No, but can easily be done by anyone who knows what they are doing. It really helps if  you remove the KLEEN air pump and hoses... you have more than enough room after it's gone.

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Your still around? Your a putz!

If your trying to brag about top end - how come the SCTA records are all Busa's?

Your talking about drag racing - again - where are your ZX -12's?

There is no denying - its a great bike - but come on now. You need to get real with yourself.

If it is so great why are so many Drag Racing teams based around the Busa? Not the ZX-12?? Because its your little secret?? Come on now.....

You know, this group of guys is great about not bashing on others - but your really trying everyones patience now with your crap. I ride with guys from all walks of life and all manufacturers. Sounds to me as if your just a problem child man. Grow up.

We have seen it all. R1 guys. CBR guys. ZX12 guys before you. GSXR1K guys. Its been done and said before. Your just the next guy to come and be a bobohead. You proud? Your an internet badass..... You cant ride faster in the quarter. We have many bikes here that will out top-end your ass. When you going to stop?

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tedbiele wrote: Your still around? Your a putz!

Why aren't these kids in school? Someone call his parents...

Anyone else have a 10 year old comment to make? Strike now before your mommy tells you it's bedtime.
MR.Brown- It's not a matter of "whoulda,shoulda,coulda" when speaking about the Aero's. Yes, in showroom stock trim the Busa is more aerodynamic.. (if you're a very small rider). But when you streamline both bikes... they are not too far from each other as far as Cda is concerned. I never said the 12R would be more aerodynamic if at the same spec as the Busa.. I said it would close  but the frontal shape of the busa's cowl and rear hump give it a slight edge... slight. If you're going to comment on my posts, make sure you read them correctly.

As for the plugs, I changed the plugs on my ZX12R just fine... motor didn't need to be touched. Was it simple and effortless? No, but can easily be done by anyone who knows what they are doing. It really helps if  you remove the KLEEN air pump and hoses... you have more than enough room after it's gone.
Your post on the aero subject was full of 'If this, if that" The Busa has better aeros stock. If you change anything, it's not stock anymore, now is it? of course they are both close if you streamline them genius, they're streamlined.
How is it that you are able to change the plugs without dropping the motor, but nobody else, including the dealer can? or are you just that good? The KLEEN sh!t was off the bike the day it came home.
Just as a side note, I read your posts, but perhaps the tears of laughter were preventing me from seeing clearly. you should take some lessons from other 12 owners on how to act on a Busa website, they seem to fit in around here quite well. they do not blabber on about who's bike is better, or why the 12 is the king of speed or whatever nonsense it is you're spouting this week, they chat, enjoy, race and give feedback about actual events.
Since you're so close to Barry Henson, and so willing to drop his name, as if his credibility will somehow lend you some, why don't you go ask him why he races a Busa, not a 12. the answer is simple, it's a better bike for what he wants it to do. If Rob Muzzy can't make a 12 competetive, it can't be done. The 12 is a great bike, but it is far more difficult to extract the hp/mph/et numbers that you can from a Busa.

BTW, if you are going to be critical of others' attention to detail, spelling and grammar, I suggest you subject yourself to the same standards you hold them to. I don't think you want us picking through your posts complaining about your errors, do you?

It's not the bike that makes you unwelcome here, it's the fact that you are a pr!ck. Reflect on that for a while.
PacificBusa- Yes, the 12R does gain roughly 17-22rwhp from a quality pipe and remap while the Busa gains roughly 12-15rwhp with the same mods. But it's all relative to the state of tune for both bikes...
The Busa comes with Subaru cams .

They have less duration @.040 on the intake than a Kia Rio does . 10 degree's to be exact .

The Busa does mightly well for such small cams and makes good upper rpm range power to have near a 20 degree spread between the intake and exhaust .

Get them up to 250 at .040 lift , get them to within 10 degree's between intake and exhaust and the game is on

Zoom Zoom
Seriously, where are you getting this animosity from? You're conjuring it all up on your own!!

I am not bashing the Busa... I'm not saying the ZX12R is God and the Busa sucks... I'm not acting like an immature child dishing out profanity and namecalling... I'm just giving my opinion and backing it up with facts.... and the supersensitive babies like yourself get all worked up and make me out to be some sort of supertroll just because I don't agree with a few of the "regulars" around here.

I understand sticking up for your own... but jumping in and starting a flame war for no reason other than my politely voicing my views, that's just something an immature child would do.

We are all adults here, or so I assume. Why can we not act like adults and talk civily amongst each other without regressing into our former 14 year old mentalities simply because you're on the internet a thousand miles away.

The ability to hide behind a computer screen does not give you the right to behave like a child.

There are a lot of REALLY COOL GUYS here that can easily conduct themselves like adults and interact in a CIVIL debate and/or conversation. Why can't you?

Also, just in case you didn't read my previous post showing that I'm not here to stir up crap... here it is again.


05BLUBUSA- I said the Busa is an inferior product? LMFAO! Quote me saying that and I will gladly eat my slice of humble pie and leave quietly.

I do however distinctly recall mentioning on SEVERAL occassions that the Busa is an amazing machine EQUAL to the ZX12R, with both bikes having their individual set of pro's and con's. I even remember stating that the Busa is the better 1/4 mile machine.. I even went into great depth explaining why!!! I even remember stating that if Kawasaki hadn't made the ZX12R... I'd be a PROUD Busa owner.

I have nothing but respect for the Busa, I see it as a brother in arms not a bitter rival. (I also said this before!!)

So how and where do you get the impression that I'm bashing the Busa?

It's YOU that has me pinned as a bad guy from the very start. You see that I'm not worshiping the Busa over all others and you blackball me. You're the one looking for a fight, not me. I'm here to talk about bikes in an adult manner.... YOU are the one acting like an ignorant child upset that I said your daddy may not be the toughest guy on the block.

Now how can you honestly sit there and say I'm the bad guy? It's you pricks that are starting crap... not me. I've been nothing but respectful and polite to those who return the favor.

You, BentValve, 05BUSABLU, and the rest of the internet bully crew can go bark up some other tree...

Oh and ZX-12R's do hold a few records in land speed events at maxton. Do they hold as many records as the Busa? Nope, but then again, the Hayabusa is a purpose built machine that was made to do such things and nothing more. The ZX12R was not such a narrow minded design, it was made to be a street/race bike.

besides, if you look at the classes.... the 12 and busa fall into the 1350cc class, in which the Busa's larger displacement allows for a cheaper and more efficient bike.

However.. I do believe Doug Meyer of muzzy racing set the Production bike record at Bonn. with a 1340cc ZX12R at 203mph back in 2001. I'm sure it's been broken since then... but don't kid yourself into thinking Busa records have never been beaten by anything other than another busa.

You really don't know what you're talking about do you? There are a LOT of classes... Busa's don't own them all, just the most prestigeous ones like the 1600cc record and the Turbo records.

Although... the fastest single motored 2 wheeled bike to ever race was a KAWASAKI at 330+mph at Bonneville.

Show me one mother f'ing busa that can even TOUCH that within 60mph!!!
my dad can beat up your dad!! I'll beat you on my yamaha in a 2 mile race I pick the location you pick the time!! I am #50 by the way......punk..:)