It seems more often than not they blame you. But with mileage that low you might have a better chancei have an 07 with 2200 on it i had it fall out of gear once on me at 1500 and didnt think much of it and now today it happend twice the first time it held and then fell out when i got up to 80. the second time it fell out almost immediatly . will factory fix this under warrenty or do they try and blame the rider?
So the real reason anyone would lose a tranny is because they aren't as "skilled" as you?I believe that its more riding skill related than transmission related
Over the years I've seen almost every brand of bike with a bad second gear. The shift from first through neutral to second is a tranny killer if not done right....especially under clutchless/racing conditions. Even poor shifting habits over time can do it. Shift smart and second gear should last forever I've owned over 80 diff machines and never lost a second gear.....but I don't race either. My friend has lost second gear on 2 of his last 3 sportbikes, but he's a racin', clutchless shiftin' fool The sportbike club I ride with always has a guy or 2 having 2nd gear probs on one brand or another of bike Thats another reason nobody rides my bikes but me..........I saw a guy take a friends 600 ninja out for a quick ride, came back with 2nd gear trashed. The bike had about 5k miles on itEVERYBODY I have ever came across that races their BUSA has had transmission problems. After the trans is race cut this eliminates the problem. WHOEVER says different is just fooling themselves. I had mine done at for $262 and like $75 for the shift forks, and please have the shift drum inspected while its down.