The world we experience is changing at a rapid rate while human tendencies and behaviors are mostly the same. Most of us are wired to be freedom seeking individuals. A certain subset of people think they should be running the world... and it appears they are... and it appears they don't want us to know everything they are strategizing to implement at some point in the near future.
And as you discover over time, the vast majority don't want to know either. As long as they have plenty of food and a roof over their head they think no further. I have seen some classic examples of this over my life, clients I had back in 2011 were buying a home down by the river in Brisbane, they were 'upgrading' because they were expecting a third child and wanted a home with another bedroom. "Whatever" Once I heard the address I said "are you up on the hill or down in the dip there?" "Oh it's in the Gully" she gushed, like that's so cool to have a home with a bit of bush around it. I replied "You know the river there floods every 33 years 'on average' and it's been over 35 years now." He laughed, "It's a two story, if it floods we'll just move everything upstairs." She smiled too and said "Perhaps that why we got it so cheap!"
The contract was settling in a week so I advised them to get flood cover on it. I'd warned them some years earlier to sell a heavily encumbered property they had in London because a property market collapse was imminent, they ignored that advice, didn't even look into it and the event cost them a packet. So this time she decided to follow my advice. I saw them again on the Monday after a weekend of heavy rain with no let up. She'd called but there was a Moratorium on flood insurance now, she was very worried, as I would be in her place. Come Wednesday, two days before settlement, he was down there in a Kayak paddling around the house. The flood wasn't as bad as 1974 but it was bad. They called the bank to cancel the Loan but were told it had been processed, they were on the hook. Friday came, the water receding and they instructed their solicitors not to settle, they didn't want a house full of mud and human feces.
Well it wasn't that simple. The contract had moved into the no-exit phase and a legal battle ensued while the house was left abandoned sealed up and still soaking wet, neither party accepting responsibility for it. It basically fell apart with all the weather boards popping off, all the sheet rock and other internals disintegrating. I believe it was demolished eventually. They got out of the contract, it was proved the house wasn't in a fit condition for handover but it cost them $50,000 in legal fees. They had sold their old home so they were forced to rent and the last time I saw them they had been renting for a year so I guess the event upset their financials a lot.
Why didn't they do a flood search? Why didn't their solicitor, why didn't the Agent warn them (Hahaha, as if) I knew about the flood risk and I had but a passing knowledge of it. Someone had told me about it once, I'd done a little research, discovered it was true, and filed the knowledge away. That young couple were not the only ones to be wiped out in that flood, everyone else down there was. As a general rule people
just don't think, they let others do the critical thinking for them, because "that's not their job" But more than that they turn away from Negative talk, Negative ideas, as though the very listening will somehow mar their lives and make them less successful. It's that think positive mantra, the "Universe" will look after me stuff. But what if the system is designed like a meat-grinder, what if the sole aim of it is to take money off the dimwitted and move it up the food chain so to speak?
So you see you're wasting your time pointing any of this out Zerks. People will do as they do, will marry and be given in marriage, build homes, buy motorcycles, right up to the point when the flood comes and carries their lives away. It's a sad truth I am afraid.
Here is the Brisbane Flood chart from the Bureau of meteorology. Very comprehensive. You can see that anything at or beyond the Red line is a disaster and that the 33.5 year average is in there. There was another flood, outside the average, just two years ago in 2022. It had a peak of 3.85 meters, (above the Red line) another disastrous flood, but they haven't updated the chart since 2017? Politicians don't like to admit bad news, they will keep it hidden for as long as they can. That's why over where you live the average person isn't concerned. They don't know the full scale of the disaster befalling them and they don't want to know.