Are you ready for what's coming?

This is an oldie but a goodie...I think it was from 2015 or so, Trump trying to pretend his religious and cares about the Bible to get the religious vote leading up to the 2016 election and TBH nothing wrong with that, as if there aren't a bunch of other politicians pretending to care but this was so damn obvious. It's like listening to a used car salesman...

In the Bloomberg Politics interview, the exchange went something like this:

Interviewer (John Heilemann):
“You’ve said your favorite book is the Bible. I’m wondering what one or two of your most favorite Bible verses are and why.”

Donald Trump:
“Well, I wouldn’t want to get into it. Because to me, that’s very personal. You know, when I talk about the Bible, it’s very personal, so I don’t want to get into verses.”

“There’s no verse that means a lot to you that you think about or cite?”

“The Bible means a lot to me, but I don’t want to get into specifics.”

“Are you an Old Testament guy or a New Testament guy?”

“Uh, probably equal. I think it’s just an incredible… the whole Bible is incredible. I joke very much so, they always hold up The Art of the Deal, I say, ‘My second favorite book of all time.’ But, uh, I just think the Bible is just something very special.”

If you can't read through the BS coming out of Trump you have drank WAY too much Maga cool-aid. I think my favorite part was "Uh, probably equal" like if someone asked me which motorcycle I liked better and I had no idea what either one was about I would say something stupid like "Uh probably equal". LOL
Are you telling us the Dimtards didn't make crap up to attack Trump with?
Are you a moron or what? Where in my post did I imply that? Have you been drinking again? Show me the sentence.
Dimtards? You're implying you're somehow better than Democrats, or Republicans?
Besides, no one made Trump incite that crowd January 6th, and no one kept him from calling them off while it was happening. He did that all himself. No one made anything up, it's on video. The whole speech.
Every time I call you out you slink away and post in some other thread. You're a member of the cockroach party, scurrying away when the lights come on.
BTW I love Busas but don't own one anymore.
You have an odd way of debating. First of all, I notice almost everything. The only reason Trump had to "endure" so much is because of his actions and demeanor. Democrat swamp members? Yes, there are. There are also Republican swamp members! You are so far right wing, it's ridiculous, and yet you have the nerve to deny it. For now, I say no more billionaire presidents. Just for a while. When you try to defend Trump, you go straight to what did Biden do? It's because you can't defend Trump.

Raytheon...RTX on the New York Stock Exchange. Yes, it's done well the last six months. Take a look at October of 2023 vs April of that year. April of '20 vs April of '22. It's stock, Zerks. I take it you don't own any? I got tired of the roller coaster and went CDs and Money Markets.

On another note, worried about voting rights? I don't have any rights. What's my vote going to do in one of the most conservative states in the country? It's interesting that conservatives tend to like the electoral college, and liberals tend not to. Know why? Because there are more liberal citizens of the United States than there are conservative. Why not chance it and see if the conservative voters in California and New York outnumber the liberal voters in Texas and Oklahoma, Utah...take your pick. Heck, take all of them. Let's see who wins when everybody's vote counts, and when people know their vote counts. Sounds interesting to me. The popular vote now may not be a good indicator because a lot of people in hard leaning states know that their vote doesn't REALLY count and therefore, maybe they don't bother.
Jellyfish said he used to vote Democrat and changed. I doubt he changed because of his neighbors. The electoral college was conceived a long time ago and is no longer relevant.
Can't defend Trump... don't care too... he is doing what he can while Joe looks for another way to get him in the "Bullseye". Biden words, not mine.
The whole system is one big swamp paid for by big business that want subsidies and regulations that favor them. The Feds don't run this country anymore... Corporate America is running it.

I pointed out Biden's lack of leadership because that is exactly what it is... it's actually worse than that.... he has been violating the oath he gave when sworn in decades ago.

Example # 1 The Burisma deal where the prosecutor was fired for investigating Hunter...
that 10% for the Big Guy... those admissions at the offices of the FBI that Tony Bobalinksy said... they were told to the agents about how crooked the Biden are. At one point Tony ask Jim Biden, "how do you plan to get away with all of this? Jim said..."Plausible deniability". Tony said the agents look kinda shocked at times as he explained the details of the business dealing Tony was hired to manage. The FBI never did follow up on any of it at that time.

Did Trump partake in political graft with loan guarantees to foreign countries? Biden should have been jailed long ago... he has always been a political grifter. I liked the part where Hunter complained about spending alot of the ill gotten gains on family expenses... especially Joes tab.

What a denier... You say... I don't have any rights? Stop with the victim act... your vote only counts if you make it happen. Just because you live where you do doesn't mean you shouldn't exercise your right to vote... you are legally here, right? lol ! Look... even illegals that are undocumented will get the right to vote if the Dems can push it through... not to mention the $150,000 free money down payment to buy a house that they are working on right now. ...

You don't understand the electoral college. It keeps power from concentrating as much as it would if it were just the popular vote. When its just the popular vote then all the campaigning is focused on the bigger cities where more people can be reached for influencing... The people in flyover country have to watch it all on TV.

I will say it again... whomever is elected to any office just see how close they stick to the Constitution and Bill of Rights. Those documents are not considered political party documents. They were written for... We the People. See if you can kick your brain in neutral for a while.
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You don't understand the electoral college. It keeps power from concentrating as much as it would if it were just the popular vote. When its just the popular vote then all the campaigning is focused on the bigger cities where more people can be reached for influencing... The people in flyover country have to watch it all on TV.
That a bunch of BS. Everyone watches it on TV or reads it on the internet or in newspapers. EVERYONE. It wasn’t so when the electoral college was initiated. Society has changed drastically, not for the better, but it has. Influence from friends and neighbors is not an issue. Door to door canvassing is not effective any more. There are plenty of families that don’t agree politically, should we allow one vote per household, communities and cities? That’s basically what we do. One vote per state.
Stick to the constitution? Sure. I have since I was born. You?
That a bunch of BS. Everyone watches it on TV or reads it on the internet or in newspapers. EVERYONE. It wasn’t so when the electoral college was initiated. Society has changed drastically, not for the better, but it has. Influence from friends and neighbors is not an issue. Door to door canvassing is not effective any more. There are plenty of families that don’t agree politically, should we allow one vote per household, communities and cities? That’s basically what we do. One vote per state.
Stick to the constitution? Sure. I have since I was born. You?
Don't believe everything your mind thinks.

I follow the Constitutional part of it... I don't follow the laws that infringe on it. Why? Because they are unconstitutional... Every basic right like free speech is under attack right now... Googles is one of the main censorship platforms. Facebook, Twitter and others have already been caught censoring... and that is just a few places where tyranny is being exercised.
Don't believe everything your mind thinks.

I follow the Constitutional part of it... I don't follow the laws that infringe on it. Why? Because they are unconstitutional... Every basic right like free speech is under attack right now... Googles is one of the main censorship platforms. Facebook, Twitter and others have already been caught censoring... and that is just a few places where tyranny is being exercised.
What does that have to do with the current value of using the electoral college? Do you really think I have any contact whatsoever with Facebook or Twitter? I understand modern societal intercourse perfectly without Google.
You really try to BS your way through everything don’t you?
What does that have to do with the current value of using the electoral college? Do you really think I have any contact whatsoever with Facebook or Twitter? I understand modern societal intercourse perfectly without Google.
You really try to BS your way through everything don’t you?
Well golly gee Gomer... How long and loud did Hillary complain about losing the electoral college vote while claiming to win the popular vote?

She even wrote a book about called it "What Happened". Well, we know what happened... she was a ineffective candidate... could not sway the masses to her level of tyranny while calling 80 % of the country in the middle of the country "Fly Over Country".

Or calling them "Deplorables." Would you vote for someone that calls you a deplorable?

Then she wonders why she lost the election... not to mention the over confidence factor of her supporters...

They were all saying... Trump will never be president... we only heard it thousands of times from celebrities and other liberal talking heads...
Man... did they eat crow after the 2016 election. Except they dropped the subject on like the next day. We can't talk about our wrong
Here is what Bill Clinton thinks... try not to laugh... there is your lefty with his 5 word philosophy on jobs.
We Remember This Guy

Reddit / david123bahena
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Well golly gee Gomer... How long and loud did Hillary complain about losing the electoral college vote while claiming to win the popular vote?

She even wrote a book about called it "What Happened". Well, we know what happened... she was a ineffective candidate... could not sway the masses to her level of tyranny while calling 80 % of the country in the middle of the country "Fly Over Country".

Or calling them "Deplorables." Would you vote for someone that calls you a deplorable?

Then she wonders why she lost the election... not to mention the over confidence factor of her supporters...

They were all saying... Trump will never be president... we only heard it thousands of times from celebrities and other liberal talking heads...
Man... did they eat crow after the 2016 election. Except they dropped the subject on like the next day. We can't talk about our wrong
Here is what Bill Clinton thinks... try not to laugh... there is your lefty with his 5 word philosophy on jobs.
View attachment 1687177
Reddit / david123bahena
Homer huh? What does any of your response have to do with the efficacy of the electoral college in the modern day?
Don't believe everything your mind thinks.

I follow the Constitutional part of it... I don't follow the laws that infringe on it. Why? Because they are unconstitutional... Every basic right like free speech is under attack right now... Googles is one of the main censorship platforms. Facebook, Twitter and others have already been caught censoring... and that is just a few places where tyranny is being exercised.

Homer huh? What does any of your response have to do with the efficacy of the electoral college in the modern day?

If he says you’re gomer he must be goober.
Homer huh? What does any of your response have to do with the efficacy of the electoral college in the modern day?
You are the one that brought it up about the vote... I simply rewound it to your democrat favorite choice from 2016... Hillary the Neocon would have been getting your vote. So, Hillary was defeated by the unfair electoral college count. That is your point and opinion... so... try to keep up.
My point is that the electoral college leads to many voters not bothering to vote because they don’t agree with the majority of their respective state, knowing that those electoral votes will go to the other candidate. My point is that every person should feel that their vote is as important as anyone else’s. In modern society, the initial circumstances for using the electoral system no longer exist. The last meaningful amendment to it was in 1804.
It has nothing to do with Hilary Clinton. You came up with that because you can’t think of one meaningful reason to use as an argument against my point.
Wuzza is absolutely correct. I don’t know why I continue to try and interact with you.
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My point is that the electoral college leads to many voters not bothering to vote because they don’t agree with the majority of their respective state, knowing that those electoral votes will go to the other candidate. My point is that every person should feel that their vote is as important as anyone else’s. In modern society, the initial circumstances for using the electoral system no longer exist. The last meaningful amendment to it was in 1804.
It has nothing to do with Hilary Clinton. You came up with that because you can’t think of one meaningful reason to use as an argument against my point.
Wuzza is absolutely correct. I don’t know why I continue to try and interact with you.
Yeah... you must have put more thought into the election system that has worked for the last 240 years.

Maybe you and that Wuzz guy can come up with a better way to decide elections.
If that were to happen then 90+ % of the campaigning would take place in the major cities of America during the campaign cycle.

What is the closest and biggest city to you?
That makes zero sense. The only difference would be that everyone’s vote matters, which entice everyone to vote. That’s the goal. Give every citizen a voice. It’s how governors, mayors and senators are chosen.
That makes zero sense. The only difference would be that everyone’s vote matters, which entice everyone to vote. That’s the goal. Give every citizen a voice. It’s how governors, mayors and senators are chosen.
Nothing much makes sense to you. How about this logic.. see if it fits into your universe.

A candidate running for office wants to reach as many people as possible in the shortest amount of time and gain enough exposure and influence to get the votes necessary to win an election. ( Not to mention limited campaign financial resources )

Now, I am sure you can find plenty of things wrong with what I just typed in. So, let's see it.
A candidate running for office wants to reach as many people as possible in the shortest amount of time and gain enough exposure and influence to get the votes necessary to win an election.
How is that your argument for the electoral college? Those "as many people" have brains. If they live in Missouri, for example, and they are liberal, or live in California and are conservative, they're tempted to skip voting. Some of them do. We don't get an accurate consensus from eligible voters. How do candidates reach out? Rallys and interviews, debates and advertising. It reaches everyone the same now. It obviously didn't in 1804. Whether the candidate is lying or is genuine is up to the judgement of the voter. Why are you defending a 200 year old system in a society that is nothing like it was back then?
Now, I am sure you can find plenty of things wrong with what I just typed in.
You stated the obvious. You really think telling us that a candidate wants to reach as many people as possible is news to anyone?

Nothing much makes sense to you
You can't seem to discuss or debate without personal attacks or projections about a person's mental acuity. It's telling.
How is that your argument for the electoral college? Those "as many people" have brains. If they live in Missouri, for example, and they are liberal, or live in California and are conservative, they're tempted to skip voting. Some of them do. We don't get an accurate consensus from eligible voters. How do candidates reach out? Rallys and interviews, debates and advertising. It reaches everyone the same now. It obviously didn't in 1804. Whether the candidate is lying or is genuine is up to the judgement of the voter. Why are you defending a 200 year old system in a society that is nothing like it was back then?

You stated the obvious. You really think telling us that a candidate wants to reach as many people as possible is news to anyone?

You can't seem to discuss or debate without personal attacks or projections about a person's mental acuity. It's telling.
Hi. Yes old things do not work. We must get rid of that very old thing THE WHEEL. because it just does not work anymore for us.
Hi. Yes old things do not work. We must get rid of that very old thing THE WHEEL. because it just does not work anymore for us.
Sarcasm used occasionally can be effective. When you use it almost every time it gets old. Can you fill me in on why you think the electoral college should still be used in today’s society?