Chris Moore has the first gen 3 turbo.

I wonder how many $100k bikes they're gonna have to sell to make a profit?
I could see them selling a dozen or so, turn key, maybe a few more.
If it's modeled after the one Moore Mafia is riding, it is nothing really has a stretch and a turbo....what would it cost a regular citizen to build? $50k or so including bike?
I can't see it reaching that high...that dollar figure must include the bike....and even that seems high.
Hype driven profit.
I don't think a name with as big of an audience has ever offered a new bike like this before.
For the guy who has everything.
Vs the guys who buy a bike, do some mods, buy a turbo kit, and do some of the work, and maybe have someone else do their engine, and then get it tuned.
Big difference in the total, as well as the up front cost, vs a build over a year or more.
I mean it’s 10k minimum just for the motec. This isn’t an RCC kit with a new plenum and some piping. it’s a built motor with a completely redesigned intake and fuel system built by a company that specializes in going as fast as good time possible regardless of the cost. The motec and a comparable kit from RCC with engine work would be pushing 25k or more. Let’s also not forget the $2k+ clutch and tons of other $500-2500 parts that we aren’t thinking about that are needed (injectors fuel pumps etc).

50 is easy to see. 75 may be a stretch but when another turbo drag bike builder says he would price it at 75+ if he were doing it i have to believe him more than the group of us forum guys with big league dreams.
I mean it’s 10k minimum just for the motec. This isn’t an RCC kit with a new plenum and some piping. it’s a built motor with a completely redesigned intake and fuel system built by a company that specializes in going as fast as good time possible regardless of the cost. The motec and a comparable kit from RCC with engine work would be pushing 25k or more. Let’s also not forget the $2k+ clutch and tons of other $500-2500 parts that we aren’t thinking about that are needed (injectors fuel pumps etc).

50 is easy to see. 75 may be a stretch but when another turbo drag bike builder says he would price it at 75+ if he were doing it i have to believe him more than the group of us forum guys with big league dreams.
Then I'd say @sixpack577 is on queue when saying sales of these will be very limited and out of reach for most people.

It is kind of fun to see how they are developing it regardless.....

Same as the "SuperBusa" which is an interesting build as well.
After watching a few minutes of a Big Country video(all I could stand)of putting new parts on a gsxr1k...and I didn't see a torque wrench anywhere.
A friend also showed me a video of him, and a seperate one with Brock, using a socket and hammer to 'install' ceramic wheel bearings. Yes, a hammer and socket, on bearings...$400 bearings at that.
I was shocked and disapointed.
These aren't the kind of people I want working on anything of mine, let alone a 6 figure bike.
It's one thing to hook it to a dyno...but don't dare put a wrench on it.
This also makes me question the give-away Busa won by a member here.
The bearings in the front BST failed at 7 miles. Was it just a bad bearing?
Entirely possible.
Or was it a bs install?
I am glad that aside from a dyno tune, no one touches my bikes, or my friends' bikes but me.
At least I know they are put together correctly, and if something goes wrong, I only have myself to blame.
After watching a few minutes of a Big Country video(all I could stand)of putting new parts on a gsxr1k...and I didn't see a torque wrench anywhere.
A friend also showed me a video of him, and a seperate one with Brock, using a socket and hammer to 'install' ceramic wheel bearings. Yes, a hammer and socket, on bearings...$400 bearings at that.
I was shocked and disapointed.
These aren't the kind of people I want working on anything of mine, let alone a 6 figure bike.
It's one thing to hook it to a dyno...but don't dare put a wrench on it.
This also makes me question the give-away Busa won by a member here.
The bearings in the front BST failed at 7 miles. Was it just a bad bearing?
Entirely possible.
Or was it a bs install?
I am glad that aside from a dyno tune, no one touches my bikes, or my friends' bikes but me.
At least I know they are put together correctly, and if something goes wrong, I only have myself to blame.
Definitely a BS install. Hes all a persona. He actually doesnt work at the dealership at all. As for the ceramic failure in the BST Wheel I believe BROCKS installs them. Brocks had a video of wheel bearing install not to long ago on youtube go check that out.
Definitely a BS install. Hes all a persona. He actually doesnt work at the dealership at all. As for the ceramic failure in the BST Wheel I believe BROCKS installs them. Brocks had a video of wheel bearing install not to long ago on youtube go check that out.

Yeah, if that's the Brock video I was talking about...I've lost all respect for that guy.
Where he says, "this is to show all you guys at home how to install wheel bearings with basic hand tools".
He then proceeds to hammer out the old bearings, fine, I've hammered out many...and they went right into the trash.
But those were brand new, and should've been pulled out and shelved.
Regardless, he then hammers the new ones in with a socket.
I've Always used a press, or threaded rod and washers to draw them in when need be.
I had a threaded bearing puller set years ago, but it walked off somewhere.
A member here posted a link to where he bought a cheap puller set and did his new wheel bearings. Thanks to him I ordered one...$45 shipped.
Like the guy who pays $400 for wheel bearings can't swing $45 more, and if you aren't capable of using it, fine...find someone who can.
Anyone who runs a bike business should know that you Never hammer on a wheel bearing to install it, and if you hammer it out, it's junk.
So, from Brock's video, he is one of 2 things, an idiot, or wants you to screw up bearings and buy more.
Not sorry, it is what it is.
Don't post this bs and you won't get called out on it.
Shameful is what it is.
From FB today. This is what the kit was designed for.

Yeah, if that's the Brock video I was talking about...I've lost all respect for that guy.
Where he says, "this is to show all you guys at home how to install wheel bearings with basic hand tools".
He then proceeds to hammer out the old bearings, fine, I've hammered out many...and they went right into the trash.
But those were brand new, and should've been pulled out and shelved.
Regardless, he then hammers the new ones in with a socket.
I've Always used a press, or threaded rod and washers to draw them in when need be.
I had a threaded bearing puller set years ago, but it walked off somewhere.
A member here posted a link to where he bought a cheap puller set and did his new wheel bearings. Thanks to him I ordered one...$45 shipped.
Like the guy who pays $400 for wheel bearings can't swing $45 more, and if you aren't capable of using it, fine...find someone who can.
Anyone who runs a bike business should know that you Never hammer on a wheel bearing to install it, and if you hammer it out, it's junk.
So, from Brock's video, he is one of 2 things, an idiot, or wants you to screw up bearings and buy more.
Not sorry, it is what it is.
Don't post this bs and you won't get called out on it.
Shameful is what it is.
The trick is to get a hammer with the same diameter as the bearing race.....LOL!

I've whacked bearings in on my garden tractor wagon but I certainly wouldn't be doing that on a set of BST (or similar) or even stock rims on a motorcycle.....
Methanol injected? So their horsepower claims are misleading at best.

To estimate HP you need to enter the BSFC of the fuel and with no intercooler and a mix of gas/methanol they are probably running it pig rich which would over estimate hp.

Sad to claim 600 hp and think people aren’t smart enough to know that’s not true.
I’m sure on e it’ll do 600.

But to shine, especially how it was intended to, it’ll need M1/M3. It’s what I’ve said since this thread started.