Chris Moore has the first gen 3 turbo.

Hell, I just worry about the guys safety. I get that drag racing puts a premium on lightweight leathers, but that tissue paper he's wearing would not do much for any kind of dismount over 150, and God help you if it's a high side.

I don't.
If you own a Lamborghini, among other things, and choose to wear thin leathers with little to no armor...that's on you.
I have more respect for the guy who says F it, puts his helmet on with a t-shirt and shorts, vs the guy with sub-par gear...or the jacket, gloves...and shorts.
No hate here either, I hope nobody goes down, ever, especially without gear.
But, if you keep pushing the envelope, and with traffic, unfortunately, eventually, bad things happen.
If you're spinning and wheelieing deep into triple digits too, what happens when you go down? Not to mention traffic ahead of you, or in oncoming lanes.
I really can't belive you can continue to run at the same place in 'mexico', in the day time, again and again, days in a row, with lots of trucks, trailers, bikes, and people lining the pull over spots.
You mean Nobody in those passing cars Ever calls the cops?
I'de be scared of them fining me and taking my bike...just for being in the crowd. I guess I've lost my edge, lol.
Again, no hate here, as I've done my share of stupid, and even still on rare occasion.
I just do it on empty roads...then get the heck out of there.
I hope they All stay safe.
And one of my favorite tuners only tunes on Motec. He builds custom top end professional wiring harnesses for all different types of builds from pro mod drag racing to Pikes Peak race cars. And tunes those cars.

Shane T

This is a really good video he put out about injection timing.
You are who your friends are… The more people treat Chris Moore like a God, the less I like him.

The speedometer takes the front wheel speed sensor as an input so it’s not jumping up like that based on the rear tire spinning. My guess is they just don’t have that part figured out yet.

Look at the mileage, it shows 000001 at the beginning and the end of the video. Seems to me like @smithabusa has the dash figured out before HTP! Kudos Greg.

I’m not interested in figuring out the stock dash and want a digital speedometer. That was a big driver for why I went with a Fueltech.

I’ve also downloaded the Motec software and prefer the Maxx MTune. If you’re wanting to keep it like a stock bike, having access to the results of Greg’s work makes the Maxx a no brainier to me.

I’m sure they will get the Motec to control the dash properly but I don’t feel the cost of Motec is worth the results.
Im setting the speedo to go off the rear wheel speed sensor, at least for skip as he is only using the rear at the moment, plus cooler to see it work on the dyno LOL

Yeah I have mileage figured out, maybe they do too, and just don't want it on LOL

Other issue too from what I've heard you can't get motec ECUs, guys waiting over a year for them
You are who your friends are… The more people treat Chris Moore like a God, the less I like him.

The speedometer takes the front wheel speed sensor as an input so it’s not jumping up like that based on the rear tire spinning. My guess is they just don’t have that part figured out yet.

Look at the mileage, it shows 000001 at the beginning and the end of the video. Seems to me like @smithabusa has the dash figured out before HTP! Kudos Greg.

I’m not interested in figuring out the stock dash and want a digital speedometer. That was a big driver for why I went with a Fueltech.

I’ve also downloaded the Motec software and prefer the Maxx MTune. If you’re wanting to keep it like a stock bike, having access to the results of Greg’s work makes the Maxx a no brainier to me.

I’m sure they will get the Motec to control the dash properly but I don’t feel the cost of Motec is worth the results.

I have nothing against CM.
Never met him, but my friends that have say he's a normal, down to earth guy.
And even tweaking previous dyno tunes on the bikes he dynos, him and his guys do make bikes awesome, as this '18 gsxr he did is incredible(for what it is).
But yeah, I've never been a bandwagon hype guy.
The more the crowd likes something, and the more popular it becomes, the more I back away.
As I've said, I'm just an aging hoon who likes to ride wheelies, drag a knee on occasion, and anymore, just creep the countryside and enjoy the scenery and the ride.
A little blast of acceleration once in a while, but nothing what it used to be.
All these huge hp bikes, 200mph+ speeds, not to mention huge amounts of money, is just incredible to me.
I'll stick to my original plan, stay out of sight, and try not to be heard or noticed.
The speedometer takes the front wheel speed sensor as an input so it’s not jumping up like that based on the rear tire spinning. My guess is they just don’t have that part figured out yet.
I think it's the first run where the speedometer just zooms from 100 to 150, but what I hadn't thought about is the front wheel lifting. He's in first at high revs at 80 mph, hits it, lifts the front wheel as he gets to 100 and shifts up to second gear. He keeps accelerating and when the front wheel drops back to the pavement the speedometer has to catch up. And in the rest of the runs the camera doesn't show the speedometer as well so it's not easy to compare. Maybe that's what happened.

Speaking of triple digits, I had a look at the superbusa web page (I guess that's what TTS is calling the Supercharged bike as opposed to the Hyperbusa) TTS SuperBusa and noticed that they seem to have greatly shrunk the side wings. Which only makes sense as that wing, to not create a ton of stupid drag, would have to be lined up very close to the level wind moving past the bike. What happens when the nose lifts? Those wings would suddenly grab tons of air and incline your very expensive new toy to flip backward. The Ghost Rider sure wouldn't want one, I wouldn't think...
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It’s running a Motec guys, the Speedo correction isn’t setup Would be nice if it was that quick but it’s just plain wrong. Makes good YouTube talk though..

YouTube comment. That makes much more sense. The gearing seemed super super tall even for a top speed bike...
Just for the record. I am using pump gas (98 RON, 93MON/RON AVE). 17 lb of boost. I map fuel on rpm/throttle angle (alpha n). I don't use the map sensor for anything other than cruise and idle, just like the factory. There is no use mapping against boost as boost is back pressure. For instance if I set the ride by wire throttle to not go over 30 deg I see 200 hp and 20lb of boost, but the air flow is only enough to give me 200hp. ( boost being measured after the throttle blade, closest to the engine). I have maps with throttle control per gear (it cant be called boost control because the boost is still there, but not the flow). Now ignition timing is pulled back a lot for pump gas, like around 12 deg at the top end (peak boost being at the rev limiter). I am also using the stock fuel pump,(but running 19 volts) the stock pfr (but squeezed up to give 5 bar). Stock primary injectors and stock secondary(decapped), Stock fuel rails. Tuned by me with Woolich software. This set up means under the tank isn't stuffed full with extra hardware and installation is extremely simple. The down side of this set up is that its not sensitive to atmospheric changes, that said power doesn't change a lot if it runs slightly richer which is likely to be the case from my base map. We have tested the intercooler with sensors at the air filter, supercharger inlet and at the head port and it runs surprisingly cool. With both fairing air ducts blasting through the intercooler and out the tank vents. I will post a log sometime.
The remit for building this bike was to 'Build the bike Suzuki should have'. I think we have achieved this. It is faster than an H2, an H2 tuned and an H2R, and we will prove it as soon as it can be arranged (believe me we are trying). A tuned H2R would be a close run thing, depending on gearing and overall weight. THE WHOLE BUILD IS DONE BY ME AND MY SMALL TEAM IN SILVERSTONE ENGLAND. Thanks for reading :)
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There is no use mapping against boost as boost is back pressure. For instance if I set the ride by wire throttle to not go over 30 deg I see 200 hp and 20lb of boost, but the air flow is only enough to give me 200hp. ( boost being measured after the throttle blade, closest to the engine). I have maps with throttle control per gear (it cant be called boost control because the boost is still there

If you are measuring the intake pressure below the TB blades and it is still measuring 20psi "boost" but doesn't have "flow" how exactly is the boost being created?

If the airflow is there to backup behind the big 1441cc hole that is opening up every 2 revs of the engine, why would it still have 20psi pressure behind it?

lol, yeah, not a fan.
I watched a few minutes of one of his videos, no thankyou, not for me.
And, with no disrepect to CM, BK regulary reffers to him as 'one of the greatest riders in the world'. Uh, of the greatest drag racers in the world(can't deny world records), but a 'rider' can do it all, left and right turns, and controlled wheelies.
Even Rossi admitted who the greatest riders are...Isle of Mann TT...
That's totally fair, I personally wouldn't consider him a great rider either, a great drag racer yes, but a great rider no, even a road racer needs to know how to launch a bike but also how to turn.
If you are measuring the intake pressure below the TB blades and it is still measuring 20psi "boost" but doesn't have "flow" how exactly is the boost being created?

If the airflow is there to backup behind the big 1441cc hole that is opening up every 2 revs of the engine, why would it still have 20psi pressure behind it?

The supercharger is still spinning and creating pressure. A turbo wouldn't be.
Just for the record. I am using pump gas (98 RON, 93MON/RON AVE). 17 lb of boost. I map fuel on rpm/throttle angle (alpha n). I don't use the map sensor for anything other than cruise and idle, just like the factory. There is no use mapping against boost as boost is back pressure. For instance if I set the ride by wire throttle to not go over 30 deg I see 200 hp and 20lb of boost, but the air flow is only enough to give me 200hp. ( boost being measured after the throttle blade, closest to the engine). I have maps with throttle control per gear (it cant be called boost control because the boost is still there, but not the flow). Now ignition timing is pulled back a lot for pump gas, like around 12 deg at the top end (peak boost being at the rev limiter). I am also using the stock fuel pump,(but running 19 volts) the stock pfr (but squeezed up to give 5 bar). Stock primary injectors and stock secondary(decapped), Stock fuel rails. Tuned by me with Woolich software. This set up means under the tank isn't stuffed full with extra hardware and installation is extremely simple. The down side of this set up is that its not sensitive to atmospheric changes, that said power doesn't change a lot if it runs slightly richer which is likely to be the case from my base map. We have tested the intercooler with sensors at the air filter, supercharger inlet and at the head port and it runs surprisingly cool. With both fairing air ducts blasting through the intercooler and out the tank vents. I will post a log sometime.
The remit for building this bike was to 'Build the bike Suzuki should have'. I think we have achieved this. It is faster than an H2, an H2 tuned and an H2R, and we will prove it as soon as it can be arranged (believe me we are trying). A tuned H2R would be a close run thing, depending on gearing and overall weight. THE WHOLE BUILD IS DONE BY ME AND MY SMALL TEAM IN SILVERSTONE ENGLAND. Thanks for reading :)
If at 17 psi the bike makes 382 bhp (around +200 bhp over stock) how is possible at 20 psi to see 200 hp?

You wrote somewhere that the bike makes 18 psi.
I don’t think those details will ever be posted. Most of the guy’s actual participating think there’s too many spectators there already. Honestly it’s probably time for a new spot. The sport bike crowd isn’t the only group to use the stretch of road.

We all know it’s not legal but blasting through the canyons or mountain roads isn’t either. I think people like the duo that make up max wrist/mad Maxy do more harm than the roll race guys for our community. At least the roll racers and drag racers for that matter shut down or use roads with very little traffic and certainly not doing it at peak traffic hours…. for the most part. It’s not a perfect scenario but let’s remember where it all started.
Also… for the record.. I do not condone nor oppose to this behavior I’m sure we’ve all twisted the throttle beyond legal limits at times.
I didn’t think it wise to be standing within 10 feet of a bike rolling 200 MPH, kinda surprised Chris and crew did it.