My last job in an airborne unit allowed me to spend lots of time on the operational side of acquisition. It was impossible to get manufacturers to understand that their profit was the least of the concerns of Soldiers that had to carry their items, especially batteries. Amazingly, batteries were always in high demand and never enough supply.It's crazy just how many batteries are used by the military these days...
The largest order on any adrep was batteries next to ammo....
It got so we were carrying pounds and pounds of batteries for flash lights, night vision, optics, GPS, radios, sensors, detonators and other devices.....and they all used a different battery......we tried hard to get more equipment suppliers to use a common battery to no avail....
I recall in the "day" during any winter operations or exercises, we'd carry our batteries in our jackets to keep them warm....we'd establish our net on our radio, then take the battery out and into our jackets until the next check in....
I sure don't miss that......