Glad you came back to the thread....EPA reportedly planning to announce significant limits on tailpipe emissions
EPA reportedly planning to announce significant limits on tailpipe emissions to boost electric vehicle adoption
Glad you came back to the thread....EPA reportedly planning to announce significant limits on tailpipe emissions
EPA reportedly planning to announce significant limits on tailpipe emissions to boost electric vehicle adoption
Texans froze too, same reason.Dopey Joe wants to make it to where 2/3 of the vehicles sold in this country are EV by 2032. The infrastructure and power grids cannot handle that, nowhere near it. Californians froze because their system was overloaded and couldn’t heat their homes. Now you’re gonna have everyone plugging in?
Sure. And their grid can handle 2/3 of their vehicles demanding more power.Texans froze too, same reason.
Because climate change isn't real, right?Sure. And their grid can handle 2/3 of their vehicles demanding more power.
People pushing this are not idiots, they are evil and making $$$$$ off this push.
Same thing up here....the power grids would need at least a $trillion worth of upgrades before the mainstream goes EV....Sure. And their grid can handle 2/3 of their vehicles demanding more power.
People pushing this are not idiots, they are evil and making $$$$$ off this push.
It's undeniable that the glaciers and sea ice are melting.Climate Change is a natural cycle of the planet.
According to Al Gore...we were all dead a dozen years ago.
Climate Change's supposed results, temperatures rising one half to two full degrees f, ice melting, and sea levels rising.
So it's a little hotter.
If it's 100 degrees, or 102...does anyone really notice?
Do people by majority have any idea just how many lost cities are under the ocean? ...Alot...and they didn't burn oil.
So the biggest threat is to people with beachfront property...I guess they better sell at the right time...
But, you miss the whole point, taxes and control from 'climate change'.
We will all be issued an annual individual carbon emmissions allowance.
Meaning, spend yours up, and either buy more...or have your accounts and ability to travel locked.
Don't belive it, look at China's 'zones' and traveling between them.
The pLandemic was a test for alot of things, including how the masses responded to it.
Think I'm full of it(of course, most do), but, do some digging.
Save the planet through misdirection and control...
I never said they weren't...It's undeniable that the glaciers and sea ice are melting.
They've been doing it for Eons. They uncover fossilized sea creatures hundreds of miles from the present ocean.I never said they weren't...
Mother nature has figured out how to recover and regenerate. She doesn't care much about how we feel about it.It is a known scientific fact that volcanic activity is the highest cause of CO2 elevations and this volcanic activity has increased quite a bit over the past century...
Because climate change isn't real, right?
It's undeniable that the glaciers and sea ice are melting.
So this brings a good point. Property on our coast. Banks by and large are very risk adverse. They pay a lot of smart people to make sure they don't lose $$. If global warming was such a scientific certainty that we have been hearing for years, why would they finance these properties? If I knew I was making a 15 year loan on a property that was going to be under actual water in 7. Along with all the others around it. Why would they be so stupid to make a mortgage on it? And further why would anyone buy mortgage securities from those banks? Isn't anyone smart enough to see how doomed they are?Climate Change is a natural cycle of the planet.
According to Al Gore...we were all dead a dozen years ago.
Climate Change's supposed results, temperatures rising one half to two full degrees f, ice melting, and sea levels rising.
So it's a little hotter.
If it's 100 degrees, or 102...does anyone really notice?
Do people by majority have any idea just how many lost cities are under the ocean? ...Alot...and they didn't burn oil.
So the biggest threat is to people with beachfront property...I guess they better sell at the right time...
But, you miss the whole point, taxes and control from 'climate change'.
We will all be issued an annual individual carbon emmissions allowance.
Meaning, spend yours up, and either buy more...or have your accounts and ability to travel locked.
Don't belive it, look at China's 'zones' and traveling between them.
The pLandemic was a test for alot of things, including how the masses responded to it.
Think I'm full of it(of course, most do), but, do some digging.
Save the planet through misdirection and control...
The people at Silicon Valley Bank, Silvergate Bank and Signature Bank, all American, unfortunately paid a lot of dumb people a lot of money.So this brings a good point. Property on our coast. Banks by and large are very risk adverse. They pay a lot of smart people to make sure they don't lose $$. If global warming was such a scientific certainty that we have been hearing for years, why would they finance these properties? If I knew I was making a 15 year loan on a property that was going to be under actual water in 7. Along with all the others around it. Why would they be so stupid to make a mortgage on it? And further why would anyone buy mortgage securities from those banks? Isn't anyone smart enough to see how doomed they are?
/sarcasm emoji
Hi. No they are correct we will all ɓe dead in????? Let me think !!!! AOC said what 10 or was it 12 years so that was 6 years ago. So it looks like we only 4 to 6 years.. OH NO. Kill all of the cows now. Turn off your gas stoves buy an electric car, stop hearing and cooling your house, sell all your bikes. I will buy then all $.03 on the dollar.So this brings a good point. Property on our coast. Banks by and large are very risk adverse. They pay a lot of smart people to make sure they don't lose $$. If global warming was such a scientific certainty that we have been hearing for years, why would they finance these properties? If I knew I was making a 15 year loan on a property that was going to be under actual water in 7. Along with all the others around it. Why would they be so stupid to make a mortgage on it? And further why would anyone buy mortgage securities from those banks? Isn't anyone smart enough to see how doomed they are?
/sarcasm emoji
None of it was mortgage backed. They were greedy an over leveraged themselves. They were venture capitalist banks. The majority of their account holders had millions on deposit. It wasn't your aunt and uncles retirement funds at risk. And Buffet is right, the worst is yet to come. I have a friend at WF. They are exposed heavy in the mortgage forbearances all coming to roost at the same time that the rental property mortgages are starting to be heard in foreclosure proceedings from the rents not coming in, that couldn't be acted on for a year plus in the pandemic.The people at Silicon Valley Bank, Silvergate Bank and Signature Bank, all American, unfortunately paid a lot of dumb people a lot of money.
Over the pond, the major group Credit Suisse had the same problem, all a few weeks ago.
They all failed and had to be bailed out.
Mr. Buffett thinks more is on the way.
LOL, nah, I don't blame him for this.It’s absolutely and most definitely Trumps fault! That dirty rat!
Greta said so right after she landed on a privately chartered plane…..
Oh come on, you know she sailed there...It’s absolutely and most definitely Trumps fault! That dirty rat!
Greta said so right after she landed on a privately chartered plane…..