EV vehicles

Meta title: Mr.

Meta description: 20

Still not sold on EV, I see the benefits...one will be to shut down all this noise pollution from loud exhausts which I would definitely welcome.....

All I know is the friend of mine with a Tesla S who has issues in the winter with real time ownership.....lots of these testing videos and writeups are sways to meet a planned agenda...

As for the fires, there have been many, many documented fires started from EV charging in garages, a home not far from where I live was razed to the ground from such a fire and the fire dept couldn't extinguish the fire in the garage where the battery was...

There are many Livewires catching fire as well.....

Go to Google and type in Tesla fires and the there are many sites....

Lots of spontaneous fires in this list...

I know ICE catch fire as well (more than EV does) but I've not heard about them like I do EV.....and it isn't an "anti-EV" thing either...

A gasoline car fire can be extinguished pretty easily, an EV fire isn't as easy...maybe that's the difference...
people harp about lithium mine dangers but dont talk about the BP Deep horizon oil spill or the Exxon Valdez oil spill for example. seem a bit hypocritical to mention the dangers of mining lithium but fail to look at how fossil fuel operations are responsible for some of the worst environmental disasters caused by humans.
people harp about lithium mine dangers but dont talk about the BP Deep horizon oil spill or the Exxon Valdez oil spill for example. seem a bit hypocritical to mention the dangers of mining lithium but fail to look at how fossil fuel operations are responsible for some of the worst environmental disasters caused by humans.
They both have equal environmental issues...I'm probably the hypocritical person you are referring to...I'll admit I am without reservations...I don't like these oil spills either.

Li is not a renewable resource either...nor are all the other precious metals or copper that goes into the fabrication of these batteries.

When we are forced to go EV, I wonder how that will all work out...

Will the power grids be able to handle this?

Will there be more coal fired power generation stations started up?

Once EVs become mainstream, will this open the door for governmental control of how and when we use our EVs? Companies can tap into an EV pretty easily to gather data on usage as they are in constant contact with the vehicle for downloads and such.
They both have equal environmental issues...I'm probably the hypocritical person you are referring to...I'll admit I am without reservations...I don't like these oil spills either.

Li is not a renewable resource either...nor are all the other precious metals or copper that goes into the fabrication of these batteries.

When we are forced to go EV, I wonder how that will all work out...

Will the power grids be able to handle this?

Will there be more coal fired power generation stations started up?

Once EVs become mainstream, will this open the door for governmental control of how and when we use our EVs? Companies can tap into an EV pretty easily to gather data on usage as they are in constant contact with the vehicle for downloads and such.
Our govt here requires people with EV's report road usage / kms travelled as they get taxed on the distance travelled based on x amount per km. They are doing this as they don't pay fuel tax for road maintenance.. But of course, they all kick up a stink and argue it's unfair..
I wonder how long it will be for the insurance companies to step in and have cars like the Tesla 3 performance and Plaid made so expensive to insure they disappear....?

....or to have restrictions put on EV to make them more compliant to speed regulations, kind of what the motorcycle industry did when governing our bikes...

I can't remember where I saw it but I read somewhere that there were experiments done where EV would self speed regulate in certain designated zones....I can really see this being a reality with all the AI tech on board these things...
Still not sold on EV, I see the benefits...one will be to shut down all this noise pollution from loud exhausts which I would definitely welcome.....

All I know is the friend of mine with a Tesla S who has issues in the winter with real time ownership.....lots of these testing videos and writeups are sways to meet a planned agenda...

As for the fires, there have been many, many documented fires started from EV charging in garages, a home not far from where I live was razed to the ground from such a fire and the fire dept couldn't extinguish the fire in the garage where the battery was...

There are many Livewires catching fire as well.....

Go to Google and type in Tesla fires and the there are many sites....

Lots of spontaneous fires in this list...

I know ICE catch fire as well (more than EV does) but I've not heard about them like I do EV.....and it isn't an "anti-EV" thing either...

A gasoline car fire can be extinguished pretty easily, an EV fire isn't as easy...maybe that's the difference...
Bee, anyone who does not know by now that you are totally negative about EV's probably do not spend a lot of time here on the board.

You have said it over and over and over, they burn, they don't work in cold weather, there is not enough copper in the whole world to sustain the wiring and electrical infrastructure to charge them, the electrical utility companies will push up their prices until they cost more than gas, there is not enough lithium on the planet, lithium mining is a major environmental problem, the coal and oil they burn to charge the batteries makes more CO2 than before, they can't sleep in a garage, in the future insurance companies won't insure them, all your friends have bad experiences with them, they are too expensive and the batteries don't last......

Let me know if I missed anything?
not that i like the restrictions but weren’t the restrictions in response to the motorcycle manufacturers pushing a factory top speed war? so rather than to get banded, the manufactures self imposed a top speed. if you recall the decade prior saw the ban of 3 wheel atvs bc the industry would not self regulate. not a unique concept for EVs.

governing top speed on cars is already happening to ICE cars so i don’t understand the worry about EVs. also the “boogieman” remotely controlling EV would also be old news as they can already do that with an ICE car. ever watched Onstar remotely stop ICE cars? new ICE cars use electric accelerators and electric transmission controls. all computerized. no mechanical throttle cable or transmission shift linkages.
Bee, anyone who does not know by now that you are totally negative about EV's probably do not spend a lot of time here on the board.

You have said it over and over and over, they burn, they don't work in cold weather, there is not enough copper in the whole world to sustain the wiring and electrical infrastructure to charge them, the electrical utility companies will push up their prices until they cost more than gas, there is not enough lithium on the planet, lithium mining is a major environmental problem, the coal and oil they burn to charge the batteries makes more CO2 than before, they can't sleep in a garage, in the future insurance companies won't insure them, all your friends have bad experiences with them, they are too expensive and the batteries don't last......

Let me know if I missed anything?
That pretty much sums it up for me...

I also said I realize their advantages but the infrastructure isn't ready for them yet....

I will hold onto my ICE vehicles until I absolutely HAVE to go EV.....
That pretty much sums it up for me...

I also said I realize their advantages but the infrastructure isn't ready for them yet....

I will hold onto my ICE vehicles until I absolutely HAVE to go EV.....
All you need is a Tesla Supercharger installed at your home and your good to go. They run on 480 volts and 300 amps and can charge your car in 15 min's. The only problem I see if your neighbors have they too and you all charge at the same time Pop Goes the Weasel LOL.
I’m over 100 miles from civilisation. There are no (that I know too) charging points out my way. I need a Ute (pick up) with a tray 0ver 2.5m long, loadable from the side, and a 500+ kilometre range.

Electric vehicle salesmen and supporters normally give me a miss, especially when the vehicles that don’t fit my needs are twice the price of a petrol one that does.

Australia is an odd vehicle market for EV’s. Not big enough to justify one tailored for us, not idea for those that suit other counties. We have a country the size of the US but with a much smaller population, 80% or more living very near the coast. A history of governments who look after the voters (on the coast) leading to a quite limited infrastructure in the very large less populated interior, bundled in with a government that still supports coal powered power stations, allows vehicles that don’t meet Euro-4/5 and have little motivation towards EV‘s other than wanting to tax them.

I don’t doubt EV’s will have some sort of future, but I really expect Australia but be a country that lags behind. Some of us Luddites here don’t mind that.
I’m over 100 miles from civilisation. There are no (that I know too) charging points out my way. I need a Ute (pick up) with a tray 0ver 2.5m long, loadable from the side, and a 500+ kilometre range.

Electric vehicle salesmen and supporters normally give me a miss, especially when the vehicles that don’t fit my needs are twice the price of a petrol one that does.

Australia is an odd vehicle market for EV’s. Not big enough to justify one tailored for us, not idea for those that suit other counties. We have a country the size of the US but with a much smaller population, 80% or more living very near the coast. A history of governments who look after the voters (on the coast) leading to a quite limited infrastructure in the very large less populated interior, bundled in with a government that still supports coal powered power stations, allows vehicles that don’t meet Euro-4/5 and have little motivation towards EV‘s other than wanting to tax them.

I don’t doubt EV’s will have some sort of future, but I really expect Australia but be a country that lags behind. Some of us Luddites here don’t mind that.
Nailed it
Agree, we just don't quite fit the 'regular' EV market.
You still have to wait in line at the public charging stations.
the car tells you how many charge bays are not in use before you get there. the fast charge station closest to me currently has 8 bays open so no line.

some EV owners don’t just factor being “green” but also cost of ownership. ive had an EV for 5 years and the only maintenance required has been 2 sets of tires. my avg cost is between $20-$40 a month for electricity to drive it as an everyday car. people cry about fast charge times but i only need them for road trips. however i’m saving time bc i don’t need normal ICE service. no engine/transmission oil changes, no fuel system service, no air filters, and brakes are barely used bc the cars regen does most of the braking.
it’s ok to dislike and to be bias against EVs. my gripe is people spreading “fake news” about EVs they don’t own or have no real experience with. i personally find it hilarious when someone tries to explain to me how EVs are worse or less than an ICE car but have little to no understanding how an ICE works.
This thread's funny.
Anyhow the biggest culprit is the Aviation industry... we still fill up with 100LL...yes low lead! We still use leaded fuel!! Aviation has lagged behind everything for a very long time. Continental and Lycoming still run on 100LL. Many engines can now run on dual fuels such as MOGAS.
Although some new Lyoming engines now run on diesel or Jet-A, but that doesn't make it much better.

It's naive for governments to think that 100LL fuels will be outlawed following a fuel switch program from as early as 2028.

Aircraft propulsion research has already proven that even with the latest battery chemistry and wizzbang motors, despite many attempts, cannot lift its weight in batteries and fly far enough with any useful load to be a commercially viable proposition.

Looks like aircraft will be guzzling fuels within turbines and ICE's for about another century because that's how long it will take in order to replace all the aircraft engines out there. And at the average cost of an aircraft engine, you won't be replacing them any time soon. Liquid fuels will be around for a very long time to come simply because of this industry alone.

This proves that EV is still a good idea, but isn't the solution to everything. And unless there is a technological breakthrough soon, fuel will still co-exist alongside Lithium - yet both will continue to equally poison us, so we're fu#ked either way we do it and I don't care :laugh::laugh::banana::drool:

I will enjoy my fuel guzzing Hayabusa with pride and my 9.2 gallon per hour Lycoming engine.
the car tells you how many charge bays are not in use before you get there. the fast charge station closest to me currently has 8 bays open so no line.

some EV owners don’t just factor being “green” but also cost of ownership. ive had an EV for 5 years and the only maintenance required has been 2 sets of tires. my avg cost is between $20-$40 a month for electricity to drive it as an everyday car. people cry about fast charge times but i only need them for road trips. however i’m saving time bc i don’t need normal ICE service. no engine/transmission oil changes, no fuel system service, no air filters, and brakes are barely used bc the cars regen does most of the braking.
it’s ok to dislike and to be bias against EVs. my gripe is people spreading “fake news” about EVs they don’t own or have no real experience with. i personally find it hilarious when someone tries to explain to me how EVs are worse or less than an ICE car but have little to no understanding how an ICE works.
Yeah, there are so many great things promised from alt-tech vehicles but haters focus on trying to prove they aren't green or aren't practical. I don't know anyone who owns one who hates it, and I never hear complaints about charging. Probably the thing I hear most is now I have to get my coffee somewhere else rather than the gas stop.

But few realize that electric vehicles promise amazing performance, durability, and a huge shot in the economy. As far as being green, if the power plants are the polluters that's an infinitely simpler issue to solve than millions of little CO2 generators running around every day. Maybe hydrogen is a better answer, or maybe not. The only thing that is 100% known is that the ICE engine is past its time.