EV vehicles

Meta title: Mr.

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EVs will never become the dominant market. It’s all a ruse to make the people pushing it rich. None of the leftists pushing this crap have ever been seen in an EV. Why is that? It’s because they don’t even believe what they are trying to force everyone else to do.

It will be interesting to see what will happen next year, as most republicans do not support the Biden EV measures. And I think, or at least hope the next president will be a Republican. :popcorn:

BTW, I am not Busaless like you, but mostly Rideless as the bike is parked most of the time. It means every time I have to do an oil change, once in four years I have forgotten how to remove the plastics. I hope your Youtube vids are still up.
Yep, seriously. Here is a bit of economics 101 for you.

The USA has a double foreign corporate taxation system, based on 21%, for Texas where there is no state tax.

Germany at 15.8%

So if Tesla makes $100 profit at Berlin Giga, they pay $15.80 to Germany and $5.20 to the US in corporate taxes.

And about the GDP, as well as global economics and what I know, suggests you are not the sharpest knife in the drawer.

And I am referring to Elon Musk

And further, if you did not know this, corporate profits are a part of our GDP, no matter where the money comes from as it includes SERVICES.

Even if what think you know was true, you leave out or don't want to know that TESLA pays no federal taxes.

I'll even link a libtard source to make it easier to follow along for you.


Funny how that works out.
Even if what think you know was true, you leave out or don't want to know that TESLA pays no federal taxes.

I'll even link a libtard source to make it easier to follow along for you.


Funny how that works out.
Sorry Tom, but cant find anything in your CNN (Communist News Network) link about that?

I am an investor doing quite a bit with Tesla Stock, so I follow their financial status pretty close.
Below are the actual numbers, March YTD over 1 Billion. Then Elon gets taxed personally and as most of his income is generated by Tesla his tax bill is several Billions. All his US based employees 130,000 of them pay taxes also. So Tesla does a lot for our economy, whether you like it or not.

Also, when the media informs us corporations pay no taxes, they lie and the uninformed believe them. Heavily politicized. I own a corporation and at the end of December, I can transfer all the profit I made into my personal account. Zero profit, zero taxes right. Unfortunately what follows is I pay more taxes on my personal income then, than what I would have paid if I left the money in the corporations bank accounts. The government gets their money one way or another and they spend it irresponsibly. The above said, unless you're Hunter Biden, then it does not matter.


It will be interesting to see what will happen next year, as most republicans do not support the Biden EV measures. And I think, or at least hope the next president will be a Republican. :popcorn:

BTW, I am not Busaless like you, but mostly Rideless as the bike is parked most of the time. It means every time I have to do an oil change, once in four years I have forgotten how to remove the plastics. I hope your Youtube vids are still up.
Vids are still up :)
Sorry Tom, but cant find anything in your CNN (Communist News Network) link about that?

I am an investor doing quite a bit with Tesla Stock, so I follow their financial status pretty close.
Below are the actual numbers, March YTD over 1 Billion. Then Elon gets taxed personally and as most of his income is generated by Tesla his tax bill is several Billions. All his US based employees 130,000 of them pay taxes also. So Tesla does a lot for our economy, whether you like it or not.

Also, when the media informs us corporations pay no taxes, they lie and the uninformed believe them. Heavily politicized. I own a corporation and at the end of December, I can transfer all the profit I made into my personal account. Zero profit, zero taxes right. Unfortunately what follows is I pay more taxes on my personal income then, than what I would have paid if I left the money in the corporations bank accounts. The government gets their money one way or another and they spend it irresponsibly. The above said, unless you're Hunter Biden, then it does not matter.

Not sure why the link came up different. So this one is correct.

I can site right leaning sources that reflect the same if you prefer. I actually thought you were a libtard so I wanted you to relate. My apologies for that. I think it was your rabid support for carbon neutrality and your reference to the African American usage that threw me. As far as I knew that was reserved for ethnically black. I know several white S. Africans. None ever used that identifier. They just wanted everyone to know they weren't Australians. So good luck gaining traction there.

I followed Tesla stock when I owned it. Elon is a genius in a few ways. He cooked the short sellers. That isn't easy. That was the sole reason I owned it. Not because of the fundamentals. TESLA is overvalued as a stock. It is not worth more than GM or Toyota or Honda. Certainly not in multiples. I wish you luck if you hold it.

Elon has a cult following. He probably made a bucket load of Crypto millionaires as well with that Chytcoin he would mention. He certainly made some young millionaires that bought TESLA when it was double digits.

I never claimed to be the sharpest tool in the shed. I know blunt edges when I see them.
Not sure why the link came up different. So this one is correct.

I can site right leaning sources that reflect the same if you prefer. I actually thought you were a libtard so I wanted you to relate. My apologies for that. I think it was your rabid support for carbon neutrality and your reference to the African American usage that threw me. As far as I knew that was reserved for ethnically black. I know several white S. Africans. None ever used that identifier. They just wanted everyone to know they weren't Australians. So good luck gaining traction there.

I followed Tesla stock when I owned it. Elon is a genius in a few ways. He cooked the short sellers. That isn't easy. That was the sole reason I owned it. Not because of the fundamentals. TESLA is overvalued as a stock. It is not worth more than GM or Toyota or Honda. Certainly not in multiples. I wish you luck if you hold it.

Elon has a cult following. He probably made a bucket load of Crypto millionaires as well with that Chytcoin he would mention. He certainly made some young millionaires that bought TESLA when it was double digits.

I never claimed to be the sharpest tool in the shed. I know blunt edges when I see them.
You are correct Tom, Tesla is grossly over evaluated in terms of its market capitalization. But fundamentals don’t really drive stock prices when institutional ownership is low, as in Tesla’s case. There is no sense in how the stock moves, only technical analysis and sometimes we get it right, sometimes we don’t.
why are people still associating EVs with “leftist?” many of the auto manufacturers of the world including american manufacturers are going full/mostly EV by the end of the decade. if big business favors right winger ideology to lower taxes on them, then why would they be focusing on building “leftist” EVs? i find it hard to believe that all the auto makers are leftist and that’s why they are going full EV.

right wingers keep talking about how we need to drill for more oil, build more pipe lines, more fracking, etc bc using more petroleum is “better.” at the same time, they argue how EV uses more fossil fuels than cars that run on fossil fuels... so why wouldn’t the right just buy more EVs that uses more fossil fuels because it’s better to use more petroleum instead of being so against them?
why are people still associating EVs with “leftist?” many of the auto manufacturers of the world including american manufacturers are going full/mostly EV by the end of the decade. if big business favors right winger ideology to lower taxes on them, then why would they be focusing on building “leftist” EVs? i find it hard to believe that all the auto makers are leftist and that’s why they are going full EV.

right wingers keep talking about how we need to drill for more oil, build more pipe lines, more fracking, etc bc using more petroleum is “better.” at the same time, they argue how EV uses more fossil fuels than cars that run on fossil fuels... so why wouldn’t the right just buy more EVs that uses more fossil fuels because it’s better to use more petroleum instead of being so against them?
Because Biden is pushing hard to have 50% of vehicle sales EV or hybrid by 2030. Republicans believe that is unrealistic and the public should be free to make their own choices.
Hmm the numbers he used are speculative and pretty obviously used to express his opinion. Bee have you driven an EV? I drove my friend’s Chevy Bolt and also took a short road test on an electric scooter. I admit I was impressed. I say admit because I spent 45 years in the automotive industry specifically driveability issues with internal combustion engines. I love the science behind it. Also I can't think of a better sound than than the V4 in my Tuono at high RPM. That said, EVs are well worth considering and for now, enjoying as a cool alternative. I really don’t understand the hesitancy which I suspect is political.
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Hmm the numbers he used are speculative and pretty obviously used to express his opinion. Bee have you driven an EV? I drove my friend’s Chevy Bolt and also took a short road test on an electric scooter. I admit I was impressed. I say admit because I spent 45 years in the automotive industry specifically driveability issues with internal combustion engines. I love the science behind it. That said, EVs are well worth considering and for now, enjoying as an alternative. I really don’t understand the hesitancy which I suspect is political.
Nothing political whatsoever...I don't swing that way...

In all reality for the driving I do an EV makes sense...one issue that keeps coming into my head is the battery....if it is anything like other Li batteries I've used, they hold their charge less and less over time and even sitting makes them lose their charge...

But what I've been harping on for all this time is an EV is not carbon neutral nor is it the "messiah" to climate change. Fossil fuels are needed to build and transport them and in many cases charge them....the more there are to charge, the more fossil fuel is burnt.

What the person said in the video makes perfect sense....it will take decades upon decades to make EV mainstream...perhaps by then the electrical infrastructure will be able to handle the load although I highly doubt it will....

Then we fall to the next big issue of what is out there burning fossil fuels...aircraft and ships all put out far more hydrocarbons than anything else yet there is nothing done to either curb their use or make them more green.....if governments were really serious about climate change, they'd be shutting down cruise lines and other such means of transport which would greatly reduce fossil fuel use....

What about getting involved with countries who's air pollution is so great that there are days when it looks like a fog has rolled in....we have all these other organizations-what about a climate change organization (with teeth) to bring governments and countries into a better place to really make a difference....
I understand all that but I'm talking about experiencing the immediate torque of an EV. It's really quite cool and I would love to take a Tesla Plaid for a spin. To not consider or appreciate that is why I said I don't understand the hesitancy. I would think anybody on this forum would appreciate acceleration and g force.
I'm not saying your reasons are political but pretty sure a lot of people lean the way they lean because it fits their partisan agenda.
I found my new EV it runs on Hay ! Sorry Guys couldn't resist.

why are people still associating EVs with “leftist?” many of the auto manufacturers of the world including american manufacturers are going full/mostly EV by the end of the decade. if big business favors right winger ideology to lower taxes on them, then why would they be focusing on building “leftist” EVs? i find it hard to believe that all the auto makers are leftist and that’s why they are going full EV.

right wingers keep talking about how we need to drill for more oil, build more pipe lines, more fracking, etc bc using more petroleum is “better.” at the same time, they argue how EV uses more fossil fuels than cars that run on fossil fuels... so why wouldn’t the right just buy more EVs that uses more fossil fuels because it’s better to use more petroleum instead of being so against them?
When you have a sitting president that states he is going to make fossil fuel obsolete. And starts throwing $$ at the EV tech, every monkey on the tree is going to feed off it.

And when Biden holds an EV summit and doesn't invite the largest EV maker to it, because he isn't Union, you can figure it out. EV is quickly becoming the easiest money grab going. It doesn't have to work, it just needs govt $ to work.
Nothing political whatsoever...I don't swing that way...

In all reality for the driving I do an EV makes sense...one issue that keeps coming into my head is the battery....if it is anything like other Li batteries I've used, they hold their charge less and less over time and even sitting makes them lose their charge...

But what I've been harping on for all this time is an EV is not carbon neutral nor is it the "messiah" to climate change. Fossil fuels are needed to build and transport them and in many cases charge them....the more there are to charge, the more fossil fuel is burnt.

What the person said in the video makes perfect sense....it will take decades upon decades to make EV mainstream...perhaps by then the electrical infrastructure will be able to handle the load although I highly doubt it will....

Then we fall to the next big issue of what is out there burning fossil fuels...aircraft and ships all put out far more hydrocarbons than anything else yet there is nothing done to either curb their use or make them more green.....if governments were really serious about climate change, they'd be shutting down cruise lines and other such means of transport which would greatly reduce fossil fuel use....

What about getting involved with countries who's air pollution is so great that there are days when it looks like a fog has rolled in....we have all these other organizations-what about a climate change organization (with teeth) to bring governments and countries into a better place to really make a difference....
The last part is why Trump pulled us out of that agreement. It essentially, once again, made America the primary financial resource to "aide" the poor nations into being cleaner participants.

Go woke.....and go broke.

Related are the recent major progress in solid state batteries. These are the type breakthroughs we need to make EVs more viable. Lithium will be obsoleted quickly.

And sort of related. I got my first touchy feely of a Lucid Air last week. I got an invite to do an eval of one they would make available for us.
It's unfortunate that I think Lucid won't withstand the economics. Because they make a Tesla look like a Yugo in terms of quality. I'd own one of those everyday of the week over a Tesla.
The first EV was built by William Morrison around 1890 in Des Moines Iowa.

First ICE car built 1885, by Gottlieb Daimler

Average life of a car is around 12 years or 200,000 miles.
Toyota Camry warranty is 5 years, 60,000 miles for powertrain.

Average life of an EV battery is between 10 - 20 years, or 300,000 miles.
Warranty 100,000 miles or 8 years.

Dealer costs to replace a Toyota Camry engine +- $11,000

Tesla costs to replace a Tesla model Y battery between $10,500 to $12,500.

Miles per gallon on a Camry average 35 mpg

Tesla model Y equivalent costs to driver charging battery 90% at home and 10% charging stations, approximately 122 miles per gallon.

Personally, my guess is next year EV sales are going to struggle a bit, new president and economy.