GUN CONTROL........ hahaha

I am trying real hard to understand where you are coming from, I really am, but I'm unable to rationally understand.

I wonder how the British felt against a few little old rifles held by American Patriots? Its not the US military coming against us. The military I know wouldn't do that. Its the little chips away at our rights and our freedoms that will get us. Death by a thousand cuts. I don't understand how someone who served in the military is against protecting your rights. It is mind boggling to me.

Why do you think police want a rifle? If the handguns they carry are dangerous, why do the police want Ar-15's? Superior firepower maybe? Best tool for the job? Why would I want to stop a home invasion with a pistol when I could have a rifle? And its not that we are just pulling facts out of the air. FBI CRIME STATS. Google them. 400 people a year killed with all manner of rifles VS over 10000 with handguns. Facts. Not emotion.
"The duty of a true patriot is to protect his country from its government"
Thomas Paine

Our founders new what a government was capable of. Like I've said before if handguns are more deadlier and kill more than why do you need your rifles? Seems to me you just want them, not need them. Oh and being in the military gave me a very up close point of view of what I'm talking about, I served to protect your rights and mine and my family's foremost. That means in my opinion they are useless killing tools because that's what we used them for in the first place. If they wernt that great at killing people why was I and every other service member given one?
My whole point is only police and military should carry them, if a cop bust open a drug house how nice it would be if they didnt get mowed down in seconds. And also this BS about them bot being automatic, are you kidding me? Everyone who owns a rifle on this board knows just how easy it is to make an AK fully automatic. Hell I could build you a suppressor for it in my shop right now. No harm in a easily modified fully automatic quiet as hell rifle, just ask the people in Las Vegas.
I feel like I’m banging my head against the wall.

I’m not saying any individual pistol is deadlier than a rifle. I’m saying that the FACT is more people are killed by handguns than rifles. FACT! Far more.

There are over 15 million plus AR-15 rifles in circulation. 15 million. If the rifle was the problem you let the media lead you to believe, wouldn’t there be more than 400 murders a year with them?
Every cop I know that has been shot has been hit by a handgun. I only know of one person shot locally with a rifle and it was an illegal rifle by a Latin King.

Think about what you said.

1)The 2nd Amendment was to protect the people from the government.

2)Only the police and military should have those rifles.

See any problem with those two statements? Anyone?
I believe this thread is getting mired in the mud...

America has had a history of gun ownership from it's very beginning and will continue to have this regardless of what individuals may think. You know gun ownership is important when it is incorporated into the constitution of a country.

What kind of weapon is a moot point, rifle, pistol, semi-auto, full auto, bolt, lever, pump, whatever-they all have the ability to take one life-which is one too many IMO.

The bad guys can get pretty much any weapon they desire regardless of what the government does to limit the ability of the legal, responsible gun owner to own them.

We in Canada have strict gun controls placed upon us yet there are shootings all the time by bad guys with guns obtained illegally, the black market is alive and well in both countries.

Education is the key-train the people to be responsible and knowledgeable gun owners and some of the problems will be lessened.

You will never be able to keep the guns out of the hands of those who wish to do harm.
A gun is a tool. The danger is in the person who holds it Arch..
You are not being honest. So there is no point in debating this issue. You need a license and insurance to drive a car because it is dangerous. You can get a gun with nothing. Most people who experience a mental break down haven't had mental issues before, just seems to happen. So there is no way to keep guns from crazy people. No way to keep them from irrational people. How about if you buy a gun, you're responsible when someone gets shot by it? If you loan it to a friend, lose it, your kid finds it. You own it you do time if someone gets hurt.

BTW: The difference between a rifle and a handgun is the zone of contact. Handguns are for closer contact, rifles longer away. So it is much more difficult to say a rifle is a defensive weapon.
I believe this thread is getting mired in the mud...
As is so often the case on these 'hot button' issues. People get so entrenched in either a belief or an ideology that they can't see the flaws in their arguments. This isn't aimed at a particular person, or even a side of this debate. It takes a thinking man to consider the merits of an opposing argument, and too often we simply react. I've been engaged in an interesting earnest discussion with a member about this topic via PM, and while we differ on some key points, we are in agreement on many.
I think the bottom line is that most of the regular people in this country want a safer, less violent place. We just disagree on how best to achieve it. Discussion and debate are absolutely necessary, compromise is the only way to govern a diverse population. We all lose when we let politicians and business interests control the narrative.
You are not being honest. So there is no point in debating this issue. You need a license and insurance to drive a car because it is dangerous. You can get a gun with nothing. Most people who experience a mental break down haven't had mental issues before, just seems to happen. So there is no way to keep guns from crazy people. No way to keep them from irrational people. How about if you buy a gun, you're responsible when someone gets shot by it? If you loan it to a friend, lose it, your kid finds it. You own it you do time if someone gets hurt.

BTW: The difference between a rifle and a handgun is the zone of contact. Handguns are for closer contact, rifles longer away. So it is much more difficult to say a rifle is a defensive weapon.

I don't know where anyone can(legally)get a gun with "nothing",federal background checks have been in effect in every state that I know for a long time.Illinois(for one)has had it for around 50 years(F.O.I. card),necessary to buy even ammo,nevertheless a firearm.Here in Commiefornia "if" you pass a background check there's a 10 day waiting period before you can take possession and no more than one firearm at a time.Then there's the bullshit of never being able to own a firearm because of any past felony conviction(busted for possession/sales of a couple pounds of weed 30 years ago,dishonorable discharge from the military,etc.,etc.,etc.?)even if no firearm was ever used in any so called "felony" offense.
I don't know where anyone can(legally)get a gun with "nothing",federal background checks have been in effect in every state that I know for a long time.Illinois(for one)has had it for around 50 years(F.O.I. card),necessary to buy even ammo,nevertheless a firearm.Here in Commiefornia "if" you pass a background check there's a 10 day waiting period before you can take possession and no more than one firearm at a time.Then there's the bullshit of never being able to own a firearm because of any past felony conviction(busted for possession/sales of a couple pounds of weed 30 years ago,dishonorable discharge from the military,etc.,etc.,etc.?)even if no firearm was ever used in any so called "felony" offense.

Move from Cali. Here in Arizona we welcome guns. Have very low taxes and real estate is still relatively cheap. Come on in
I'd be back in a heartbeat bro,lived in Mesa from '91-'95 plus one of my best buds(Chris Phipps,built my turbo bike)has been in Phoenix for the last few years.Have to wait for mama's ex father-in-law to go belly up,mean old bastid of 94 but she still looks out for him every week and said as soon as he gives up the ghost we're outa here.:super:
I'd be back in a heartbeat bro,lived in Mesa from '91-'95 plus one of my best buds(Chris Phipps,built my turbo bike)has been in Phoenix for the last few years.Have to wait for mama's ex father-in-law to go belly up,mean old bastid of 94 but she still looks out for him every week and said as soon as he gives up the ghost we're outa here.:super:

Consider Va too, great riding, climate, and cost of living here.
Ok, ok, this guy has been making way too much sense lately!
What have you done with the real Dan you bastid?:poke:
lol... I think im getting used to debates with decent citizens.... because at work(in which I spend most my time).... ALLLLL I have to do to win an argument is argue my point LOUDLY enough... its alllll about volume (one really doesn't need to make much sense at all.)
Consider Va too, great riding, climate, and cost of living here.

Biggest problem is getting mama too away from her daughter and two young grandsons(9 and 11),they're just 40 miles down the road in Fallbrook and sees them weekly(plus her mom and 2 sisters are within 50 miles).Her daughter's ready to go too though and is an RN so can pretty much go anywhere(which would be where we decided to go),am trying to coax them all towards AZ as we're about 4 hours from the state line.:super:Had the best 5 years of my life in AZ with the tattoo shop,2 H-D's,about a dozen girlfriends,and an 8-ball in every pocket.:laugh:
lol... I think im getting used to debates with decent citizens.... because at work(in which I spend most my time).... ALLLLL I have to do to win an argument is argue my point LOUDLY enough... its alllll about volume (one really doesn't need to make much sense at all.)
That's great Dan, you're getting 'normalised' slowly but surely . . .
all those years of everyday spent in the company of scumbags can not be good for you!
I know a few Corrections Officers here in NZ, and they are great guys, but I must say the scumbags they babysit are a few levels of hardness below yours any day.
I don't know where anyone can(legally)get a gun with "nothing",federal background checks have been in effect in every state that I know for a long time.Illinois(for one)has had it for around 50 years(F.O.I. card),necessary to buy even ammo,nevertheless a firearm.Here in Commiefornia "if" you pass a background check there's a 10 day waiting period before you can take possession and no more than one firearm at a time.Then there's the bullshit of never being able to own a firearm because of any past felony conviction(busted for possession/sales of a couple pounds of weed 30 years ago,dishonorable discharge from the military,etc.,etc.,etc.?)even if no firearm was ever used in any so called "felony" offense.
Background checks do not test your ability to operate a gun safely, driver's test whether or not you can drive and know the rules. Most of the safety stuff is left up to individuals. That's what I was saying.