GUN CONTROL........ hahaha

Now I'm fired up (no pun intended).... For those folks that are tired of all of the death and sadness let's see if you really want to do something about it.... Let's go where statistically the numbers are at.....

Are you just as willing to get rid of alcohol OR at least support mandatory jail sentences for any DUI with a fatality accident? Do the math, tell me which is more dangerous! As a society we have demonized guns and rationalized DUI because we all know people that have driven drunk.

I've picked up my share of dead kids on the road, I've knock on too many doors at 4am to tell someone's mom that their baby was dead as they were driving to work and hit by a drunk...

2017 Alcohol-Impaired Driving Fatality Data National
Total Alcohol-Impaired Driving Fatalities 10,874
Percent of Alcohol-Impaired Driving Fatalities of Total Fatalities 29.3
Under 21 Alcohol-Impaired Driving Fatalities 1,064
Percent of Under 21 Alcohol-Impaired Driving Fatalities of Total Under 21 Fatalities 24.0

2017 Arrest Data
Under 18: Driving under the influence 5,135
Total: Driving under the influence 1,017,808
Well I get your point Capt. but I don't think one wrong can be justified by another. I am absolutely for banning alcohol, I don't drink and I've had 3 friends killed on their bikes by drunk drivers. I myself narrowly dodged a truck driven by a drunk, sustaining a lot of bruises and a broken shoulder. I am a gun owner, and I don't have any real wisdom to share on this. I just don't want to get caught with a knife if a gun fight breaks out.
How is a motorcycle compared to a rifle? I cant kill 30 people on my Hayabusa. I have never and never will compare a one person motorcycle to a 30 round magazine. This discussion was about gun control. If I was given the option to give up my bike for a moped for less deaths due to gun violence then I would.

I would beg to differ, ride that 540lbs bike at 100 mph into a crowd and see what happens... How far will inertia and momentum carry the old girl, just a slow in comparison very large bullet. How much room would a guy need to hit that speed?
Well I get your point Capt. but I don't think one wrong can be justified by another. I am absolutely for banning alcohol, I don't drink and I've had 3 friends killed on their bikes by drunk drivers. I myself narrowly dodged a truck driven by a drunk, sustaining a lot of bruises and a broken shoulder. I am a gun owner, and I don't have any real wisdom to share on this. I just don't want to get caught with a knife if a gun fight breaks out.

My point is simply that one person's convictions can only go so far.. if we are talking about saving lives then let's start with the easy stuff first that isn't a constitutional right. If we want to collectively talk about getting serious because we care about people and lives then let's practice together our solidarity where there is no questions or debate about the number of deaths caused by alcohol or drugs. When we are able to get those issues down to a reasonable number then folks can start talking about coming after the guns and changing the constitution.
Thank you for your service.
Service is just that, I couldnt/wouldn't do it
I would beg to differ, ride that 540lbs bike at 100 mph into a crowd and see what happens... How far will inertia and momentum carry the old girl, just a slow in comparison very large bullet. How much room would a guy need to hit that speed?
Your really comparing a bike at 100mph into a crowd vs a semi rifle? I can guarantee a bike might get 8 people or so, a well armed rifle is no comparison. Only see history for an example.
Some good discussion, and some genuine concern for fellow humans. Interesting to see law enforcement and military personnel perspectives, and the variety within those groups. Some pm conversations have been enlightening as well, keep up the good discussion. Nice to see cap involved as well.
Let’s not forget, rifles kill less people a year than hands, feet, clubs, hammers, etc. Why are we discussing rifles when handguns are the killers? Why no talk about banning hammers? And before anyone says it, rifles especially the most common rifle in use today have purposes other than killing. They are not designed solely for the offensive killing of humans. If that is the reason then why do the police have them? To just kill?
My point is simply that one person's convictions can only go so far.. if we are talking about saving lives then let's start with the easy stuff first that isn't a constitutional right. If we want to collectively talk about getting serious because we care about people and lives then let's practice together our solidarity where there is no questions or debate about the number of deaths caused by alcohol or drugs. When we are able to get those issues down to a reasonable number then folks can start talking about coming after the guns and changing the constitution.
Agreed, but I don't think most are talking about saving lives. I think the big difference here is that drunk driving deaths are inherently random, while some gun violence has a terror element to it. I think this raises the priority of it in many people's minds (right or wrong). What is happening in this country in terms of gun ownership is essentially an arms race, and that has never ended well historically.
It really all boils down to, the Dems and their buddies, want to take all guns away from everyone no matter who you are. The problem with that is, you will never get them away from criminals, you will never get them away from law abiding citizen, so in essance you will have made law abiding citizens criminals now. Once the "criminals" out number you dems and all the politicians we will have anarchy on our hands. Look south. You really want that? You want teh government for the people to become your slave master? Power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely!
How quickly can you drop a magazine and put in another??
Pretty quick.
Ever seen speed shooters?
Ever seen speed shooters...with a revolver?
They are Fast.
And anyone who truly wants to become efficient at anything, almost always does.
So magazine capacity becomes almost irrelevant in an active shooter situation.
You want a real "deadly weapon"?
Just grab that old 30. o6 huntin rifle.
In a hallway(you know, inside, where most cowards shoot unarmed people), with say, 7 rounds, semi-auto.
One round is going to go through multiple people. An AR's knockdown has nothing on that.
These pos shooters are buying guns that look like the ones they are so awesome using in the video games they play.
And buying the guns that they've seen other pos shooters use.
It's the cool factor for them.

Gotta love 'ol Jerry.:super:
Many people lobby against "assault rifles" because it makes them feel like they are doing something good. It makes them feel like they can make a difference. They are wrong but that fact doesn't occur to them because they are blind to their bias.

To use schools as an example, if we really want to make them safer then we need to make them a hard target instead of a soft target. Controlled points of entry with armed guards and metal detectors as a start.

When you broaden the conversation to all violent crime with guns the answers get much harder and more complicated. They need to be implemented at a local level by local people because every location is different. This is hard work that takes time and effort. It's much easier to make a sigh and yell some slogans with like minded people. (feel good rather than do good)
Are you dumb as hell? I know the difference because I was in the military. I know the difference between a 3 round burst and a AR15. It isn't that hard to explain at all, a weapon that was designed to kill people should not be allowed. No one takes a AR hunting, because in 26 years hunting I have yet to see one in the field. That's because it isn't hunting when you can pull the trigger over and over and over and kill everything in the wake. I also never said I was taking YOUR weapons away, that's more of your FOX news obviously.

First, I replied to your post before I read the rest of the thread, so I see where you explained yourself better - and yes there are plenty of people that don't know the difference. Second, guess what, I wore the uniform too - for 26 years - so why did you call a AR an Assault Rifle? Then you should also understand better than the regular citizen why the 2A exists and why we both took a blood oath to support it...
Hey man I get it, but how many children and innocent people have to die with a weapon that was only designed for human killing before we say enough is enough. Everyone on this thread knows if they had a magazine with 30 rounds in a SEMI automatic AR15 could take down at least 25 people in a hallway. I know this because I was trained to pull the trigger and it has gotten to easy with today's semi rifles. Go into a hallway with a .283 single shot and see if you can hit that number of a semi rifle, impossible! As for criminals having more rights than me, vote out your congressman and senators and get people who actually help the people, not themselves.

I don't want to sound cruel, but do you want to calculate the above body count vs. the body count IF the citizenry is disarmed? There's plenty of history out there should you care to read about it...some of it even going on right now...

"with great power comes great responsibility"
It's just my belief, I never said I wanted too or would take their weapons away, I just dont think they belong in civilian life.

How else you gonna get them out of civilian life other than taking them away? You say you wouldn't PERSONALLY do it, but you sure sound willing to let someone else do it for you...Californistan is already doing it, sending police out to confiscate weapons without due process.

On another post: Non-lethal rounds: If you are in my house, then you are a danger to me and my family. Non-lethal is like in the movies when you shoot the bad guy, then turn your back on him before you are sure he's out of the action..sorry, when it comes to the bad guy or my daughter I'm not taking any chances.
Let’s not forget, rifles kill less people a year than hands, feet, clubs, hammers, etc. Why are we discussing rifles when handguns are the killers? Why no talk about banning hammers? And before anyone says it, rifles especially the most common rifle in use today have purposes other than killing. They are not designed solely for the offensive killing of humans. If that is the reason then why do the police have them? To just kill?

I'll tell you why - and you already know the answer - because people are being manipulated with emotion into voluntarily giving up their MOST important right - to defend themselves from criminals and/or an overreaching government or foreign invader..the 2A protects ALL the others...Most people can't see the big picture - only what is in front of their noses.
I don't want to sound cruel, but do you want to calculate the above body count vs. the body count IF the citizenry is disarmed? There's plenty of history out there should you care to read about it...some of it even going on right now...

"with great power comes great responsibility"
Chicago comes to mind....
First, I replied to your post before I read the rest of the thread, so I see where you explained yourself better - and yes there are plenty of people that don't know the difference. Second, guess what, I wore the uniform too - for 26 years - so why did you call a AR an Assault Rifle? Then you should also understand better than the regular citizen why the 2A exists and why we both took a blood oath to support it...
I wasnt getting into what I know about guns, I was talking about gun control, and what certain weapons shouldn't be allowed. I did take an oath, an oath to protect my country and our citizens from our country, which is what the 2nd ammendment is about. The 2nd ammendment wasnt about burglars, it was about protecting yourself against tyranny from our government. I am all for protection but if the US military comes into town I highly doubt my little old rifle will do sqaut. So why do we have people killers just hanging out in our house? Everyone here has stated a hand gun is just as dangerous, if it is then why do we need semi rifles with 30 round mags?
I could(but Never would) do as much damage(if not more) with 2, 9mm handguns with 16 round magazines as 1 AR with 30 rounds(in an active shooter situation, indoors or busy sidewalks surrounded by buildings, not long distance).
As well as conceal them easier.
Sniper shootings are extremely rare, as most active shooters aren't that skilled, so the whole scary AR arguement is just more smoke and mirrors.