GUN CONTROL........ hahaha

We have non lethal rounds in our firearms for home protection. Which makes our regular firearms, non lethal weapons.

There are multiple types non lethal rounds to choose from, in multiple calibers.

For more information, click here.

We don't use any force unless necessary. We consider our weapons deadly at all times, even when loaded with non lethal rounds.

We think preserving a life is worth the added cost of using non lethal rounds for home protection.

It has been very disheartening reading this thread. Taking a life should never be contemplated easily.

The lack of humanity and compassion, shown sickens me.

I feel ashamed and embarrassed to call myself a member; with the loss of respect and civility shown to others.

This thread should have strengthened our bonds, enriched our lives from thoughtful and insightful discussion.

We should stride to be the logical and moral leaders of our families and communities. What has taken place is disgraceful.
Well said and great info. I'd like to think its just forum talk. Hot heads just flapping their gums. :lol:
5-7 rounds in a semi-auto hunting shotgun, vs 30 in an AR, and the results are horrendous with either. And chances are, if you had to choose which crime scene to look'de pick the AR.
Do you see where this is going??

Shot guns do serious damage at close range.

While in a green suit, I fired a Remington ACS and it was had a 100 rd drum mag and would go to a full auto selection...
Hey man I get it, but how many children and innocent people have to die with a weapon that was only designed for human killing before we say enough is enough. Everyone on this thread knows if they had a magazine with 30 rounds in a SEMI automatic AR15 could take down at least 25 people in a hallway. I know this because I was trained to pull the trigger and it has gotten to easy with today's semi rifles. Go into a hallway with a .283 single shot and see if you can hit that number of a semi rifle, impossible! As for criminals having more rights than me, vote out your congressman and senators and get people who actually help the people, not themselves.

Are you saying that you are going to give up your Hayabusa for a moped? After all a 50cc motor will get you there safely too right. How dangerous is 1300 CC pushing 540 lbs down the hwy at 70mph right?

Now I'm fired up (no pun intended).... For those folks that are tired of all of the death and sadness let's see if you really want to do something about it.... Let's go where statistically the numbers are at.....

Are you just as willing to get rid of alcohol OR at least support mandatory jail sentences for any DUI with a fatality accident? Do the math, tell me which is more dangerous! As a society we have demonized guns and rationalized DUI because we all know people that have driven drunk.

I've picked up my share of dead kids on the road, I've knock on too many doors at 4am to tell someone's mom that their baby was dead as they were driving to work and hit by a drunk...

2017 Alcohol-Impaired Driving Fatality Data National
Total Alcohol-Impaired Driving Fatalities 10,874
Percent of Alcohol-Impaired Driving Fatalities of Total Fatalities 29.3
Under 21 Alcohol-Impaired Driving Fatalities 1,064
Percent of Under 21 Alcohol-Impaired Driving Fatalities of Total Under 21 Fatalities 24.0

2017 Arrest Data

Under 18: Driving under the influence 5,135
Total: Driving under the influence 1,017,808
Now I'm fired up (no pun intended).... For those folks that are tired of all of the death and sadness let's see if you really want to do something about it.... Let's go where statistically the numbers are at.....

Are you just as willing to get rid of alcohol OR at least support mandatory jail sentences for any DUI with a fatality accident? Do the math, tell me which is more dangerous! As a society we have demonized guns and rationalized DUI because we all know people that have driven drunk.

I've picked up my share of dead kids on the road, I've knock on too many doors at 4am to tell someone's mom that their baby was dead as they were driving to work and hit by a drunk...

2017 Alcohol-Impaired Driving Fatality Data National
Total Alcohol-Impaired Driving Fatalities 10,874
Percent of Alcohol-Impaired Driving Fatalities of Total Fatalities 29.3
Under 21 Alcohol-Impaired Driving Fatalities 1,064
Percent of Under 21 Alcohol-Impaired Driving Fatalities of Total Under 21 Fatalities 24.0

2017 Arrest Data
Under 18: Driving under the influence 5,135
Total: Driving under the influence 1,017,808
hey capt…. while ure here.... when is the next status update on the "state of the org"...… still good?
Are you dumb as hell? I know the difference because I was in the military. I know the difference between a 3 round burst and a AR15. It isn't that hard to explain at all, a weapon that was designed to kill people should not be allowed. No one takes a AR hunting, because in 26 years hunting I have yet to see one in the field. That's because it isn't hunting when you can pull the trigger over and over and over and kill everything in the wake. I also never said I was taking YOUR weapons away, that's more of your FOX news obviously.
I can tell you that I’m very uneducated when it comes to firearm categories, but my coworkers that hunt, tend to carry an AR with one of those red dot scopes or whatever is called, so just because you haven’t seen it, doesn’t mean people don’t use them for different purposes as they please. As for designed to kill people, aren’t they all designed to kill people? I mean, for you and I, trucks are designed to carry things, yet some crazy guy in NY decided one would be a great weapon to run people over and kill them. Where I grew up, import of new handguns was banned and permits became almost impossible to obtain and crime and murders are at an all time high, because crooks know most are disarmed now and the police department is a joke. I don't own the firearms being discussed, but always have been intrigued about the whole “these ones are for killing people, but these other ones are not”.
Are you saying that you are going to give up your Hayabusa for a moped? After all a 50cc motor will get you there safely too right. How dangerous is 1300 CC pushing 540 lbs down the hwy at 70mph right?

How is a motorcycle compared to a rifle? I cant kill 30 people on my Hayabusa. I have never and never will compare a one person motorcycle to a 30 round magazine. This discussion was about gun control. If I was given the option to give up my bike for a moped for less deaths due to gun violence then I would.
How is a motorcycle compared to a rifle? I cant kill 30 people on my Hayabusa. I have never and never will compare a one person motorcycle to a 30 round magazine. This discussion was about gun control. If I was given the option to give up my bike for a moped for less deaths due to gun violence then I would.
the point is that if u give up or ban assault rifles due to them being used exclusively by mass shooters then u are commiting the fallacy of the false cause.... again.... the weapon has nothing to do with the crook being SICK.... again if u ban them... NEXT IS explosives and grenades to accomplish mass carnage.. its called THE FALLACY OF THE FALSE CAUSE
How quickly can you drop a magazine and put in another??
Pretty quick.
Ever seen speed shooters?
Ever seen speed shooters...with a revolver?
They are Fast.
And anyone who truly wants to become efficient at anything, almost always does.
So magazine capacity becomes almost irrelevant in an active shooter situation.
You want a real "deadly weapon"?
Just grab that old 30. o6 huntin rifle.
In a hallway(you know, inside, where most cowards shoot unarmed people), with say, 7 rounds, semi-auto.
One round is going to go through multiple people. An AR's knockdown has nothing on that.
These pos shooters are buying guns that look like the ones they are so awesome using in the video games they play.
And buying the guns that they've seen other pos shooters use.
It's the cool factor for them.
the point is that if u give up or ban assault rifles due to them being used exclusively by mass shooters then u are commiting the fallacy of the false cause.... again.... the weapon has nothing to do with the crook being SICK.... again if u ban them... NEXT IS explosives and grenades to accomplish mass carnage.. its called THE FALLACY OF THE FALSE CAUSE
How is a motorcycle compared to a rifle? I cant kill 30 people on my Hayabusa. I have never and never will compare a one person motorcycle to a 30 round magazine. This discussion was about gun control. If I was given the option to give up my bike for a moped for less deaths due to gun violence then I would.
I don’t understand how you think. Not sure if it’s the way I was raised or the environment I grew up in. It’s not because I watch CNN. You are passionate about it have you been impacted by gun violence personally? I hear the one life argument.
Example…. "every time I go to sleep... the sun goes down"
"Every time a mass shooting occurs.... an ar is used"
Every time the sun goes down most people are planning on sleeping... BUT the sun going down doesn't CAUSE sleep...…..
Most mass shooters use assault rifles.... BUTTTTTTT.... the rifle has nothing to do with a criminal being sick.
I don’t understand how you think. Not sure if it’s the way I was raised or the environment I grew up in. It’s not because I watch CNN. You are passionate about it have you been impacted by gun violence personally? I hear the one life argument.
I am only passionate about what I think what I could do with that weapon as opposed to a criminal. I hunt all year long, was in the military, and understand I nor does anyone need that weapon. It's just my belief, I never said I wanted too or would take their weapons away, I just dont think they belong in civilian life.
I am only passionate about what I think what I could do with that weapon as opposed to a criminal. I hunt all year long, was in the military, and understand I nor does anyone need that weapon. It's just my belief, I never said I wanted too or would take their weapons away, I just dont think they belong in civilian life.
ok... just please don't let lawmakers BAN them... its a slippery slope and they don't stop there.
Lol. The old magazine issue is brought up. I can change a ten round mag in less than a second.

I also am able to draw from a protection holster and fire first round on target in .87 of a second. Timed and repeated. All it takes is practice. Criminals practice too.

If you are relying on less than lethal rounds for protection I pray you never need them. If you do, you may be killed. Everyone has a plan until it happens. You won’t be able to think, breathe, or do any small movements. You won’t see straight. Fine motor movement is gone. Your adrenaline will dump and you’ll be shaking. When rounds start flying you won’t be thinking about keeping the perp alive. You’ll be screaming and yelling and begging for it to stop. I pray that never happens to you.

This is a very heated topic for all. Most are severely uneducated on facts and base their thinking on emotion or what they see on the news. I’m unable to do that and will gladly debate facts on guns and or crime with anyone. Let’s keep it on topic and not personal. Jerks. Lol jk
Lol. The old magazine issue is brought up. I can change a ten round mag in less than a second.

I also am able to draw from a protection holster and fire first round on target in .87 of a second. Timed and repeated. All it takes is practice. Criminals practice too.

If you are relying on less than lethal rounds for protection I pray you never need them. If you do, you may be killed. Everyone has a plan until it happens. You won’t be able to think, breathe, or do any small movements. You won’t see straight. Fine motor movement is gone. Your adrenaline will dump and you’ll be shaking. When rounds start flying you won’t be thinking about keeping the perp alive. You’ll be screaming and yelling and begging for it to stop. I pray that never happens to you.

This is a very heated topic for all. Most are severely uneducated on facts and base their thinking on emotion or what they see on the news. I’m unable to do that and will gladly debate facts on guns and or crime with anyone. Let’s keep it on topic and not personal. Jerks. Lol jk
hey greg…. do they have u guys doing jumping jacks and pushups before u actually shoot and qualify also? its supposed to simulate real world conditions with an active shooter? after a lot of jumping jacks and pushups ones hands are shaky...… THEN we shoot
Yes. We run too. Lots of moving drills. Driving a car and firing from a car. I also do a lot on my own. Seated positions, laying on back and firing. Lots of things that could happen in the real world that most people take for granted when shooting. It won’t be pretty. It won’t go as planned and if it can go wrong it will. So have to be ready for that. Or at least plan on it.
We have non lethal rounds in our firearms for home protection. Which makes our regular firearms, non lethal weapons.

There are multiple types non lethal rounds to choose from, in multiple calibers.

For more information, click here.

We don't use any force unless necessary. We consider our weapons deadly at all times, even when loaded with non lethal rounds.

We think preserving a life is worth the added cost of using non lethal rounds for home protection.

It has been very disheartening reading this thread. Taking a life should never be contemplated easily.

The lack of humanity and compassion, shown sickens me.

I feel ashamed and embarrassed to call myself a member; with the loss of respect and civility shown to others.

This thread should have strengthened our bonds, enriched our lives from thoughtful and insightful discussion.

We should stride to be the logical and moral leaders of our families and communities. What has taken place is disgraceful.
non-lethal rounds, interesting never heard about that. Thanks for that heads up I will study the issue.