GUN CONTROL........ hahaha

I have a solution to all the gun violence that will make everyone happy. Chill out and smoke weed! Seriously keep your guns, keep your assault rifles, heck buy more. but smoke weed everyday and chill the f*&# out! Im thinking of getting my carry permit just to protect myself from all you angry gun owners.
Lol. I got that John Blaze Sh!t for you........Just kidding, I have Glaucoma......
YIKES! this thread took an unexpected turn.....too bad because there was decent conversations going on until it went south and escalated to threats......

Don't know where @captain went to watch over us....
Out of a 3in barrel. I would guess after 15 yards would be non lethal. But the spread would prob hit every part of the body. And have a lot of lead to pick out of their skin.

I'm no gun expert, but at 45', birdshot is easily still lethal, I wouldn't wanna find out.
I know that my Stoger 12 gage coachgun(18" barrel, and yes, alot more hp) with birdshot, at 50', still had less than a 7" spread. As I accidentally put 2 holes in my friends 1" plywood backstop(I thought it would just pepper the board with a wide spread from the short barrel at that range, nope).
Regardless, I know or act as if ever round/load from Any caliber is lethal:beerchug:
Maybe it's being in Texas my whole life but I hate the fact you can carry one out in the open as well as you please. I dont like that I know several people who carry a fully loaded AR 15 in the back of the truck for "protection". Shootings are getting worse and the means by which a bullet is effortlessly released 30 times in under 10 seconds is to the point stupid. I hunt, and dont need a assault rifle. I protect my family from every threat and still dont need an assault rifle. Unless your on THE battlefield you cant convince me you need one too.

Can you PLEASE stop calling a semi-automatic civilian model AR15 an assault rifle? Jeez why is this so hard to explain?
I dont think so, that's just Republicans scaring you. No one ever said they were taking everyone's guns away, just ones intended solely for taking human life. I can name alot of weapons that shouldn't be allowed by anyone to own. Shotguns have and always will be used for birds of close quarters. Pistols will always be for personal protection. ARs and AKs will and will always be for killing people, period.

Wrong. You might want to go search youtube where liberal politicians talk about what their real final goal is....100% confiscation. Nope, if you don't want one, don't have one. If you want mine, just come on over and try to take it...
I'm no gun expert, but at 45', birdshot is easily still lethal, I wouldn't wanna find out.
I know that my Stoger 12 gage coachgun(18" barrel, and yes, alot more hp) with birdshot, at 50', still had less than a 7" spread. As I accidentally put 2 holes in my friends 1" plywood backstop(I thought it would just pepper the board with a wide spread from the short barrel at that range, nope).
Regardless, I know or act as if ever round/load from Any caliber is lethal:beerchug:
When I first started pheasant hunting i had a single shot 4-10. With 6 shot you couldn’t drop a bird past 25 yards.
Easy guys, I will lock this thread down if we cant get along. I love a good debate but personal attacks are not allowed.

Back on topic: be careful with the shotgun defense, some juries have found this to be cruel in the line of defense because of the damage they cause.
Can you PLEASE stop calling a semi-automatic civilian model AR15 an assault rifle? Jeez why is this so hard to explain?

Oh I don't know, maybe because the manufacturer does all they can to make it look like an assault weapon? Or maybe because unless your home is being invaded by an army it's only real purpose is assault? Just a couple guesses on my part of course. I have a weapon, but I'll be honest I got it because there are so many crazy, angry at nothing people out there these days.

It was better when we used to fight like men, so you could learn from your mistakes and become a better person - not a corpse. Of course to fight like a man there has to be a man in you, which is a bit more difficult than just loading a weapon and posing.