GUN CONTROL........ hahaha

Humans are complicated. The communities, cities, states and countries we've created are also complex.

Our communities are connected, locally and globality.

For me, this is where the conversations matters most, in our communities.

Three scenarios:

1. You hear a sound in your home. You arm yourself and set out to investigate the sound. You round a corner bump into a human figure. Do you fire ?

2. Your family and yourself are sitting in the family room, talking and enjoying time with one another. Your front door crashes open, followed by 3 unarmed people. You brandish the firearm hidden under your sofa. Do you fire ?

3. At a party you are hosting, you hear screams for help. You run to help and find your close friend physically assaulting your family member. You engaged verbally and physically without progress to stop the assault. You unholster your concealed firearm. Do you fire ?

These scenarios have one purpose, to have you consider the value of human life. Your life and the life of someone else.

We own lethal and non lethal firearms. We keep non lethal firemans in our home. Any "threat" to our family can be stopped, without using deadly force. These non lethal weapons have various capabilities, just as our lethal weapons have various capabilities.

Our lethal firearms are for their intended purpose, " ... the security of a free State ..." Many here in the US forget or misunderstand the 2nd Amendment of the US Constitution and Bill Of Rights. This amendments allows citizens to arm themselves and organize to protect their freedom. It's not to shoot a burglar or intruder.

We protect our family and belonging 3 ways:

1. insurance, life and home owners
2. non lethal weapon
3. participating in our community; voting and community events

Life is something most of us value, protect yours and others. It is not necessary to use lethal weapons to protect life and belonging. It does require thought and preparation.

Thiefs, burglars and intruders can be held accountable for their actions in the judicial system. Use non lethal weapons to ensure they are alive for that process.

Relive your family and yourself the worry from taking another life or being sued in court.

Think first, then act. Plan your work and work your plan.

We can value life and protect our lives.
Well said. It's a complicated set of decisions that even the most highly trained people sometimes get wrong, and the process needs to happen instantly.
Well said. It's a complicated set of decisions that even the most highly trained people sometimes get wrong, and the process needs to happen instantly.
knowing how to clear a room effectively is paramount,,,, ure gun always goes in first.... pepper spray for unarmed combatants,,, three hollowtips to the armed perps head assuming he doesn't have hostages already
bean bag shotgun.... lol... problem with this thinking is that the bad guys usually have weapons... LETHAL ones... lol... so ure nonlethal gun may get u killed..… lol.... too many college thinkers in here
What about the Taurus Judge loaded with 3 rounds of bird shot and 2 rounds of colt .45? The bird shot wouldn't kill an intruder but probably make him cry like a lil bitch.
knowing how to clear a room effectively is paramount,,,, ure gun always goes in first.... pepper spray for unarmed combatants,,, three hollowtips to the armed perps head assuming he doesn't have hostages already
You have no idea what you'd do in that situation. Probably pi$$ yourself and beg for mercy like most other cowards who talk tough. I'd bet good money you've never, ever been confronted with that decision. Know how I can tell? Because you're constantly trying to tell the world what you'd do. Anybody who has had to make that split second decision to die or take life recognizes the gravity of the situation, and how it changes your life.
Even at a distance with the spread? Forgive im not a gun enthusiast.
You have no idea what you'd do in that situation. Probably pi$$ yourself and beg for mercy like most other cowards who talk tough. I'd bet good money you've never, ever been confronted with that decision. Know how I can tell? Because you're constantly trying to tell the world what you'd do. Anybody who has had to make that split second decision to die or take life recognizes the gravity of the situation, and how it changes your life.
no cowards here college boy.... I deal with the worst of the worst EVERY DAY.... for 12 years...… call me a coward again........ ive come home from work and had an ex inmate standing on my front stoop...…. with his hands in his pockets..... so what do I do???? what would u do?
ive also had inmates hang themselves..... but yes..... I am a coward.....]ill show u how much of a coward I am.,
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Yes sir...dead
if not, severe injury and bleeding
It is no joke.
The spread is not much within handgun range either. The .410 will put a larger hole in you than the .45, and do more or similiar damage, depending on which ammo.
I would much rather be shot with the 45.
Out of a 3in barrel. I would guess after 15 yards would be non lethal. But the spread would prob hit every part of the body. And have a lot of lead to pick out of their skin.
You're funny. Sooooo tough. Keep talking tubby, maybe someone will believe your stories.
my stories? how disrerspectful are u... I just laugh at u.... 6'8...… means nothing to me..... ask around at any NY prison..... DURANT..... see what that name gets u
this is Janet
want her facebook so u can verify with her?> calling a person a lair and a coward is a bad idea.