I should point out that I HAVE cut down an inmate that was trying to hang himself... saved his life...… I got a commendation for it....... (but no bonus)... jk…QUOTE]
What did you cut him down with and what was it doing in the cell?
I should point out that I HAVE cut down an inmate that was trying to hang himself... saved his life...… I got a commendation for it....... (but no bonus)... jk…QUOTE]
What did you cut him down with and what was it doing in the cell?
How quickly can you drop a magazine and put in another??
Pretty quick.
Ever seen speed shooters?
Ever seen speed shooters...with a revolver?
They are Fast.
And anyone who truly wants to become efficient at anything, almost always does.
So magazine capacity becomes almost irrelevant in an active shooter situation.
You want a real "deadly weapon"?
Just grab that old 30. o6 huntin rifle.
In a hallway(you know, inside, where most cowards shoot unarmed people), with say, 7 rounds, semi-auto.
One round is going to go through multiple people. An AR's knockdown has nothing on that.
These pos shooters are buying guns that look like the ones they are so awesome using in the video games they play.
And buying the guns that they've seen other pos shooters use.
It's the cool factor for them.
I have been following this thread, biting my tongue and keeping quiet.
But to say that guns do not need to be tightly regulated is hard to understand based on the current statistics.
They are regulated, albeit with very poor enforcement, but they are also highly over prescribed. Along with most other drugs.How about we regulate the mental health and medications that people are on.. I think that we can all agree with that since as long as I can remember these shootings have been acted on by people that were diagnosed with mental illness or they are taking heavy medications for symptoms of mental illness...
Can we all agree to start there?
Something you never hear in the mainstream media is how many innocent lives are saved by law abiding people using guns against home invaders, rapists, car jackers, mass shooters, and other crazy people. Even people that used guns to save police officers that were being attacked.
I follow a few progun sites and I hear these stories pretty much daily. If the bad guys know the good people do not own guns there is no deterrent for them breaking in your house or robbing you on the street. Why do you think most mass shootings are on gun free zones...
Most are verifiable. A lot of local newspapers and a lot if video proof. You can research each incident to verify if you have the time. Also a gun ban would create a large black market for guns. Criminals would have them and law abiding people would become criminals because they don't want to be without one.Frankly, I don't think progun sites are a reliable source of statistics. I think many of these incidents go unreported, and when they result in a shooting they may actually be counted negatively as a private citizen shooting. I would be very interested in a scientific study on the effectiveness of a gun as a means of personal safety. But given bad shoots, accidental discharges and suicides, I don't think guns are going to fare well.
I also don't buy the criminals will have guns argument. Right now it's crazy how easy it is for a punk to get a gun. There are always going to be really bad, connected people but removing the flood of guns in the general population will reduce gun violence significantly.
Of course all of these rationalizations are a smoke screen. I think people are arming themselves for the end of the world (figuratively speaking) and nothing is going to stop them.
Most are verifiable .
A lot of local newspapers
and a lot if video proof .
You can research each incident
to verify if you have the time .
Also a gun ban would create
a large black market for guns .
Criminals would have them
and law abiding people would
become criminals because they
do not want to be without one .
I don't follow. The "flood" of guns (which is hundreds of millions of guns owned by law abiding people), would appear to be the ones NOT contributing to gun violence.I also don't buy the criminals will have guns argument. Right now it's crazy how easy it is for a punk to get a gun. There are always going to be really bad, connected people but removing the flood of guns in the general population will reduce gun violence significantly.
Who said anything about race? Rich black people get away with stuff also.
Hi. alt123. No I was stabbed in my hand on my first mission we got shot down and shot up real good 3 wonded another bird came down but not enough room for me I was almost over run. My 60 was out my 45 had i round left for me. A g--k was out too but was charging with knife. He was a fast rice perpealed b---- . I had only my hands he is not with his family anymore. A gunship passed over with 2.5 rockets,pushed the rest back. An slick landed pick me up. I was awarded a purple hart and a bronze star with a V. My 2 of 56 medals I was awarded. It was a very long story.
Maybe a hit dog hollering? Lol!Well...you kinda implied it...
"Only poor people and minorities pay for crime, both as perps and victims. Everyone else gets off. "
I think Redbull is playing the carbon fiber card today!
I didn't know that...he needs to tell them to quit blocking conservative video'sThere must be a sale on.
You know he works for Youtube now, right