Its time to vent about my marriage...


Rick Rollin'
Alright so I figure I would get a broad opinion from my fellow Orgsters because there seem to be some level headed people on here that i respect and want to get opinions from and everyone else's is appreciated also.

So me and my wife have been married since November. We started dating in 08 when i came home from leave for the first time after boot camp. Yes i know I can already see people :duh: wondering what I am thinking because we were never really close to each other or living together, I am ready for that bashing. She is in college at Florida State University which is why she does not live here with me. Everything has been fine for the most part with your normal little arguments and the troubles you could expect with long distance. Since the first of the year things have gotten exponentially worse to where we are fighting and she is mad at me most days of the week. Saying I dont pay attention to her and i dont this and i dont that. We have, since about July of 09 when we found video chat, lol, video chat everyday when i get home from work til bed and on weekends when i am in my room. Granted there are times where I dont talk and read a lot of stuff on the Org cause frankly I am tired from being at work and just dont feel like talking and she gets mad and reems me for it. And you know how it is, once she is mad about one thing is branches out into the craziest things you can think of. And she tends to get very nasty verbally with me. I have never said a mean word to her face, not even called her stupid mind you, because that just how my mother brought me up. I do not curse around my mother which is not something she really taught me, thats just a value i developed myself. My mom curses around me but i abstain from it but i have slipped sometimes (not cursing at her). I save myself to vent to my buddies and i take out the stress when i play video games or work on the busa :thumbsup:
Anyways back on subject. Yes so she gets real mean and says all kinds of things, Not that I am a little girl but you know when the love of your life puts you down its hurtful no matter who you are. Then when we make up its like complete opposite back to normal but its like an up down up down up down thing constantly. And lately I have just grown tired of it to the point where I almost want to end it completely. I have been excusing her from it because of her school work. Her school load is ridiculous as she is a biology major. And it seemed to me when i think about it her frustration first starts which school work then drifts to me and it doesnt seem I can stop it at all cause she just lets loose :laugh:. No self control whatsoever. Almost seems like shes still an immature brat that hasnt learned to be courteous. Since i have known her (2006), she has not been this way and when she doesnt get in her moods she is still that same old amazing loving girl i fell in love with. but when shes mad shes a wholeeee different person :laugh: Then tries to tell me I am the selfish one and its all about me... Then when i try to tell her thats not it at all she goes into that rant about "oh i am just a terrible person then". I dont know. Anyway I am just getting tired of it and she has nearly 2 more years of college remaining and I just dont think I can take it. It was fine for the longest time and just when the littlest things stress her she just goes into terrible moods. It is finally starting to get to me i think after a few months of it. I used to have to deal with the moods maybe once a month or so but not its every other day or days at a time.
Right now we are on a hardly talking basis just because she said she doesnt want me to talk to her. This started last night when she called me upset about her school load again having a exam today, an oral tomorrow, an exam friday, and a couple other things friday and monday. So i was just listening to her talk telling her i loved her and that and then she gets mad cause she says i dont care and all that and dont reassure her its going to be okay but when i used to reassure her all the time she would get mad at me... so not to avoid that I dont say it but she still gets mad :laugh:

Truth be told I could not handle that load without wanting to go up a wall which is why up until now I have been so understanding.

When i sit and think about it I just imagine being in person and taking this crap when the smallest things stress her.

Our religious beliefs dont match up which is bad to start with. Shes not anti religion but she doesnt want anything to do with it... I know bad choice but you cant help who you fall in love with.

The main problem I have with it is how she completely disrespects me without remorse and without thinking before she speaks. Her mom and sister has asked me many times how i deal with her and if I am going to be able to live with her forever and her sister asked me again yesterday and i couldn't even answer this time...

Live and learn I guess. So let the opinions fly, good and bad, I dont care. I put my thick skin on and opened my ears
Im 22 and I need the wisdom of the more experienced people :laugh:
Ask questions and I can elaborate and go more in depth on some things. Im now really shy about it cause I want to fix it most of all rather that be to end it or just wait it out til shes out of college but Im just afraid it may be the same and its much easier to end it now then wait it out...

Yeah kind of lame to post it online but like i said I want opinions. I know this kind of makes me look like I am just a wuss who cant take it but the mere fact is its been going on for a while and since I am so good to her I just cant see why i deserve to be treated like s**t so much for the dumbest reasons. I just gave generalized things but trust me for me to get to this points its pretty serious. Made me want to punch a wall many a times. Young and stupid? Perhaps I am :laugh:

About to just make the Busa the only love of my life :laugh:

End blabbering.
Sounds like she is taking on too much at school...have her lighten the work load some. You need to be more understanding and spend more time with her. Where do you live and can you relocate to be with her?
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Sounds like she needs a face to face good ole fashion date!!! She is stressed, you are stressed. Take a weekend and do something special.
dude- i dont know what to say- thats a bad situation. put it this way- if it were me i dont think i would take that crap...
what i would suggest is to take off to where she is one weekend and sit her down- screw the schoolwork for a minute- and have a serious talk about whats going on between you two- depending on her reaction and reception (open/not open) to the subject i can see two outcomes:
1) its something that will help ya'll grow together, or
2) its a lost cause- get out while your still young and able to...

i say sit her down so that you can look in her eyes and be more personal- there is so much more that goes into communicating besides words and stuff- things that just don't work on a 'video chat'- like subtle body language, pheremones and such that have to be first hand in order to effectively work.
with that said- trust in your god and know that whatever happens is supposed to happen- just do what you're supposed to do and everything will work out just as it is supposed to.
i wish you the best of luck, bro, and i hope that this gets resolved in a healthy way for all concerned.
Well.....whew I had to take notes to formulate my response :)

First....I lost interest when you said she's going to FSU.
A Gator or a Vol ok but FSU , throw her out !

Ok ok I'm kidding....

Most marriages that fail fail in the first five years. This is the toughest time.
So grin and bear it. She's up set due to school load , your upset with your work and stuff but it doesnt seem like either of you are really pissed at each other ?
You know how when your angry at a person but that person isn't around and you start to vent on somebody else even though it's not their fault? That's what y'all are in right now. Angry at the world , work and why's and venting on the only one listening , your significant other.
You said that when she isn't mad she is still the same woman you fell in love with well buddy row guess what ? Even when she's mad at you she's still the same person.
You were man enough to look her in the eyes and before God take vows and make promises. Remind her of this one thing.....


You both said it now do it :poke:

Two more years in a 20 something persons life is nothing.
Patience is a virtue and true love is rare. Young folks like to fight so put her fire out by agreeing with her. Let me ask you something. How many times have you said 'Im sorry , you're right' to her even when you knew she was wrong ?

Ruck Up soldier it ain't nothing but a thing
Just a small test the Lord is giving y'all to see if your worth eternal happiness and salvation.

You think this is bad , wait till you have kids ! :rofl:
Ps.....I can find you a nice Chinese woman who will cost you less and be just as good?
Her name is Chazzo :)
Well.....whew I had to take notes to formulate my response :)

First....I lost interest when you said she's going to FSU.
A Gator or a Vol ok but FSU , throw her out !

Ok ok I'm kidding....

Most marriages that fail fail in the first five years. This is the toughest time.
So grin and bear it. She's up set due to school load , your upset with your work and stuff but it doesnt seem like either of you are really pissed at each other ?
You know how when your angry at a person but that person isn't around and you start to vent on somebody else even though it's not their fault? That's what y'all are in right now. Angry at the world , work and why's and venting on the only one listening , your significant other.
You said that when she isn't mad she is still the same woman you fell in love with well buddy row guess what ? Even when she's mad at you she's still the same person.
You were man enough to look her in the eyes and before God take vows and make promises. Remind her of this one thing.....


You both said it now do it :poke:

Two more years in a 20 something persons life is nothing.
Patience is a virtue and true love is rare. Young folks like to fight so put her fire out by agreeing with her. Let me ask you something. How many times have you said 'Im sorry , you're right' to her even when you knew she was wrong ?

Ruck Up soldier it ain't nothing but a thing
Just a small test the Lord is giving y'all to see if your worth eternal happiness and salvation.

You think this is bad , wait till you have kids ! :rofl:

Im not really mad at her up until now when im tired of the BS.

When i say Im sorry you're right she just calls me a liar or she tells me to stop saying im sorry so much. Its a no win for me.... so i go to saying it will all be ok then i catch crap for saying that so i go to saying i love you and such and i catch crap for that so i am to the point of silence then i get told i dont care... vicious cycle

I may never stop on a chazzo thread but when it comes to her i drop my pride and apologize even if its not my fault just to try to stop it. it worked for a very small time but no longer does, just makes it worse... i dont know how but it does

Yeah exactly. when i have kids do i want to have with her and how she deals with stress? hell no... you just made another good point that i failed to mention blanca :laugh:
When is the last time you spent some time with her?
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When is the last time you spent some time with her?
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January... and i wont see her again til May. she refused to drive up here on her spring break cause she "cant handle" a 10 hour drive and plane tickets were too outrageous. I dont have alot of leave because i used a week in november and over two weeks in december...
Forget about everything and ask yourself one thing. When your with her does she make you happy?
When out in public is your chest sticking out in pride because she's next to you?
If......yes and yes than all else doesn't matter , is trivial and worth overcoming.

Im not really mad at her up until now when im tired of the BS.

When i say Im sorry you're right she just calls me a liar or she tells me to stop saying im sorry so much. Its a no win for me.... so i go to saying it will all be ok then i catch crap for saying that so i go to saying i love you and such and i catch crap for that so i am to the point of silence then i get told i dont care... vicious cycle

I may never stop on a chazzo thread but when it comes to her i drop my pride and apologize even if its not my fault just to try to stop it. it worked for a very small time but no longer does, just makes it worse... i dont know how but it does

Yeah exactly. when i have kids do i want to have with her and how she deals with stress? hell no... you just made another good point that i failed to mention blanca :laugh:
January... and i wont see her again til May. she refused to drive up here on her spring break cause she "cant handle" a 10 hour drive and plane tickets were too outrageous. I dont have alot of leave because i used a week in november and over two weeks in december...

Well if I were you I would get off my arse and go visit her ASAP...
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January... and i wont see her again til May. she refused to drive up here on her spring break cause she "cant handle" a 10 hour drive and plane tickets were too outrageous. I dont have alot of leave because i used a week in november and over two weeks in december...

That's a bit of a bummer? Fact that she didn't feel a measly 10hr drive was worth seeing her husband ? I'd drive to Cali to see my wife!
Sounds like she is taking on too much at school...have her lighten the work load some. You need to be more understanding and spend more time with her. Where do you live and can you relocate to be with her?
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+1....go see her and take her on a date
Forget about everything and ask yourself one thing. When your with her does she make you happy?
When out in public is your chest sticking out in pride because she's next to you?
If......yes and yes than all else doesn't matter , is trivial and worth overcoming.

I dont know anymore... whether its because i dont see her or i dont know. I used to and i still didnt see her that often. Its not like the not seeing her much is new to us... its been this way for 2 and a half years.

Hell when i was home when i first started walking when i got off crutches and couldnt get around well in december she got mad at me a number times in person about it. I know she was upset cause we couldnt do a whole lot of fun things with the small time we get together but I mean damn try to make the best of it...

But whats funny is a month before, when i was on crutches she was awesome and took care of me well. Maybe it was because i only spent a week with her than time instead of two weeks?
That's a bit of a bummer? Fact that she didn't feel a measly 10hr drive was worth seeing her husband ? I'd drive to Cali to see my wife!

Yeah thats what i thought. she cant overcome a 10 hour drive... it was a bit hurtful to be honest.

And I am not a perfect person i know this. I now way do i proclaim i have no faults. I am sure i do but she does not work with me on them as i do her, or at least as i have tried

She has another opportunity to drive the begginning of may, two weeks before my next long weekend that i can go see her. But she refuses to drive still
couple points: You're 22 and matured for how many fewer years than that, you may live to 80 and learn more, experience more and grow more until then... Love of your life?
going with poor choice of words.

I say that marriage was a poor choice being that young. If you are meant to be, no point jumping the gun. But now that you are in it you BOTH gotta work at it. Dammit son, you're a Com's repair specialist, communicate! But you are still a marine so stand your ground and man up! apologize for stuff you didn't do?!! thats absurd and only encourages the beast which is woman! (Yes I am single and have no marriage prospects in the near future, most gf's don't last more than a month haha. so take my advice!) I'm happy dating my busa. and if you are ever riding up in raleigh...
if you aren't happy still... Peace and never date a FSU girl!
Well if I were you I would get off my arse and go visit her ASAP...
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I would but i only have like 6 days of leave i think. And i have 5 i am using in May for my grandmothers bday who has cancer... and even then my mother and grandmother are coming to the other side of NC at least closer for me. My wife will not be able to come due to school. But like i said above she will not drive up the beginning of may which is the week before that to see me...

This may not apply in this situation, but: You can't fix crazy.

Id be lying if i said i have not though of that.