Looks like a war is looming in Israel

Why not airdrop a few thousand members of a Marine strike force or Army rangers with a few dozen Air Cav helos overhead? Add a few A10s. March from one border to the other and stick around while border defenses are fortified by Israelis. Tunnels and enemy ordinance can be found and destroyed. So can the enemy.

We had some scorched earth operations before lighting up Japan. Dresden comes to mind. Putting enough boots on the ground, and I mean thousands, could get it done w/o so many civilian losses. No one wants another Nagasaki or Dresden so why (not) drop a superior force on the ground all at once and get the job done. This idea of simply meeting the enemy with just enough muscle to overcome makes no sense. How many lives have we lost doing just that in Vietnam and the Middle East?

Dozens of Aid trucks have been sitting at the border for days while just a couple miles away people are w/o clean water, medicine and food. And it seems so far that Israeli forces have killed more innocents than Hamas since the 7th.

How can anyone call this ’humanitarian’? This is a war between Israel and Hamas. If Palestinians or Syrians or Iranians help Hamas, they too are the enemy.
Hamas has had time to fortify their positions, even a few could hold off many attackers.....all their tunnels have been set up with IEDs and are easily defended....sending in a large force sometimes is no better than sending in a medium sized force when it comes to OBUA fighting.

Add to this Hamas like all the other terror groups wear the garb of the locals and blend in, it's hard to discern them and even harder to target individuals....(been there got that tee-shirt).

And just like @jellyrug says, it's very hard to tell who is a Hamas fighter and a Palestine citizen as they are often interchangeable much like the Taliban and Afghanis were.....proof of this is evident at all the global protests which are held under the guise of support to Palestine-a people who are led and indoctrinated by Hamas.
Being capable of doing it and actually doing it is quite different. Therein lies the crime.
I’m not sure what uniform Hamas wears or where their military practices. Maybe we should ask the IDF? They are the ones who are constantly amongst them, watching them and controlling them. Like they would allow either?
You are correct they are no different in tactics from Isis or others. What I’m troubled by the is excused and ignored barbarism that’s going on now. Let the IDF ago in to Gaza and fight anyone who opposes them. The indiscriminate bombing of civilians is unacceptable. More nations than not agree to that.
There is not now, nor ever was a crime by being nuclear capable.

When we bombed Germany into submission. We bombed Japan into submission. Like it or not, it wins wars.

I have 2 firsthand Japanese reasons to respect that it was needed in WWII. First is my 86 year old Japanese neighbor. Japan would have fought to the last child being armed to fight to their death. Whatever the Emperor desired, they did. The Emperor saved a lot of Japanese and American lives by surrendering. She lost most of her family in that war.

Next is my father. After we bombed Germany into submission, he was now a seasoned combat pilot. The Pacific was the new front he was being sent to. He already had been told how tough this front was. He was on the troop ship enroute to Japan, when they surrendered.

If you want to win a war, you don't do it by playing patty cake.

We have played a lot of patty cake sense WW II. The U.S. has been politically pressured to engage in friendlier wars.

Who gets to pick where the Palestinian refugee camps go?

Israel doesn't give a chyt what the images are. And they aren't apologetic about it. They are now solidly planted at least 2 miles into Gaza. Next week it will be 5. We the United States would still be "negotiating", if it were our battle.

If Hamas isn't happy, they can surrender. Like Japan, they will sacrifice women and children before surrendering. Or they get to rule over a starving population, living in squalor, in a city comprised of rubble.

So get used to it.
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If Hamas isn't happy, they can surrender. Like Japan, they will sacrifice women and children before surrendering. Or they get to rule over a starving population, living in squalor, in a city comprised of rubble.
Here is the thing. All the Palestinians in Gaza are Hamas and so are many Palestinians all over the world. Death means a gold laced feather bed in heaven to them and life on earth means nothing to them. All we have to do is read their charter, being brutal towards eliminating the infidel is justified by religion.

There are a lot of videos in the possession of the media, which cannot be shown to the public, due to how brutal they are.

Anderson Cooper on CNN (not my favorite channel) verbally went through one of these videos last night.

"Father's eye was gouged out in front of his son and daughter, the little girl had her foot cut off then, followed by the little boy having his fingers cut off. Then the Palestinian opened the refrigerator and served himself dinner at the table while the family watches."

One video was shown, with the naked body partly blocked out, of the girl they assassinated on the back of a truck, dead, part of her skull missing, being urinated on and spat on by civilians.

And then we have protests here in the good old US where slogans such as "gas the Jews" are allowed and they believe the above is justified.

Sad that any civilized human being here cannot see the difference between good and evil.
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Maybe this war should be televised. Maybe then the outrage might actually have an effect.

Maybe this war should be televised. Maybe then the outrage might actually have an effect.
Unless the Palestinians come to their senses and surrender, I do not see an end plan here. How this evolves and who gets involved may shake the world.
Sure. Surrender to your oppressors. Like anyone here would do that.
It’s a shame some people still think one side is ‘good’ in all this.
Just little angels with no reason for anyone to hate them. Hamas just woke up one day with hate in their minds. LMAO.
Erdogan cut off the supply of oil to Israel and canceled all diplomacy.
BOTH sides are evil. The world knows it. USA knows it but is afraid to admit it.
We didn’t eliminate the Vietcong or the Taliban. And Israel won’t eliminate Hamas no matter how many people they kill. So let them do what they are doing and then the world can act surprised when another 10/7 happens to them.
Here is the thing. All the Palestinians in Gaza are Hamas and so are many Palestinians all over the world. Death means a gold laced feather bed in heaven to them and life on earth means nothing to them. All we have to do is read their charter, being brutal towards eliminating the infidel is justified by religion.

There are a lot of videos in the possession of the media, which cannot be shown to the public, due to how brutal they are.

Anderson Cooper on CNN (not my favorite channel) verbally went through one of these videos last night.

"Father's eye was gouged out in front of his son and daughter, the little girl had her foot cut off then, followed by the little boy having his fingers cut off. Then the Palestinian opened the refrigerator and served himself dinner at the table while the family watches."

One video was shown, with the naked body partly blocked out, of the girl they assassinated on the back of a truck, dead, part of her skull missing, being urinated on and spat on by civilians.

And then we have protests here in the good old US where slogans such as "gas the Jews" are allowed and they believe the above is justified.

Sad that any civilized human being here cannot see the difference between good and evil.
Yep, I can admit that the IDF has committed atrocities and that they should have given the Palestinians their own country years ago.

With that said, hamas was elected. I'm old enough to remember that.

The solution? Remember Dresden? That's what should be done at this point. Getting the hostages would be great, if it can be done. Prisoner swap? Sure, let them all go into Gaza. Then destroy Gaza.
Just little angels with no reason for anyone to hate them. Hamas just woke up one day with hate in their minds. LMAO.
You are the only one who finds anything about this entire situation laughable, Saiid.

You asked me the same question five times: "Have the Jews committed the same atrocities as the Palestinians?"

I answered you the first three times: "No."

Then you asked me the fourth time and the fifth time you accused me of not wanting to answer your question. I answered you again the fifth time: "No", but when I wanted to know if you want me to elaborate, you would entertain no further decent discussion, as you know you have no ground to stand on. The only thing you could offer is insult. You refused to answer any of my questions, because you could not.

If someone keeps asking the same question and they are answered three times, without being able to read the answer, they either have a major reading disorder, cannot understand text, or they suffer from dyslexia. Or perhaps they are so anti semitic, that they just ignore anything they do not want to hear?

As with the October 7th incident, the only thing you see is how vindictive the Israelis now are. Who started this and the now consequences do not feature in any of your reasoning. Similar, you have posted countless links, focussing only on the Israelis, what caused them to react against the Palestinians is of no interest to you.

You post a video, which originates from Tik Tok, pure Palestinian propaganda, a Chinese site banned by the Fed and the State of Wisconsin. It was posted by a Ahmed Lala, a pro Palestinian to Youtube. The title "British Lord Speaks the Truth is false" The video was made by Gerald Kaufman, a controversial Jew, in 2009, at that time he was not Knighted, so he was not a Lord. He passed away in 2017 and the video has no relation to the incident of October the 7th. He was a firm proponent of Palestinian statehood. He talks about Israelis being terrorists, the Stern Gang (Lehi) but fails to mention that they were arrested and executed after trial in 1945. He fails to mention that Israel was established as a free democratic nation with human rights and Western values existing in a sea of Islamic values without freedom, democracy, human rights. Its enemies practice oppression and want to annihilate the Jewish people.

You talk about apartheid, me and apartheid in the old South Africa? Your roots come from Syria and you have several family members there. Syria is probably the biggest apartheid state in the world, see the link below. Then you have the audacity to blame Obama for their 3rd world behavior?

If you were really interested about atrocities from both sides, the Arabs have been at this for centuries against the Jews. Only the Jews are today a bit smarter, making the Arabs hate them even more. If you are really interested, the link below explains the anti semitism from the Arab world pretty well.

Problem is, I am talking to someone who has a reading disorder and who is unable to have an intellectual debate without insults if opinions differ. So the link is in vain, but here it is.

In short, your antisemitism is disgusting, as are all the protests we see here at home currently. The behavior of students at Harvard and Cornél is extremely concerning and just as disgusting as your behavior.
You are the only one who finds anything about this entire situation laughable, Saiid.

You asked me the same question five times: "Have the Jews committed the same atrocities as the Palestinians?"

I answered you the first three times: "No."

Then you asked me the fourth time and the fifth time you accused me of not wanting to answer your question. I answered you again the fifth time: "No", but when I wanted to know if you want me to elaborate, you would entertain no further decent discussion, as you know you have no ground to stand on. The only thing you could offer is insult. You refused to answer any of my questions, because you could not.

If someone keeps asking the same question and they are answered three times, without being able to read the answer, they either have a major reading disorder, cannot understand text, or they suffer from dyslexia. Or perhaps they are so anti semitic, that they just ignore anything they do not want to hear?

As with the October 7th incident, the only thing you see is how vindictive the Israelis now are. Who started this and the now consequences do not feature in any of your reasoning. Similar, you have posted countless links, focussing only on the Israelis, what caused them to react against the Palestinians is of no interest to you.

You post a video, which originates from Tik Tok, pure Palestinian propaganda, a Chinese site banned by the Fed and the State of Wisconsin. It was posted by a Ahmed Lala, a pro Palestinian to Youtube. The title "British Lord Speaks the Truth is false" The video was made by Gerald Kaufman, a controversial Jew, in 2009, at that time he was not Knighted, so he was not a Lord. He passed away in 2017 and the video has no relation to the incident of October the 7th. He was a firm proponent of Palestinian statehood. He talks about Israelis being terrorists, the Stern Gang (Lehi) but fails to mention that they were arrested and executed after trial in 1945. He fails to mention that Israel was established as a free democratic nation with human rights and Western values existing in a sea of Islamic values without freedom, democracy, human rights. Its enemies practice oppression and want to annihilate the Jewish people.

You talk about apartheid, me and apartheid in the old South Africa? Your roots come from Syria and you have several family members there. Syria is probably the biggest apartheid state in the world, see the link below. Then you have the audacity to blame Obama for their 3rd world behavior?

If you were really interested about atrocities from both sides, the Arabs have been at this for centuries against the Jews. Only the Jews are today a bit smarter, making the Arabs hate them even more. If you are really interested, the link below explains the anti semitism from the Arab world pretty well.

Problem is, I am talking to someone who has a reading disorder and who is unable to have an intellectual debate without insults if opinions differ. So the link is in vain, but here it is.

In short, your antisemitism is disgusting, as are all the protests we see here at home currently. The behavior of students at Harvard and Cornél is extremely concerning and just as disgusting as your behavior.
What I find laughable are people just like you who think one side is good.
What I find despicable are people like you who hope for more than 400 air strikes.
Please show me where I did not acknowledge Hamas’ acts on 10/7, how heinous and unacceptable it was. Nowhere. Show me where I have not acknowledged Arabs have committed atrocities against Jews? Nowhere. What you have done is refuse to acknowledge that some of Israel’s past aggressions brought 10/7 upon them. Your simple ‘no’ shows you prefer to turn a blind eye to all both sides have done to each other. You’ve excused every event I cited that showed war crimes on their part.
Syria was stable and had no civil war till Obama and his big fat mouth advocated regime change. Because of him a few million people are dead. simple fact.
It is not anti-Semitic to criticize Israel. If it was then millions of Jews who criticize Israel daily are antisemitic. People with a can never do wrong blind faith may think so but sorry it’s not. Almost every person I deal with, do business with and make my living from is Jewish. Been that way for over 30yrs. I live in south Florida. Kinda the wrong place for antisemites.
There is a place for people to exercise their right to free speech and protest. I have no problem with people showing support for Palestine. Just like I have no problem with people showing support for Israel. But the students taking it to the extreme and saying things that we both know shouldn’t be said is unacceptable to me. They run conservatives off campus and then praise Hamas? This country is truly screwed.
By posting links and videos and citing history you think it’s ‘my behavior’ and it’s disgusting. I have provided facts which anyone is free to research themselves. You’re right the history I posted is disgusting. Ariel Sharon’s action and inaction at Sabra and Shatila were disgusting. I guess that’s why his own high court indicted him. You’d probably excuse or rationalize that away too. Already have. You keep following and believing and assuming. Bibi loves folks like you.
Problem is the arrogance coming from both of you might be your own downfall.
This is also an insult,

”Problem is, I am talking to someone who has a reading disorder and who is unable to have an intellectual debate without insults if opinions differ.”

Jus sayin…
Because our opinions differ he is the one incapable of intellectual debate.
If one wants to find a solution would it not make sense to at least acknowledge the sins of the past from both sides? How can you move forward if you cannot admit both sides are guilty of same things? You can’t.
The intellectual debate stopped when he refused to face facts and history.
What I find laughable are people just like you who think one side is good.
What I find despicable are people like you who hope for more than 400 air strikes.
Please show me where I did not acknowledge Hamas’ acts on 10/7, how heinous and unacceptable it was. Nowhere. Show me where I have not acknowledged Arabs have committed atrocities against Jews? Nowhere. What you have done is refuse to acknowledge that some of Israel’s past aggressions brought 10/7 upon them. Your simple ‘no’ shows you prefer to turn a blind eye to all both sides have done to each other. You’ve excused every event I cited that showed war crimes on their part.
Syria was stable and had no civil war till Obama and his big fat mouth advocated regime change. Because of him a few million people are dead. simple fact.
It is not anti-Semitic to criticize Israel. If it was then millions of Jews who criticize Israel daily are antisemitic. People with a can never do wrong blind faith may think so but sorry it’s not. Almost every person I deal with, do business with and make my living from is Jewish. Been that way for over 30yrs. I live in south Florida. Kinda the wrong place for antisemites.
There is a place for people to exercise their right to free speech and protest. I have no problem with people showing support for Palestine. Just like I have no problem with people showing support for Israel. But the students taking it to the extreme and saying things that we both know shouldn’t be said is unacceptable to me. They run conservatives off campus and then praise Hamas? This country is truly screwed.
By posting links and videos and citing history you think it’s ‘my behavior’ and it’s disgusting. I have provided facts which anyone is free to research themselves. You’re right the history I posted is disgusting. Ariel Sharon’s action and inaction at Sabra and Shatila were disgusting. I guess that’s why his own high court indicted him. You’d probably excuse or rationalize that away too. Already have. You keep following and believing and assuming. Bibi loves folks like you.
Problem is the arrogance coming from both of you might be your own downfall.
You can fool others Saiid, but you don't fool me.

Quote your sentence, your post 179: "They control 100% of the lives of Palestinians and are the most vindictive people on earth."

You are anti semitic.

Playing with semantics now, changes nothing you said and repeated throughout this thread. I know where your heart lies.

If you are man enough to have an adult discussion about how we cannot compare the atrocities of the Palestinians to be the same as those of the Israelis, especially after October 7th, we can talk about it. But I don't think you are able or willing to do that. If you are able to have an adult discussion about why the Israelis control the lives of the Palestinians, we can talk about that also. But I don't think you have the ability to do that.

If you are able to answer any of the multiple questions I asked, which you could not answer, we can talk about that also, but I think you will find an excuse to avoid that as well.
This is also an insult,

”Problem is, I am talking to someone who has a reading disorder and who is unable to have an intellectual debate without insults if opinions differ.”

Jus sayin…
Yep, I could probably have said that better. Someone who posts a lot of history links, but refuses to read the counter history links that others post. Someone who talks a lot, but won’t listen neither answer questions when they are directed to his comments.

I plead guilty.
It's like the Hattfields and the McCoys on steroids. Blanca is correct, both sides are evil. Leave them to fight and Israel will continue the bombings. There is no easy answer. Somebody has to intervene and of course the threat of escalation will blossom since agreement has so far proved to be impossible.
You can fool others Saiid, but you don't fool me.

Quote your sentence, your post 179: "They control 100% of the lives of Palestinians and are the most vindictive people on earth."

You are anti semitic.

Playing with semantics now, changes nothing you said and repeated throughout this thread. I know where your heart lies.

If you are man enough to have an adult discussion about how we cannot compare the atrocities of the Palestinians to be the same as those of the Israelis, especially after October 7th, we can talk about it. But I don't think you are able or willing to do that. If you are able to have an adult discussion about why the Israelis control the lives of the Palestinians, we can talk about that also. But I don't think you have the ability to do that.

If you are able to answer any of the multiple questions I asked, which you could not answer, we can talk about that also, but I think you will find an excuse to avoid that as well.
They control 100% of a Palestinians life. That IS a fact
They are ruthlessly bombing women and children because they were caught with their pants down and embarrassed before the world by a bunch of guys in paragliders. Now trying to save face by flattening everything is vindictive on an extreme scale. That IS a fact.
Now I’m not man enough to have an adult discussion? LMAO. Who is the one refusing to accept facts and history. It is YOU. Israeli soldiers have raped, murdered, cut babies out of mothers stomachs, set houses on fire and killed those who ran out basically the exact same things Hamas recently did. That IS HISTORICAL DOCUMENTED fact and there is nothing Anti-Semitic about citing history.
You are the only one with his head so far up Bibi’s ass you can’t see it and won’t admit it.
Somebody did try to intervene 120 nation all supported a un resolution for cease fire. US shamefully veto the resolution, now they have blood on their hands
Negotiations are ongoing. There are discussions to bypass the US veto. The U.S. has called on Israel to de-escalate which is a watered down request. It has to have teeth. By the way, the blood shed before the veto...on whose hands is it? Does the blame game really matter at this point?
They control 100% of a Palestinians life. That IS a fact
They are ruthlessly bombing women and children because they were caught with their pants down and embarrassed before the world by a bunch of guys in paragliders. Now trying to save face by flattening everything is vindictive on an extreme scale. That IS a fact.
Now I’m not man enough to have an adult discussion? LMAO. Who is the one refusing to accept facts and history. It is YOU. Israeli soldiers have raped, murdered, cut babies out of mothers stomachs, set houses on fire and killed those who ran out basically the exact same things Hamas recently did. That IS HISTORICAL DOCUMENTED fact and there is nothing Anti-Semitic about citing history.
You are the only one with his head so far up Bibi’s ass you can’t see it and won’t admit it.
Ummm. You are sort of leaving out the part about what those Paragliders did. They paraglided in and began slaughtering civilians. That's a key fact as to why they are suffering the retribution they are.
Negotiations are ongoing. There are discussions to bypass the US veto. The U.S. has called on Israel to de-escalate which is a watered down request. It has to have teeth. By the way, the blood shed before the veto...on whose hands is it? Does the blame game really matter at this point?
As much as I am not a fan of Trump, I watched an interview with him and when asked about Israel and Palestine and what he would do about it if he were president, he said "He would stop that war because it doesn't matter who's right, people just have to stop killing each other and dying."

Of course he said a similar thing when asked about Russia and Ukraine...
As much as I am not a fan of Trump, I watched an interview with him and when asked about Israel and Palestine and what he would do about it if he were president, he said "He would stop that war because it doesn't matter who's right, people just have to stop killing each other and dying."

Of course he said a similar thing when asked about Russia and Ukraine...

It’s rare but I agree with Trump on some things and the Middle East war is one of them. Religious importance has to carry an asterisk in this disgrace. It’s a black mark on the human race.