Of course and absolutely. No doubt. Where have I said any different? Yes blood thirsty murderers went in and slaughtered a bunch of innocent people. They need to pay for that. I left it out because it’s already known and I’ve already acknowledged it several times.Ummm. You are sort of leaving out the part about what those Paragliders did. They paraglided in and began slaughtering civilians. That's a key fact as to why they are suffering the retribution they are.
I’ve also said numerous times Israel has a right to respond to that. Still doesn’t negate the total worldwide embarrassment almighty Israel suffered that day.
But I’ve also pointed out how past atrocities committed by the IDF most likely fueled the desire to commit those acts. The UN Secy was right when he said ‘it didn’t happen in a vacuum.’ He was chastised for speaking the truth because God forbid anyone who points out or criticizes Israel is immediately labeled an anti-semite and people are then expected not to listen to them.
Some people want to gleefully ignore the fact Israel has been sanctioned more times than all other countries combined for human rights violations. That is a fact. Not my behavior, not my opinion but fact. And what’s disgusting is some here turn their nose up when confronted by it.