You’ve not believed or acknowledged a single link I’ve posted.
Why TF would I post more for you? You on the side of angels who can do no wrong. You have your head buried in the sand telling yourself the deaths of 5,000 children is ok. Ariel Sharon was a murderer and war criminal. His right hand man throughout all that was guess who…..Netanyahu. Keep up the blind faith. Bibi says you’re doing great!
Who was the FSA? Free Syrian Army.
Who created them? Obama and the west trying to overthrow every despot in the Middle East.
Who encouraged the Syrians to rise up against Assad? Obama and his big good time mouth.
Who armed the FSA? We did.
Once the FSA got rolling and actually started making headwinds who left them there in the sand with nothing? We did.
Out of whose mouth did the ‘red line’ come from? Obama
Who sat and watched Assad massacre his own people after starting all of it?
The United States of America.
Facts you are free to ignore as usual.
Why TF would I post more for you? You on the side of angels who can do no wrong. You have your head buried in the sand telling yourself the deaths of 5,000 children is ok. Ariel Sharon was a murderer and war criminal. His right hand man throughout all that was guess who…..Netanyahu. Keep up the blind faith. Bibi says you’re doing great!
Who was the FSA? Free Syrian Army.
Who created them? Obama and the west trying to overthrow every despot in the Middle East.
Who encouraged the Syrians to rise up against Assad? Obama and his big good time mouth.
Who armed the FSA? We did.
Once the FSA got rolling and actually started making headwinds who left them there in the sand with nothing? We did.
Out of whose mouth did the ‘red line’ come from? Obama
Who sat and watched Assad massacre his own people after starting all of it?
The United States of America.
Facts you are free to ignore as usual.