The point I was eluding too was, they can be pretty incompetent on the hardware we send them. All we have to do is see them burning in flames and Zelinski begging for more, and the population will keep ignoring the total waste taking place. "We" that is the political "We" has to fight the horrible Ruskies.
Yet behind the publics back, let's let them keep selling oil. Keep allowing the Ruble to be currency.
Keep funneling $$ and hardware and oil and natural gas into the hands of the allies. We can whip those Ruskies. Or go broke trying.
I recently read a piece about how our heavy armament rounds are falling to critically low levels. Leaving us vulnerable.
Well effing duh. Who would have thought that wouldn't be announced. Now we get to spend real $$ to build up our inventory. Like nobody was bright enough to see that one coming.