School shootings

Kids now tend to be very sneaky.
At my daughters high school she tells me how the kids will walk behind a resource officer and vape pot. The presence of LE doesn't phase them too much. It's just another obstacle to find a work around for.
Hate these little piss ant kids nowadays. Someone bad mouths them on social media, their fragile ego cant handle it and they shoot everyone up.

As many others have said bloody nose on the playground not a fragile ego and guns.
This became more personal to me last night, got a call from an old friend, his boys attend the school in question. They're both fine, one was home sick, the other was in a different part of the building. I can only imagine the fear of my friend and his wife felt.
Here's the deal. It starts with the parents. If they teach their kids self-discipline, and that there are consequences for transgressions (I'm not talking about a beatdown, but pain-avoidance therapy DOES work), along with love and good role-modeling, kids won't grow up thinking this stuff is 'cool'. These kids that are coming from affluent families doing this normally are helicopter parents who were too busy trying to be their kid's FRIEND rather than their PARENT - which means at times some tough love - are at fault and the first line of defense for this kind of crap.

And that lesson can't be taught at 16; it has to be taught at 4. I had a co-worker who thought it was 'cute' that her grandson would talk back...until that kid got to be 18 and 200lbs and his talk-back graduated into drugs and crime and domestic violence. I told her time and time again that it might be 'cute' now, but now was the time to nip that in the bud. She didn't, and now he's in prison. Do I fault the kid? No, I TOTALLY fault the child-rearing skills of his family.

The broad use of extreme violence in video games, movies and tv is not helping. For example, it used to be a huge NO NO to ever, ever see a child physically threatened (or worse). Sadly, it is now becoming commonplace as TV and movies go for the 'shock' value. That needs to STOP.

Speaking as retired military, automatically assuming veterans make good school sheepdogs would be a false assumption. Arming teachers isn't a one-size-fits-all solution. All it takes is for them to lose direct possession ONCE..and there is no way that won't happen. Because of the environment, training would be important. But hey, we let pilots have guns in the cockpit, and so far it's not been an issue...

The real deal is we need more SHEEPDOGS and less SHEEP. My daughter graduates from HS next week. There have been many times I CC'd at her school events (which could get me into some hot water, but this was a private school and I know I wasn't the only parent) to protect them all from some dumbass looking for an easy target. I have tried to teach my daughter to avoid, but if there is no alternative, FIGHT. And I would not hesitate to run in and let the shooter try for me as a target rather than a child, even though the likelyhood of a police officer mistakenly shooting me is highly probable...

I also applaud these kids for not falling for the "it's the gun's fault" rhetoric, and walking out of that memorial service when it became apparent that was where it was going. Let's not give these shooters too much press as that fuels the copycats. Let's teach our kids to RESPECT the law and the police AND THE TEACHERS. Let's ourselves act like responsible adults and set a good role model and police our own kids behavior when it necessary...
I completely agree with this^
But accomplishing that is unfortunately a monumental task.
Much like with our opinions, I agree with 95% of what @skydivr said, the 5% we disagree on could be hashed out easily enough. Regarding your point that fixing it will be difficult, I agree. We have to be reasonable in our expectations, this didn't get screwed up in a week, it's been years, decades, in the making. It's gonna take just as long to fix it. I am raising my kids to be respectful, productive members of society. That's where it starts for me.
Much like with our opinions, I agree with 95% of what @skydivr said, the 5% we disagree on could be hashed out easily enough. Regarding your point that fixing it will be difficult, I agree. We have to be reasonable in our expectations, this didn't get screwed up in a week, it's been years, decades, in the making. It's gonna take just as long to fix it. I am raising my kids to be respectful, productive members of society. That's where it starts for me.
Did you notice the news suddenly stopped putting the STEM School shooting in our faces last week?

It happened after the students walked out of vigil to honor the student that was killed confronting the shooters because they refused to be used in an anti-2nd Amendment political ploy when some Congressmen showed up to try to culture some more traitors, and the shooters turned out to be President Trump haters.

The news is fake even when they do not say something!!!!
Did you notice the news suddenly stopped putting the STEM School shooting in our faces last week?

It happened after the students walked out of vigil to honor the student that was killed confronting the shooters because they refused to be used in an anti-2nd Amendment political ploy when some Congressmen showed up to try to culture some more traitors, and the shooters turned out to be President Trump haters.

The news is fake even when they do not say something!!!!

When it is no longer useful to serve “The Agenda”...... It’s on to the next Triggered worthy news story

Now it’s the Anti-Abortion laws passed in the south

School shootings were sooo last week :confused:
So sad to hear of the school shooting in Uvalde Texas today, children losing their lives in such a violent way is unthinkable, the families of the kids lost are in agony right now . . tears came to my eyes when I thought of the pain these folks are going through right now . . so sad. :confused:
The reasons why the young 18 year old shooter carried out this terrible act may never be known, he's gone too, but the pain in the hearts of the families that loved these kids will go on and on.
this never stops....there are some evil people in world :confused::confused:

The gun lobby need to understand the following easy access to ASSAULT RIFLES
The forefathers which wrote the 2nd amendment did not envisage the carnage daily and it would have been scrubbed from the constitution. You cannot defend the indefensible.

UK news says 27th school shooting in US this year

200th+ mass shooting, more mass shootings than days in the year so far

Unbelievably The shooter being 18 could not buy alcohol but could buy a semi assault rifle - crazy
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school shooting appear to be independent of political party having a majority so blaming republicans or democrats imo is bias.
also being a vet doesnt make you a good resource/security officer. just like being a vet doesn’t automatically make you a good police or teacher. charles whitman was a vet and he shot up a school. timothy mcveigh, michah johnson, ian david long…just a few veterans that have perpetrated mass killings. as for school resource officers… do you all think they get the best officers… all the ones ive seen are at the tail end of their career, over weight, and ready for retirement. was it cowardly for those officers to hide? imo yes, but its easy to judge people behind your “keyboard.” many people would think twice before engaging a gun man armed with a assault rifle with only with a pistol in one on one combat. on top of all the screaming and blood curdling yelling in the background. some people cant even handle a fist fight in front of people cheering, you think that kind of person will step up to the plate and save the day?
I love guns, but would be willing to give them up if it would help. I know it would take years to remove them all from the public. Only criminals would have guns , good , now we know who they are. Furthermore I would volunteer in schools to guard them. I would take what ever training, gain any certificate necessary to that end. Is this all the answers, NO. But it could be a start, while other solutions are forthcoming. What we are doing now is nothing, and listening to the news, seems like we will get more of the same. Is anyone else tired of all this BS? Our government is dead locked.
I love guns, but would be willing to give them up if it would help. I know it would take years to remove them all from the public. Only criminals would have guns , good , now we know who they are. Furthermore I would volunteer in schools to guard them. I would take what ever training, gain any certificate necessary to that end. Is this all the answers, NO. But it could be a start, while other solutions are forthcoming. What we are doing now is nothing, and listening to the news, seems like we will get more of the same. Is anyone else tired of all this BS? Our government is dead locked.
Maybe if they spent that 40,000,000 on helping schools to have 4-5 police officers per school, but hey the goverment will never do anything productive or use common sense.
Maybe if they spent that 40,000,000 on helping schools to have 4-5 police officers per school, but hey the goverment will never do anything productive or use common sense.
Police forces are having a hard time recruiting...might be impossible to inject that many officers per school...

Sad when there has to be any police officers for the kids to go to school...

When I was in Israel, the school teachers were out in the play yard armed with Uzis....they armed their teachers.
It’s cheaper to educate than it is to imprison and yet we have more people incarcerated than any other country. Why is it that we spend more money on prisons than we do educating our children?
Probably cheaper to build prisons and house prisoners.
Police forces are having a hard time recruiting...might be impossible to inject that many officers per school...

Sad when there has to be any police officers for the kids to go to school...

When I was in Israel, the school teachers were out in the play yard armed with Uzis....they armed their teachers.
Switzerland is the same, you literally have a coat checks for your rifle at restraunts and bars, I'd assume Finland is the same.
Switzerland had shooting ranges in almost every small town and cities.

The issue is never the guns and never will be and people pointing fingers at guns are foolish and uneducated looking for a quick scapegoat, the issue is mental health, education and parenting. You take away guns and someone will use a bow, knife or a vehicle.. it will also be impossible to remove guns from criminals as they will not follow the rules or laws.
Probably cheaper to build prisons and house prisoners.

Switzerland is the same, you literally have a coat checks for your rifle at restraunts and bars, I'd assume Finland is the same.
Switzerland had shooting ranges in almost every small town and cities.

The issue is never the guns and never will be and people pointing fingers at guns are foolish and uneducated looking for a quick scapegoat, the issue is mental health, education and parenting. You take away guns and someone will use a bow, knife or a vehicle.. it will also be impossible to remove guns from criminals as they will not follow the rules or laws.
So I'll agree with a lot of this. But let me leave you with compare the data of mass murders performed with knives. Or a bow. Compared to guns. You are providing a false sense of blame. While I agree it's not the guns doing the killing. It's the weapon of choice by a wide wide wide margin. Make them more difficult to get. Then let's see how the knives etc fare.

They are MUCH easier to obtain than guns. And far cheaper.
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Probably cheaper to build prisons and house prisoners.

Switzerland is the same, you literally have a coat checks for your rifle at restraunts and bars, I'd assume Finland is the same.
Switzerland had shooting ranges in almost every small town and cities.

The issue is never the guns and never will be and people pointing fingers at guns are foolish and uneducated looking for a quick scapegoat, the issue is mental health, education and parenting. You take away guns and someone will use a bow, knife or a vehicle.. it will also be impossible to remove guns from criminals as they will not follow the rules or laws.
I agree, however the availability of weapons for the average citizen in the US is staggering...

You mix that in with all the other contributing factors you outlined and it makes for a disaster.

In most places a road rage incident doesn't end up with a shooting....if someone gets angry and have access to a gun, the probability of them using it in anger is higher.