Sorry to hear that about your niece, a dreadful thing to hear.....
Much of what you say sounds simple enough until it is put into practice....I've seen highly trained people freeze up in their first combat situation...having a weapon and actually using it are two entirely different things even when faced in such a situation.
Your second amendment was written so citizens had the right to own and bear arms to form militias to repel invaders to your shores. Now your country has a very robust military and reserve force as well as many tiers of police forces...the entire premise of citizens being so armed in order to overthrow a corrupt government is ludacris unless these citizens have the exact same firepower as the government can call down upon them.
The "slave states" have vast military and police forces as well....a bunch of untrained peasants with weapons would stand little chance against these sad as it sounds...
There are many countries where the citizens are not armed and they seem to fare out just fine...with the usual bureaucratical crap that comes from being part of a society of course.
There has always been troubled youth, before they got their hands on long guns and hand guns they used chains and knives...and these were in the days of not having both parents working...the '50s and '69s were the term "rumble" came from...people still ended up dead. Now the "lone wolf" has emerged due to a various number of reasons.
Sure doesn't make it easier for the families of the slain innocents though...
Yes... I understand that people freeze under the stress of believing as the Bible says... "thou shalt not kill"... or something like that... I am no Bible expert. Even in WW1 some troops on the front lines were unable to pull the trigger and kill people that had never met in person.
As far as the slave camps go... is it 25 million slaves in North Korea? That is the number I have heard being passed around. Imagine being a slave there... well into the 3rd generation the slave class is now getting shorter from generational malnourishment. Though many have never experienced freedom its difficult to believe that all of them are OK with the slave lifestyle. I wonder if they even get a day off on a weekly basis?
So... if North Korea has 25 million slaves... and no doubt thousands of guards to contain them... if those slaves were armed and even a little bit organized... though it would be bloody I believe the slaves would win in the end... the guards would probably run out of bullets first or vacate the area if facing 25 million armed slaves... yes... its a pipe dream... but... the misery going on there now can't be much worse than the revolution to be free or die.
You mentioned citizens being ok in unarmed countries... hmmm.... seems the people down under in Australia aren't too impressed with the government that talked them into giving up the guns they once owned. Just look how weird it got with the jab down there... and that is just the stuff that leaked out on the web... who knows how much physical over reach is really happening.
Given what is going on in this world today all bets are off... we are now seeing one crisis after another being manufactured from the people that really run this world. Here is just one example... and it is a subject I have deep interest in because it goes all the way back to how humans came into existence on this planet. What it is? It the UFO crap that is being pumped out into the media right now... oh boy, the Feds are going to tell us what they know!! Yippeee... news at 11... oh... I can hardly wait to see it !!
ITS A TOTAL CLOWN SHOW!! This is what they want you to look and be distracted by while they organize the next event designed to shock you just like all the other crap. What is the other crap?
Baby formula shortage
Inflation on the rise
Fuel prices
Border control non existence.
Now a Freighter can't navigate a canal and the worlds shipping economy goes half way in the tank...
Supply chain shocks and disruptions and on and on it goes...
All of this is structured by the people that really run the world... its not Biden and Giggles... they are just front men and other useful idiots.
Wait till you hear the 2016 story of Elon, the flight attendant, the horse and the 1/4 million dollar payoff... is it going to be another Epstien like story?
Elon is moving left to right and the left doesn't like it... You can't buy Twitter and allow free speech the critics on the left say... .. that is anti establishment !! Meanwhile Elon wants to go to Mars, put computer chips in your head, make self driving cars the norm and other stuff that makes us trans-human and less self sufficient... imagine getting a PHD level chip in your head in the sciences and you have to go in for monthly updates because everything is changing so fast. How much for an upgrade at the Apple Store? a hundred grand? You do want to keep up with technology, right? and you thought college was expensive ! lol !
The next 10 years will likely show us whether or not humanity continues to endure the harsh realities being placed on all of us.... or not.