School shootings

It's a scary time only in the US, the rest of the world are just gobsmacked on how no one see's the elephant in the room.
This is a US ONLY problem, i believe the Gun lobby NRA have today their annual meeting (Houston) and Donald Trump is the main attraction.

always blaming mental health etc etc

it's the availability of assault rifles , machine guns. More Guns don't make America safer.
Everytime one of these mass shootings happen, there is an immediate upswing in gun sales,

This massacre will soon be forgotten when the next one occurs.
It's is mental health though... no person that was raised properly, educated and cared for would ever go into a school and kill kids... a gun is a tool and the market has already been flooded... they'd have to boot down every door in America go through back yards with metal detectors etc etc to ever close pandoras box.

The U.S needs a different strategy cause gun free zones prove gun laws will never work.
As I have stated in other post. In some states, Florida being where I began to object, they expect a licensed concealed weapon holder to intervene to stop essentially a felony in progress.

That is a pretty far reach to expect me to draw my weapon on a crackhead about to rob a convenience store. I'm just there to get my slurpee drink.

I am not a fan of defacto deputizing me, because I legally carry a weapon.

Here it is not mandatory. So I can just ask easily decide what not to do.

The fear I see down the road is a citizen gets sued for negligence because they did NOT step in. And now Aunt Ethyl got shot and I didn't stop it.
Very true....I can see that...or if the person intervenes and shoots the wrong person or an innocent bystander by mistake...

It could get ugly really quickly...

I just read where the police admitted they waited too long before going in...lawsuits will be following this admission I'm sure...

It's is mental health though... no person that was raised properly, educated and cared for would ever go into a school and kill kids... a gun is a tool and the market has already been flooded... they'd have to boot down every door in America go through back yards with metal detectors etc etc to ever close pandoras box.

The U.S needs a different strategy cause gun free zones prove gun laws will never work.
Well concealed mental health.........thanks to social media, kids today are subjected to never being able to escape their bullies....many of them join or visit subversive groups all while their parents are oblivious to what is going on...

What can be done? that will be the question that haunts people...
This says it all ... gun culture gone made

This says it all ... gun culture gone made

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I see nothing wrong with that, these kids seem to be under supervision at all times and are learning proper safety...I handled and shot guns from about 5 yrs old and had a lever action Marlin .22 I carried with me pretty much all the time when I turned 11, I never shot out windows or did anything stupid with it.

Guns can be safe, it's when they get in the wrong hands is when they become dangerous....some video games will teach as much about guns and shooting as anything else can...and it is proven they desensitize kids (and adults).
This says it all ... gun culture gone made

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I grew up with guns my whole life.... it teaches discipline, control and safety, those ads look like me as a child I still skeet shoot and hunt every chance I get and some of my most peaceful times is in a blind early in a fall morning hunting waterfowl.

You will never convince me, that I do not need a gun or shouldn't have one...
It's a scary time only in the US, the rest of the world are just gobsmacked on how no one see's the elephant in the room.
This is a US ONLY problem, i believe the Gun lobby NRA have today their annual meeting (Houston) and Donald Trump is the main attraction.

always blaming mental health etc etc

it's the availability of assault rifles , machine guns. More Guns don't make America safer.
Everytime one of these mass shootings happen, there is an immediate upswing in gun sales,

This massacre will soon be forgotten when the next one occurs.
just don't forget . . guns don't kill people, PEOPLE kill people.
Take away all the guns and you really think these killers will stop the killing?
They will devise new methods of performing these massacres, after all, the guns are only a tool, the mentally deranged/demon possessed killers will find a way to gain an even deadlier TOOL to kill with..
Take the guns away and you only have a potentially tyrannical government armed to hilt with weapons that are specifically designed for one purpose. . . killing people. No-one wants that, surely. So if the Govt wants to disarm the public, they also need to disarm, you think that will ever happen??
Switzerland has a gun in every home, they openly carry guns but do you see mass shooting there? So it IS A MENTAL HEALTH ISSUE, no doubt about it, the question is . . how do we fix the problem with people's mind sets and beliefs?
Sorry to hear that about your niece, a dreadful thing to hear.....

Much of what you say sounds simple enough until it is put into practice....I've seen highly trained people freeze up in their first combat situation...having a weapon and actually using it are two entirely different things even when faced in such a situation.

Your second amendment was written so citizens had the right to own and bear arms to form militias to repel invaders to your shores. Now your country has a very robust military and reserve force as well as many tiers of police forces...the entire premise of citizens being so armed in order to overthrow a corrupt government is ludacris unless these citizens have the exact same firepower as the government can call down upon them.

The "slave states" have vast military and police forces as well....a bunch of untrained peasants with weapons would stand little chance against these sad as it sounds...

There are many countries where the citizens are not armed and they seem to fare out just fine...with the usual bureaucratical crap that comes from being part of a society of course.

There has always been troubled youth, before they got their hands on long guns and hand guns they used chains and knives...and these were in the days of not having both parents working...the '50s and '69s were the term "rumble" came from...people still ended up dead. Now the "lone wolf" has emerged due to a various number of reasons.

Sure doesn't make it easier for the families of the slain innocents though...
Yes... I understand that people freeze under the stress of believing as the Bible says... "thou shalt not kill"... or something like that... I am no Bible expert. Even in WW1 some troops on the front lines were unable to pull the trigger and kill people that had never met in person.

As far as the slave camps go... is it 25 million slaves in North Korea? That is the number I have heard being passed around. Imagine being a slave there... well into the 3rd generation the slave class is now getting shorter from generational malnourishment. Though many have never experienced freedom its difficult to believe that all of them are OK with the slave lifestyle. I wonder if they even get a day off on a weekly basis?
So... if North Korea has 25 million slaves... and no doubt thousands of guards to contain them... if those slaves were armed and even a little bit organized... though it would be bloody I believe the slaves would win in the end... the guards would probably run out of bullets first or vacate the area if facing 25 million armed slaves... yes... its a pipe dream... but... the misery going on there now can't be much worse than the revolution to be free or die.

You mentioned citizens being ok in unarmed countries... hmmm.... seems the people down under in Australia aren't too impressed with the government that talked them into giving up the guns they once owned. Just look how weird it got with the jab down there... and that is just the stuff that leaked out on the web... who knows how much physical over reach is really happening.

Given what is going on in this world today all bets are off... we are now seeing one crisis after another being manufactured from the people that really run this world. Here is just one example... and it is a subject I have deep interest in because it goes all the way back to how humans came into existence on this planet. What it is? It the UFO crap that is being pumped out into the media right now... oh boy, the Feds are going to tell us what they know!! Yippeee... news at 11... oh... I can hardly wait to see it !!

ITS A TOTAL CLOWN SHOW!! This is what they want you to look and be distracted by while they organize the next event designed to shock you just like all the other crap. What is the other crap?
Baby formula shortage
Inflation on the rise
Fuel prices
Border control non existence.
Now a Freighter can't navigate a canal and the worlds shipping economy goes half way in the tank...
Supply chain shocks and disruptions and on and on it goes...

All of this is structured by the people that really run the world... its not Biden and Giggles... they are just front men and other useful idiots.

Wait till you hear the 2016 story of Elon, the flight attendant, the horse and the 1/4 million dollar payoff... is it going to be another Epstien like story?

Elon is moving left to right and the left doesn't like it... You can't buy Twitter and allow free speech the critics on the left say... .. that is anti establishment !! Meanwhile Elon wants to go to Mars, put computer chips in your head, make self driving cars the norm and other stuff that makes us trans-human and less self sufficient... imagine getting a PHD level chip in your head in the sciences and you have to go in for monthly updates because everything is changing so fast. How much for an upgrade at the Apple Store? a hundred grand? You do want to keep up with technology, right? and you thought college was expensive ! lol !

The next 10 years will likely show us whether or not humanity continues to endure the harsh realities being placed on all of us.... or not.
just don't forget . . guns don't kill people, PEOPLE kill people.
Take away all the guns and you really think these killers will stop the killing?
They will devise new methods of performing these massacres, after all, the guns are only a tool, the mentally deranged/demon possessed killers will find a way to gain an even deadlier TOOL to kill with..
Take the guns away and you only have a potentially tyrannical government armed to hilt with weapons that are specifically designed for one purpose. . . killing people. No-one wants that, surely. So if the Govt wants to disarm the public, they also need to disarm, you think that will ever happen??
Switzerland has a gun in every home, they openly carry guns but do you see mass shooting there? So it IS A MENTAL HEALTH ISSUE, no doubt about it, the question is . . how do we fix the problem with people's mind sets and beliefs?
It's also a gun availability issue along with a mental health issue....

If someone is having a mental health meltdown and have a weapon such as an AR15 or semi auto hand gun available to them, it compounds their ability to do mass harm. Walking into somewhere with an AR15 or hand gun and a bunch of high capacity magazines is more effective than pretty much any other way to cause major casualties.

One could use a nerve agent or some sort of IED I suppose and those have been used as well but to a teenaged kid, those are out of reach.

To get a gun in Switzerland you have to go through quite a few hoops..I think I read a person has to do a year long course and pass a written and shooting test before they can get a gun permit...and they can own up to 6 guns before a special permit is required.
Yes... I understand that people freeze under the stress of believing as the Bible says... "thou shalt not kill"... or something like that... I am no Bible expert. Even in WW1 some troops on the front lines were unable to pull the trigger and kill people that had never met in person.

As far as the slave camps go... is it 25 million slaves in North Korea? That is the number I have heard being passed around. Imagine being a slave there... well into the 3rd generation the slave class is now getting shorter from generational malnourishment. Though many have never experienced freedom its difficult to believe that all of them are OK with the slave lifestyle. I wonder if they even get a day off on a weekly basis?
So... if North Korea has 25 million slaves... and no doubt thousands of guards to contain them... if those slaves were armed and even a little bit organized... though it would be bloody I believe the slaves would win in the end... the guards would probably run out of bullets first or vacate the area if facing 25 million armed slaves... yes... its a pipe dream... but... the misery going on there now can't be much worse than the revolution to be free or die.

You mentioned citizens being ok in unarmed countries... hmmm.... seems the people down under in Australia aren't too impressed with the government that talked them into giving up the guns they once owned. Just look how weird it got with the jab down there... and that is just the stuff that leaked out on the web... who knows how much physical over reach is really happening.

Given what is going on in this world today all bets are off... we are now seeing one crisis after another being manufactured from the people that really run this world. Here is just one example... and it is a subject I have deep interest in because it goes all the way back to how humans came into existence on this planet. What it is? It the UFO crap that is being pumped out into the media right now... oh boy, the Feds are going to tell us what they know!! Yippeee... news at 11... oh... I can hardly wait to see it !!

ITS A TOTAL CLOWN SHOW!! This is what they want you to look and be distracted by while they organize the next event designed to shock you just like all the other crap. What is the other crap?
Baby formula shortage
Inflation on the rise
Fuel prices
Border control non existence.
Now a Freighter can't navigate a canal and the worlds shipping economy goes half way in the tank...
Supply chain shocks and disruptions and on and on it goes...

All of this is structured by the people that really run the world... its not Biden and Giggles... they are just front men and other useful idiots.

Wait till you hear the 2016 story of Elon, the flight attendant, the horse and the 1/4 million dollar payoff... is it going to be another Epstien like story?

Elon is moving left to right and the left doesn't like it... You can't buy Twitter and allow free speech the critics on the left say... .. that is anti establishment !! Meanwhile Elon wants to go to Mars, put computer chips in your head, make self driving cars the norm and other stuff that makes us trans-human and less self sufficient... imagine getting a PHD level chip in your head in the sciences and you have to go in for monthly updates because everything is changing so fast. How much for an upgrade at the Apple Store? a hundred grand? You do want to keep up with technology, right? and you thought college was expensive ! lol !

The next 10 years will likely show us whether or not humanity continues to endure the harsh realities being placed on all of us.... or not.
We don't have to go back to WW! to witness people freezing up under fire, I've witnessed it myself in person when I was working with conventional forces.....

I'd say an average citizen who has a pistol in their possession has a very good possibility of being ineffective defending themselves or others against an armed opponent who is shooting at them.

Having more guns is not the answer to what you are have gone off on a tangent again....

I've read there are around 130,000 North Koreans in camps-not sure if they are slave camps but these camps are spread all over North Korea and none of them are supposedly over 5000 inmates...who are subjected to labor and miserable conditions...I'd imagine these people would be in no real condition to mount any sort of attack even if they were armed...
Here in UK we had 2 bad mass killings
Last was Dunblane Scotland where a peado scout master shot dead 21 kids 5 year old school kids back in 1996

Gun laws were tightened up and all schools had locks installed on front door could not be opened from outside

None since except Gangs on gangs
We don't have to go back to WW! to witness people freezing up under fire, I've witnessed it myself in person when I was working with conventional forces.....

I'd say an average citizen who has a pistol in their possession has a very good possibility of being ineffective defending themselves or others against an armed opponent who is shooting at them.

Having more guns is not the answer to what you are have gone off on a tangent again....

I've read there are around 130,000 North Koreans in camps-not sure if they are slave camps but these camps are spread all over North Korea and none of them are supposedly over 5000 inmates...who are subjected to labor and miserable conditions...I'd imagine these people would be in no real condition to mount any sort of attack even if they were armed...
I never said having more guns is the answer... did I?

More tangent....

The gun problems are multiple... no easy solution exist... but... Hey... we have some people saying that the founding fathers of our country were mis guided in their beliefs... and they go to say they would be considered terrorist now... see how that creeps in? Just more attacks on everything this country was built on... freedom of speech is under attack... freedom to remain private ( 4th A ) is now a thing of the past... you can't even buy a smart phone that doesn't have back door technology built into it.

The past is important as a way to guide us forward in the ways that preserve life, liberty and all that matters. I see the worlds governments colluding with multinational corporations on multiple levels to bring the population under the control of a cabal of Soros minded sociopaths. These people never quit until you make them quit. This is a culmination of the dreams of tyrants from the past... they all think alike... it is their Game of Thrones on display from the shadows they hide inside of.

The Reset has begun... Things will be progressing in the direction they are going now for the time being. The only way for humanity to survive in a state of peaceful existence is to retake control of the power centers running things right now. Since that is very unlikely because they know electronically if people are organizing to retake control... All I can say is you had better figure out where you want to be... because as they like to look at you and say with a smiling face...

You will own nothing and be happy. Those words are right out of the WEF playbook.
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So, here’s a question for those deep thinkers…

If it is, what some say is a “mental health” issue, and guns are available in most other first world counties globally, although many have tight restrictions on obtaining them, storing them, registering them, etc

Why is it only in the US that we continually hear of these mass shootings?
Why not in other places at the same rate where guns are allowed?
Surely “mental health” isn’t a US specific thing?
Surely “violent video games” are not a US only thing?
How many other countries in the world have repeated and devastating shootings at school?
Why is the leading cause of death in children and young adolescents in the US from firearms?

I find it amazing that the US has another day of school kids getting shot at school and the population in general shake their combined heads, mumble the “thoughts and prayers” rubbish then go back to their normal lives.

The only difference i can see is the readily availability of guns.
So, here’s a question for those deep thinkers…

If it is, what some say is a “mental health” issue, and guns are available in most other first world counties globally, although many have tight restrictions on obtaining them, storing them, registering them, etc

Why is it only in the US that we continually hear of these mass shootings?
Why not in other places at the same rate where guns are allowed?
Surely “mental health” isn’t a US specific thing?
Surely “violent video games” are not a US only thing?
How many other countries in the world have repeated and devastating shootings at school?
Why is the leading cause of death in children and young adolescents in the US from firearms?

I find it amazing that the US has another day of school kids getting shot at school and the population in general shake their combined heads, mumble the “thoughts and prayers” rubbish then go back to their normal lives.

The only difference i can see is the readily availability of guns.
I just looked this up and although the US leads the world in mass shootings, other countries have them as well. I would say per capita, the US has more availability of weapons and ammo than most other countries.

" The following is an alphabetized list of just some of the developed countries other than the United States that have experienced one or more mass shootings in the past few decades: Azerbaijan, Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Brazil, Finland, France, Germany, India, Israel, Italy, Nigeria, Norway, the Philippines, Russia, Serbia, Spain, and Switzerland."
I never said having more guns is the answer... did I?

More tangent....

The gun problems are multiple... no easy solution exist... but... Hey... we have some people saying that the founding fathers of our country were mis guided in their beliefs... and they go to say they would be considered terrorist now... see how that creeps in? Just more attacks on everything this country was built on... freedom of speech is under attack... freedom to remain private ( 4th A ) is now a thing of the past... you can't even buy a smart phone that doesn't have back door technology built into it.

The past is important as a way to guide us forward in the ways that preserve life, liberty and all that matters. I see the worlds governments colluding with multinational corporations on multiple levels to bring the population under the control of a cabal of Soros minded sociopaths. These people never quit until you make them quit. This is a culmination of the dreams of tyrants from the past... they all think alike... it is their Game of Thrones on display from the shadows they hide inside of.

The Reset has begun... Things will be progressing in the direction they are going now for the time being. The only way for humanity to survive in a state of peaceful existence is to retake control of the power centers running things right now. Since that is very unlikely because they know electronically if people are organizing to retake control... All I can say is you had better figure out where you want to be... because as they like to look at you and say with a smiling face...

You will own nothing and be happy. Those words are right out of the WEF playbook.
Well arming the "slave camps" of North Korea or ensuring US citizens have enough guns to keep your government from going rogue would mean more guns right?

I think all this collusion of international governments is being over thought...when they have meetings of only some international leaders, they can't even get the seating arrangement right...I think we are giving this far too much credit for what it's worth.
I just looked this up and although the US leads the world in mass shootings, other countries have them as well. I would say per capita, the US has more availability of weapons and ammo than most other countries.

" The following is an alphabetized list of just some of the developed countries other than the United States that have experienced one or more mass shootings in the past few decades: Azerbaijan, Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Brazil, Finland, France, Germany, India, Israel, Italy, Nigeria, Norway, the Philippines, Russia, Serbia, Spain, and Switzerland."
That is also true, but I made an underline of the word, “rate”.
Other countries do have them, but not and never at the same rate as the US
As Ben Franklin said after the vote to finalize the inception and proclamation of our country... Paraphrased... its a republic for as long as you can keep it.

Or, better yet as Ben said.. "Only a virtuous people are capable of freedom. As nations become more corrupt and vicious, they have more need of masters." "This Constitution…can only end in despotism…when the people shall become so corrupted as to need despotic government, being incapable of any other."

Our real gun problem with mass shooting in my opinion is rooted in a type of vicious mental derangement.

People will still find ways to kill others on purpose if they want to do it... and will not stop until they do it... then... until someone stops them from doing it they will likely find a weapon to do it with.

See something, say something... no time to say something? Then do something about it if you can.

This is how thugs that rob people should be dealt with.

I think if we stopped putting it on tv and giving these kids so much attention for the school shootings that might stop it or slow it down. Mental health is a issue and a issue nobody wants to talk about. One thing is the parents should be held more accountable for it as some of them had the guns that kids used or knew little John has a issue and they don’t get the kid help or do anything about it. Teachers with guns is a good thing but that could be very bad too. What if the teacher shoots a kid that’s not even the shooter or shoots the shooter but also shoots a innocent by stander. But let’s say they allow teachers to carry a gun in school during class. Would that stop the kids of even thinking about shooting the school up? My opinion guns are not the complete problem with the school shootings. It would be great if we didn’t have guns at all. Like they were never made or thought of. But that’s not the case and attacking legal gun owners rights is not the solution.
I think if we stopped putting it on tv and giving these kids so much attention for the school shootings that might stop it or slow it down. Mental health is a issue and a issue nobody wants to talk about. One thing is the parents should be held more accountable for it as some of them had the guns that kids used or knew little John has a issue and they don’t get the kid help or do anything about it. Teachers with guns is a good thing but that could be very bad too. What if the teacher shoots a kid that’s not even the shooter or shoots the shooter but also shoots a innocent by stander. But let’s say they allow teachers to carry a gun in school during class. Would that stop the kids of even thinking about shooting the school up? My opinion guns are not the complete problem with the school shootings. It would be great if we didn’t have guns at all. Like they were never made or thought of. But that’s not the case and attacking legal gun owners rights is not the solution.
I'm not suggesting attacking anyone that legally owns firearms. But you should either change laws to narrow who's legal to own, or make high capacity high caliber be licensed more towards a Class III type qualifications.

Mr Jones, you're going to need to document the purpose of this AR-15 so we can issue a user license to you.

I have not yet seen any evidence that anyone ignored any laws that made it legal for him to buy 2 for his 18th BDay.

Those laws are what I am struggling with.