+1 Kev. Funny how many people get so wrapped up in the Dragon, they don't realize how many fantastic roads are right there in the same area with less traffic. I was one of those people, until my first trip up there that is.This road is not about riding fast or seeing how quick you can ride throught the Gap. These get togethers are about getting together with people who share the same passion for our great sport and a love of the Hayabusa.Yeah, but vman, I SUCKED in the mountains of VA back in the fall...I mean, I was so out of my element...I keep telling myself it was because I hadn't ridden in months due to the back surgery, but I was a nervous wreck as soon as we hit the twisties. I just don't ever ride 'em, so I was a mess...
Honestly, after my many mistakes in the twisties then coming up on Mike after a Camaro hit him on the HD, I wanted to be lifted from the area and plopped back on to some nice sweepers on the highway! LOL
If I do go, you guys leave me in the back and don't follow me!!!!!
There are many different paces that are present in this group. I know there will be someone you can ride a comfy pace with.
If you would like I will be more than happy to lead you through.
There are better roads in this area that are more suited to a bike like ours. the Skyway and 28 are not to be missed.
Make plans now and join this great event.