Moot ???
What is that...liberalneese for "I give"
I'm just kidding ...I'm done with the polital threads
going back to the bike section...
Missed it
Moot ???
What is that...liberalneese for "I give"
I'm just kidding ...I'm done with the polital threads
going back to the bike section...
I'm not even watching it on TV, I could care less about the inauguration
I'm not ashamed to say I voted for Bush both times and would vote for him again if allowed the opportunity.
One thing I'm not ready for that we have not had over the last 8 years is scandal after scandal. B Hussein hasn't even taken office yet and he already has a scandal looming with all of the corruption in IL politics.
Here in IL the dems have complete control and look what it has done for the state. Wait til this admin starts introducing IL politics to the nation.
You guys are to funny. Just think; you could say you were present when the first African-American president was sworn in. Barrack Obama is our prsident elect. I'm willing to give him four years as president before passing judgement. I voted for McCain in case anyone is curious. America needs to move forward. Hopefully we'll move forward in a positive direction and not to a welfare state. Can anyone say National Daycare, Healthcare, etc.
I really honestly believe that the Republicans wanted nothing to do with being in any kind of control.. the Dems are going to take a royal bashing over the next few years...we've got it for two years no doubt about it. My belief is they will screw things up so bad republicans will take back the house and senate mid term after the people realize just what change they got.
Amazing that he chooses to identify with his Father's race, seems Mom did most of the "parenting".
words from a true skinhead....???Look at his ultra-liberal voting record in the senate. He won't change. The liberal party line should be "Nobody gets two pair of shoes until everyone has one". How long before car and bike 60 mph governors are required--with a $5,000 fine and immediate confiscation/destruction if it's not working?
It's all over, folks. Wait and see.
words from a true skinhead....???
words from a true skinhead....???
Are you sure we are not related?
I was reading the story about the pilot of that airliner that went down in the Hudson River and how they invited him & his family to the inauguration. My reply would have been something like "Thank you but, No not unless I can meet and chat with Mr. George W. as he passes the outgoing torch."
I thought it was just ME.