Attempt on Trumps life

You and your minions call him Hitler enough and somebody will try to do your bidding.
Joe Biden caused this.
The man who lost his life in the stands is dead because of all the liberal slander.
Way to jump to conclusions there reb. Are we sure, is anyone sure if this was an actual assassination attempt, yet? Are we sure who shot the attendee, the shooter or the secret service? Or do you think Biden in disguise showed up and fired the shots? It’s just like this kind of overreaction that’s completely unnecessary and can inflame the minions. So stop it! Wait for some actual details.

Way to jump to conclusions there reb. Are we sure, is anyone sure if this was an actual assassination attempt, yet? Are we sure who shot the attendee, the shooter or the secret service? Or do you think Biden in disguise showed up and fired the shots? It’s just like this kind of overreaction that’s completely unnecessary and can inflame the minions. So stop it! Wait for some actual details.
Go screw yourself. People like you and your bullshit brought this about.
I knew from the first second it happened what was happeneing.
You and your liberal friends have done this.

100 million guns
1 trillion rounds of ammo
Don't forget who owns most of it.
This man's blood is on Biden's hands and anyone who supports him.

Go screw yourself. People like you and your bullshit brought this about.
I knew from the first second it happened what was happeneing.
You and your liberal friends have done this.

100 million guns
1 trillion rounds of ammo
Don't forget who owns most of it.
Settle down Blanca. The partisan BS in this country is boiling over into absolute chaos. Thing is, almost no one wants this violence so don't go jumping to some wild civil war scenario. I posted a few days ago that this division of our country is the real threat. Hopefully we'll know who took the shots and justice will be served.
Settle down Blanca. The partisan BS in this country is boiling over into absolute chaos. Thing is, almost no one wants this violence so don't go jumping to some wild civil war scenario. I posted a few days ago that this division of our country is the real threat. Hopefully we'll know who took the shots and justice will be served.
Just posted who did it. A leftist Antifa Democrat.
Nope. Past time to settle. If the left wants to settle things outside of the ballot box which by calling their opponent Hitler a zillion times and saying 'exostential threat to democracy' even more than we will be happy to oblige them.
The left wants this. Antifa, BLM riots looting and all else done by them and their minions. They've been fanning these flames for years. I can't wait to hear their cries when they get burned.
Just posted who did it. A leftist Antifa Democrat.
Nope. Past time to settle. If the left wants to settle things outside of the ballot box which by calling their opponent Hitler a zillion times and saying 'exostential threat to democracy' even more than we will be happy to oblige them.
The left wants this. Antifa, BLM riots looting and all else done by them and their minions. They've been fanning these flames for years. I can't wait to hear their cries when they get burned.
There are extremists on both sides. I'd say don't be one of them but it appears you already are. To blame the entire Democratic party and all registered democrats for this idiot's crazy actions is a case of your emotions running your brain.
There are extremists on both sides. I'd say don't be one of them but it appears you already are. To blame the entire Democratic party and all registered democrats for this idiot's crazy actions is a case of your emotions running your brain.
Nope. Sorry. Yall just crossed a line.
Only leftist whack jobs who can't deal with reality try to kill people because of it.
YOUR party and everyone in it made this happen.
Hitler Hitler hitler
He's gonna round you up
Existential threat

Anyone who repeated it, believed it or didn't try to stop it is now over there on the other side as far as I'm concerned.
Your candidate is a losing effin retard. Y'all have nothing left but to encourage minions to do things like this.
Choose your side wisely. It's coming
I saw a snippet from the news, anchor said something like, and I'm paraphrasing here...."this will be a test for the country, will we come together or we will retreat even further into our tribal corners" then there is Blanca's posts, Blanca clearly is retreating to his tribal corner, quoting social media posts as truth only hours after an investigation is just beginning, blaming Joe Biden and everyone else he hates so much, our country is screwed, how are we going to move forward with all this division and hate.

Meanwhile Blanca is all good with Jan 6th the people that lost their lives that day....
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Go screw yourself. People like you and your bullshit brought this about.
I knew from the first second it happened what was happeneing.
You and your liberal friends have done this.

100 million guns
1 trillion rounds of ammo
Don't forget who owns most of it.
I thought Americans were gun owners not just the left or right aligned people.....

More people are neutral left or right than extreme left or right.

Heaven help the USA if this division is so deep to instill a reaction like this from people.

4 previous presidents were assassinated and Teddy Roosevelt and Reagan were shot and the US didn't tear itself apart over them.
I saw a snippet from the news, anchor said something like, and I'm paraphrasing here...."this will be a test for the country, will we come together or we will retreat even further into your tribal corners" then there is Blanca's posts, Blanca clearly is retreating to his tribal corner, quoting social media posts as truth only hours after an investigation just beginning, blaming Joe Biden and everyone else he hates so much, our country is screwed, how are we going to move forward with all this division and hate.

Meanwhile Blanca is all good with Jan 6th the people that lost their lives that day....
Not one single person LOST their life on 1/6 except Ashely Babbit an unarmed woman. NOT ONE. But please keep repeating the liberal talking points that are lies which have brought us here.
Test for the country? WTF are you or them spewing? I'm supposed to what? Tuck my tail and accept the fact your side just tried to assainate a former potus they can't stop?
I thought Americans were gun owners not just the left or right aligned people.....

More people are neutral left or right than extreme left or right.

Heaven help the USA if this division is so deep to instill a reaction like this from people.

4 previous presidents were assassinated and Teddy Roosevelt and Reagan were shot and the US didn't tear itself apart over them.
I'm the calm one.
No. Sorry. The left has been stoking this fire for years.
I won't pee on any of them getting burnt.
Not one single person LOST their life on 1/6 except Ashely Babbit an unarmed woman. NOT ONE. But please keep repeating the liberal talking points that are lies which have brought us here.
Test for the country? WTF are you or them spewing? I'm supposed to what? Tuck my tail and accept the fact your side just tried to assainate a former potus they can't stop?
You are lying to yourself but keep justifying, you are outraged that someone took a potshot at your boy but when your boy stokes a crowd that takes capitol police lives you just write it off....Ashley Babbit was trying to climb through the broken glass in a window of a federal building she illegal entered trying to stop an act of congress, but you just write it off....your side is right the other side is wrong that is just where you are at all the time. It's like you are afraid of some gay persons fairy dust will turn you...