Attempt on Trumps life

Why is it always unhinged liberals doing this?
Do I need to go back and rename all recent mass shooters? always democrats or leftists.
You don't think millions on the right are tired of sleepy? Yet not a one even would consider doing what we just saw.

Always democrats. They've been scaring their minions for years with their boolshit on him. This is 100% on them.

But it's ok. Just secured his victory.

I can’t actually recall their politics but were all the shooters who killed Jack Kennedy, Robert Kennedy and Martin Luther King ‘always unhinged liberal democrats’? How about Reagan’s shooter? He stalked Carter before trying out his fantasy on Reagan.
No thanks, for once your post was less than 10 paragraphs....

Political division in the US is accelerating and that isn't exactly a good thing.....

I've been to far too many countries that followed this path....and they aren't nice places to be.

Things like this should be bringing people together in a common goal and breaking down political walls not building them up higher.
Our country became a Banana Republic when JFK was assassinated and the framed perp Oswald was blamed for it. They had to get rid of Oswald right away.... we can't have this guy talking... Do you see a pattern here with today's event?

1. Question... see if you can answer it. The school book depository with the so called sniper nest was on the 6th floor. The limo with JFK in it had already passed and was going away from Oswald. You can watch the video anytime you gives you a pretty good idea on the position of Oswald relative to where JFK was when the bullets started flying even though you can't see the nest directly You can see the lower floor of the building in the video. Oswald shot when he was behind JFK... not in front of the limo JFK was in.

So, how does JFK get hit in the front of his head that causes his head to be moved back and to his left? Were 2 magic bullets in play that day?

To this day the FBI has not released all the JFK files. At 50 years it was said by the Feds that all the files would be released. How do I know? I heard it with my own ears on TV when I was still a kid.

Another question.... Is there a family name / dynasty that still needs protection of their public image? My first guess is the Bush family... the ones that are cozy with the Bin Laden family. Bush Sr was the head guy at the CIA in 1963.

You might think that more than one shooter was involved with JFK. Well, that ain't gonna fly because when you read the Warren report only one shooter was identified as having shot the president. The Warren Report also had Allen Dulles involved in the investigation. Dulles was fired by JFK from his position at the CIA not all the long before the assasination.

I think Trump needs to hire his own personal security detail. The details coming out are damning from the BBC reporter that spoke with an eyewitness that claimed to have been pointing the sniper crawling to his position from where he shot Trump. To early to tell what really happened.
More news, they were warned ahead of time and didn’t act?

I would have to assume the BBC reporter and the eyewitness that spoke of what he saw are now in serious danger.... IF.... If this report leads to a hit on Trump was ordered from some party or group of individuals that planned or financed it in anyway it's going to get interesting.

Also note how sure they are that this guy is a semi close local area resident. ( 40 miles ) Seems odd that that kind of information would be available so quickly and broadcasted so quickly. Are they going to tell us who the parents of the sniper are tomorrow? If he has parents living locally I would suggest they leave town and not wait for the reporters to show up at their door.

The words "inside job" is getting a lot of usage. If this is the point where the swamp critters and the elites start getting arrested for treason it could be the break through needed in terms of getting our country back to the Constitutional control we need to restore our country.

The amount of censoring on You Tube keeps increasing over time from what I have seen.
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These jokes about missing advertise the cynical hatred that is or has separated this country. This is a very sad day.
You don't recognize the evidence of the Swamp, Deep State or even WEF, WHO and Fauci as people that do anything they shouldn't... do you ?

When patriotic Americans say "Freedom isn't Free". What do you think they are referring to?

If you still don't know what I am eluding to here... then, listen to JFK's Secret Society speech. The problem with that is You Tube keeps messing with it. It use to be about a 5 minute clip of it with all the important parts... but You Tube keeps deleting it.

JFK's inaugural speech is head and shoulders above anything speech you have ever heard when it comes to calling for higher standards around the world.
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Our country became a Banana Republic when JFK was assassinated and the framed perp Oswald was blamed for it. They had to get rid of Oswald right away.... we can't have this guy talking... Do you see a pattern here with today's event?

1. Question... see if you can answer it. The school book depository with the so called sniper nest was on the 6th floor. The limo with JFK in it had already passed and was going away from Oswald. You can watch the video anytime you gives you a pretty good idea on the position of Oswald relative to where JFK was when the bullets started flying even though you can't see the nest directly You can see the lower floor of the building in the video. Oswald shot when he was behind JFK... not in front of the limo JFK was in.

So, how does JFK get hit in the front of his head that causes his head to be moved back and to his left? Were 2 magic bullets in play that day?

To this day the FBI has not released all the JFK files. At 50 years it was said by the Feds that all the files would be released. How do I know? I heard it with my own ears on TV when I was still a kid.

Another question.... Is there a family name / dynasty that still needs protection of their public image? My first guess is the Bush family... the ones that are cozy with the Bin Laden family. Bush Sr was the head guy at the CIA in 1963.

You might think that more than one shooter was involved with JFK. Well, that ain't gonna fly because when you read the Warren report only one shooter was identified as having shot the president. The Warren Report also had Allen Dulles involved in the investigation. Dulles was fired by JFK from his position at the CIA not all the long before the assasination.

I think Trump needs to hire his own personal security detail. The details coming out are damning from the BBC reporter that spoke with an eyewitness that claimed to have been pointing the sniper crawling to his position from where he shot Trump. To early to tell what really happened.
7 paragraphs on the JFK assassination?

Something that will live in conspiracy theory infamy......

Time to move on.

Obviously the guy that shot at Trump was a loser and couldn't hit the broadside of a that range with that weapon, he should have hit everything he was aiming at....

Let's throw another conspiracy theory at you....maybe this was all a ploy to increase Trumps' ratings at the polls and the shooter got a little overzealous and actually came too close....
I love the secret service work, Trump ducks down behind the podium and the SS rush up to him, count to three then lift him back up in clear view of the shooter. Classic!

Secret Service’s ‘catastrophic failure’

They might have been given the all clear by the sniper teams by then.....

It didn't take long for the sniper teams to locate and neutralize the shooter.

These guys are professionals and don't mess around-even a little.
This guy says it like it should be said.......

Do you think the guys storming the beaches in Normandy cared if they were running beside a republican or democrat?

That's what it's all about, coming together as a nation when things to sideways.

Irrelevant and moot. The radical left has divided us to a point where there is no going back. Scroom
I love the secret service work, Trump ducks down behind the podium and the SS rush up to him, count to three then lift him back up in clear view of the shooter. Classic!

Secret Service’s ‘catastrophic failure’

They might have been given the all clear by the sniper teams by then.....

It didn't take long for the sniper teams to locate and neutralize the shooter.

These guys are professionals and don't mess around-even a little.
A man with a rifle got to within 132yds of a presidential candidate. Witnesses told police they just saw a man with a rifle climb the building.

This was a colossal F up by the SS and I hope he fires every single one and hires private security. The guys who guarded me in Afg did a better job.
7 paragraphs on the JFK assassination?

Something that will live in conspiracy theory infamy......

Time to move on.

Obviously the guy that shot at Trump was a loser and couldn't hit the broadside of a that range with that weapon, he should have hit everything he was aiming at....

Let's throw another conspiracy theory at you....maybe this was all a ploy to increase Trumps' ratings at the polls and the shooter got a little overzealous and actually came too close....
We are still living with the cover up from 1963. You will never understand the most written about, most privately investigated crime of the 20th century. We still have people alive that won't talk about what they saw on that day. We have people that died because of their relentless efforts to speak to the Warren Commission and set the record straight. Mark Shaw and others are still sifting through the trail of yet to be discovered clues that complete the history of JFK. Take a look at Dorthy Killgallon (spelling error ) sometime. She was the only one granted access to Marvin Beli who was Jack Ruby's attorney as a reporter. She over dosed but didn't drink or use drugs except when necessary under doctor's care. Dorthy was getting to close to the truth.

Imagine you have a dead horse in your living room. it stinks, it looks bad, and you have to step over it all the time. If you can't get to the truth of what happened that day then it means you live in a Banana Republic where leaders are murdered by the opposing party and nobody is brought to justice. AKA... state sponsored terrorism.

On July 8th Biden said, we are going to have to put Trump in the Bullseye. SSDD...

Yes... we have to move on... however, it's much more doable when you have the truth instead of a bunch of fabricated lies.