Attempt on Trumps life

Hi. If so it may just push us more over to the likes of Red Chinas way of life. We will have free speach as long as the goveriment approves it.
Either way, America is in serious, serious trouble as the political division is deep, probably deeper than it has been in many years, each side are frothing at the mouth and calling the other side down to the lowest.....left this, right never ends well.
A man with a rifle got to within 132yds of a presidential candidate. Witnesses told police they just saw a man with a rifle climb the building.

This was a colossal F up by the SS and I hope he fires every single one and hires private security. The guys who guarded me in Afg did a better job.
The secret service had an elevated sniper oversight which was what neutralized the shooter....but yes, the shooter was able to get into a blind spot and wasn't spotted by the sniper teams until he rose to fire.

There may have been communication issues between the secret service and local law enforcement, sometimes they aren't operating on the same frequency....

Crazy things happen even if you are prepared for them.

I would imagine security oversight will be more enhanced in the future but lone wolf attackers like this guy are a real hard threat to locate and can be certain Trump will be wearing a ballistic vest from now on though.
It never ends well.
Hi. To me the left is getting closer to socialism than it is only a 1/2 step to communism. I like to help people the best I can. That is why I work for meals on wheels. Now if I give the shirt off of my back for someone in the cold now I am in the cold with no shirt. Now they think WOW I got a free shirt and I did not have to work for it. Now I need some food so I give them $64.00 for there food. WOW that was easy. OH Now we need a place to sleep.So I give them a place to sleep. Now I do not have a place to sleep. They say WOW This is a great place to live we have to do nothing. I have to get a 2nd job so I can buy a used shirt and get $3.23 to eat. I can can eat very well on that $3.23. Now I need a tent to sleep in. I am nott saying that all are like that. Why are most people in thoes places do not have good lives. I know we can do more to help all people.
The secret service had an elevated sniper oversight which was what neutralized the shooter....but yes, the shooter was able to get into a blind spot and wasn't spotted by the sniper teams until he rose to fire.

There may have been communication issues between the secret service and local law enforcement, sometimes they aren't operating on the same frequency....

Crazy things happen even if you are prepared for them.

I would imagine security oversight will be more enhanced in the future but lone wolf attackers like this guy are a real hard threat to locate and can be certain Trump will be wearing a ballistic vest from now on though.
A cop climbed the ladder to investigate the report of a MWG. He encountered the assassin who pointed his rifle at him. Cop retreated. That's when the guy took a rushed shot at Trump. And then SS snipers shot him.
Accused, charged, convicted and now shot. Like .50 Cent said he's a true Gangsta now. He posted this meme as well.
A cop climbed the ladder to investigate the report of a MWG. He encountered the assassin who pointed his rifle at him. Cop retreated. That's when the guy took a rushed shot at Trump. And then SS snipers shot him.
Where was that report?

I've read up on a lot of the situation but nothing I read stated that...
... Now I need some food so I give them $64.00 for there food. WOW that was easy. OH Now we need a place to sleep.So I give them a place to sleep. Now I do not have a place to sleep. They say WOW This is a great place to live we have to do nothing....
Well that's sort of what you got now isn't it, food banks and all that. In Oz it's like it was 40 years ago in the US, free unemployment payments for your whole life if need be, subsidized medicines, free hospitals, good old age pensions as long as you're not to extravagant. It can't last though, all good things come to an end. I doubt communism will be the end game though as it's already been abandoned by the big players and there is a move towards authoritarian capitalism. Look at South America for example, Look at El Salvador! They have gone from the murder capital of the world to a place nearly as safe as Canada simply because a benevolent dictator took power, circumvented the court system, rounded up all the gang members and tossed them in jail. Well nearly all of them, the others fled north to the US.

Singapore is another miracle story, another benevolent dictator. The civil rights apologists that are destroying America would deplore it no doubt but the systems work if you have the right dictator. The trouble starts when the dictator dies and is replaced by an egomaniac like in Venezuela. They say that democracy is the worst form of government aside from all the others and I agree.
The Answer is right here! . .

Isn't it sad how the party of peace love and tolerance has turned into a bunch of uncontrollable violent whackos. From putting flowers in barrels of guns to burning police stations down and trying to kill candidates.

he startled the guy and that caused him to shoot sooner than he wanted. Then SS took him out.
This certainly isn't the result of a formal investigation, this seems more like hearsay to me...

From all I read the shooter was able to get off several aimed shots in the prone position and it took a few seconds for the secret service snipers to locate and neutralize him....because he was in a prone position the leeward side of the rooftop....he wasn't standing and he wasn't firing hastily...

I don't believe for one second that a police officer came face to face with the shooter and retreated and the shooter getting off hasty shots.....

Sounds like a lot of twitter-talk.
Where was that report?

I've read up on a lot of the situation but nothing I read stated that...

Where was that report?

I've read up on a lot of the situation but nothing I read stated that...
22s mark. There is no way that roof wouldn't have been under close observation. Either the SS was in on this or they are bumbling idiots and I doubt the latter. If it turns out the shooter was qualified I'd say definitely a setup. One shot to the ear, then a lapse to allow him to duck, then all the rest into the crowd.

Of course this is your own personal point of view with nothing substantiated.

You seem to be harboring quite a bit of hate towards anyone who doesn't share your political's this way of thinking that makes wars so easy to start.
You're right. I'm sorry for thinking calling Trump Hitler a thousand times a day on tv might have influenced their half brain followers.

Not hate toward my ideology. Hate toward those who so obviously hate this country and it's ways. They seek to change it thru violence and intimidation. They are welcome to continue to try.
22s mark. There is no way that roof wouldn't have been under close observation. Either the SS was in on this or they are bumbling idiots and I doubt the latter. If it turns out the shooter was qualified I'd say definitely a setup. One shot to the ear, then a lapse to allow him to duck, then all the rest into the crowd.

He set himself up in a way where he had clear line of sight on Trump yet both teams were occluded by the tree. These guys in your video it is looking more and more like were not the ones who shot him. It was the second team.