Attempt on Trumps life

Another falsehood from the Bible. The love of doing evil things to other people is the root of all evil.

The powers that be back then through today and into the future have one objective... to keep you poor and controllable. This is why the propagandist of this world have thrown everything they can think of to dumb you down, distract you, upset you and ultimately divide you from others that you would not normally have an issue with.

People that believe that dogma develop a glitch in their mind... then, they right you off as another crazy person... see how that works?

The modern day label is called "cognitive dissonance". In the political arena it called TDS and other defamatory labels like "deplorables" from the lips of Hillary... She also liked calling people that live in the middle of the country as living in "fly over' country. it was another way to tell Americans they are worthless illogical and being of no value.

So... be careful what you believe... you may discover it's just another lie coming from a source that couldn't care less whether you live or die.
The first paragraph I agree with 100%
The last one hits a ten on the irony chart, and you’ll want to consider that thought the next time you’re inclined to defend Trump.
Politics and religion. The end game of both is power over the minds of people. That I believe to be the root of evil. The pursuit of power.
Pretty much.

With religious extremists, they manipulate their followers with tainted ideology.....pretty simple to get a radicalized Imam to spread hate and distrust of westerners. Especially when many of the people can't read.

In many cases politics are overshadowed by religious undertones....
I won't go into it, but you have no clue as to what I did in the missions weren't just limited to foreign soil.


And that is one big conspiracy that the secret service would be involved in this in some sort of way other than doing their job and protecting Trump and his entourage......that's a whopper right there.

Although I never saw this video before....this is troubling to say the least...
You are correct... it is an outrage. If you go back in time to JFK and how the SS was directing its personnel to cover

( or not cover as it appears certain cover protocols were changed and the agents being re assigned their positions were acting perplexed that normal protocols were not being followed )

you will see that something was a miss with JFK protection. This is documented on film when the limo convoy was getting underway. To bad we don't have the sound and voices of what plans were being changed at the outset of the convoy.

I could probably locate that video in the lengthy video titled JFK to 9-11, Everything is a Rich Mans Trick.

Now, with that title the alarms will be going off here because no documentary title could sound more conspiratorial than that.

Well.... for what it's worth.... if you watch it you will learn a few things you thought you knew. Going back to WW1 set the stage for what was to come as history unfolded... it is a fascinating documentary. Some of it is far fetched... but... isn't a lot of what is happening now, farfetched?
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The first paragraph I agree with 100%
The last one hits a ten on the irony chart, and you’ll want to consider that thought the next time you’re inclined to defend Trump.
The more I learn about Trump in the last few days the more sure I am that he is also a swamp creature. Why? JD Vance was pushing for people to get the vax or get fired. That tells me all I need to know about JD Vance. Why? Because the BS human rescource detectors were going off right from the start with Fauci... and that translated into Covid being a planned scamdemic. That point has been reinforced why the former head of WHO when he spoke at the WEF meeting and announced that any new virus used to attack humanity will run under the name Disease X.

You only need to see this crap once, then connect the people places and time frame and you can easily understand the words used in JFK's Secret Society speech I posted yesterday. its the same type of people doing the same kind of criminal acts and using deception and lies in an attempt to make you believe it. SSDD... it's the gas lighting world we live in. 5 minutes long with 3 words missing at the end.
Those words missing are....FREE AND INDEPENDENT.

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Well, I see there are several people on here calling God's word a lie. So be it.
Believe what is true to your heart and I'll do the same.
See you on judgement day. Unless that's a lie, too.
No need for anyone to answer to this post.
I'm just a figment of your imagination.
Well, I see there are several people on here calling God's word a lie. So be it.
Believe what is true to your heart and I'll do the same.
See you on judgement day. Unless that's a lie, too.
No need for anyone to answer to this post.
I'm just a figment of your imagination.
I believe in God, I've seen too many what would be called miracles to not......

Theology is interesting, there are so many different religions out there to talk about....I've been to Mosques, Synagogues, Temple and a few others over the years and made sure I conducted myself in such a manner as to not disrespect anyone.
I believe in God, I've seen too many what would be called miracles to not......

Theology is interesting, there are so many different religions out there to talk about....I've been to Mosques, Synagogues, Temple and a few others over the years and made sure I conducted myself in such a manner as to not disrespect anyone.
Hi. I do not as I have so much evil, as you have. My boss is a man of God and only 56 or 57 he has had many strokes and has many other health probles. BUT I beleave in his way.
Well, I see there are several people on here calling God's word a lie. So be it.
Believe what is true to your heart and I'll do the same.
See you on judgement day. Unless that's a lie, too.
No need for anyone to answer to this post.
I'm just a figment of your imagination.
Are you referring to post 120?

Judgement day is here every day. The global elites are showing us what they think of us.

We have eternal life... energy cannot be created or destroyed... it changes form and function.

I answered to get clarity from your words.