Attempt on Trumps life

I agree with the fact that politics has taken over religion.
The new UK Labour government (Democrats ) is the biggest proportion of non church goers ever.

I kind of realised that religion is important not about the ‘God’ bit. BUT about community.
We have a 11th Century church near us abd me and my wife go. It’s only open 1 week in 4.

There were 8 who turned up ( including us 2)
Pre Covid there was 12.

The only growing faith in the UK is Islam with their shiny new mosques
.....and Muslims are all pretty much devout to their religion....

It has gotten to the point that the Christian faith is in a real tail spin.

In many of our communities, churches are being converted to mosques.
Like I've said several times before...the investigation is not even in it's infancy.....time will be required to know all the little nuances that took place including the attendee yelling about a person on the rooftop....
Here's a podcast you might find interesting BB. The interviewee predicted Trump would be shot, he was out by a week.

Steve Murray is Chief Information Security Officer of a large medical company. He was a Lieutenant Colonel in the United States Army commanding a Cyber Defense Battalion, providing offensive and defensive cyber operations for the United States Pacific Command and US Army Pacific Forces, the National Security Agency, and other military offices.
He was deployed to Iraq in Operation Enduring Freedom, where he was awarded the Bronze Star.

It's a kuntsler podcast and he's an idiot but he interviews some interesting people. Just ignore his dumb comments and BS opinions.
THIS is the question that NEEDS to be answered… why didn’t the USSS sniper shoot the assassin BEFORE he pulled the trigger to shoot Trump???

Or at the very least warn the rest of the team so they could swarm the President and get him down behind cover. If that podium isn't bullet proof I'd be surprised. It's an obvious add-on in these day given the number of presidential shootings hey.

Why didn't the over-watch warn them? Why wasn't the roof facing covered with a team too? It was well within range. They had two shooters on the roof behind and no one on the roof that was the obvious site for an attack? It's total incompetence or malice.
Or at the very least warn the rest of the team so they could swarm the President and get him down behind cover. If that podium isn't bullet proof I'd be surprised. It's an obvious add-on in these day given the number of presidential shootings hey.

Why didn't the over-watch warn them? Why wasn't the roof facing covered with a team too? It was well within range. They had two shooters on the roof behind and no one on the roof that was the obvious site for an attack? It's total incompetence or malice.
A lot of good questions for after the fact.....

During the set up probably nobody thought that roof top would be a threat...or maybe the local PD were supposed to be conducting patrols in that area...there are only so many secret service people to go around, they aren't an endless resource.

Yes, someone should have warned the detail there was a potential shooter in the area...that part could be due to a lack of communication abilities, maybe the secret service wasn't tied into local PD for whatever reason.

Trump has never had an issue such as this before so my estimates is that his detail either got too relaxed or thought the threat level was low.

Like I said, arm chair quarterbacking is easy....walk a mile in their shoes to really know what it's like.
A lot of good questions for after the fact.....

During the set up probably nobody thought that roof top would be a threat...or maybe the local PD were supposed to be conducting patrols in that area...there are only so many secret service people to go around, they aren't an endless resource.

Yes, someone should have warned the detail there was a potential shooter in the area...that part could be due to a lack of communication abilities, maybe the secret service wasn't tied into local PD for whatever reason.

Trump has never had an issue such as this before so my estimates is that his detail either got too relaxed or thought the threat level was low.

Like I said, arm chair quarterbacking is easy....walk a mile in their shoes to really know what it's like.
One thing that keeps getting missed and maybe you do not know is that Pa is an open carry state. You are free to stroll around with a rifle as you wish. The state also has preemption which means local counties and cities cannot pass contrary laws yet they do constantly.
So the point is a MWG walking around there that day might not have raised as much alarm as in other states.
You read my post and I stand behind that.

We weren't there and neutralizing a target isn't as easy as all these "lawn chair quarterbacks" think it is.

Most of them are reacting to what they've heard and not from experience in these matters.
I can see your point, and respect your opinion on this, you having experience in this tactical type of environment, and I’ll keep watching and learning.
It’s so easy to jump to conclusions as ‘a lawn chair quarterback’ but I know and understand there’s also so much goes on in the background that is information kept from the general public.
It’s good to ask questions and question everything, I’m suspicious of the apparatus that controls this world and I work on the premise that if something doesn’t make sense it’s usually because there’s a hidden agenda.
I can see your point, and respect your opinion on this, you having experience in this tactical type of environment, and I’ll keep watching and learning.
It’s so easy to jump to conclusions as ‘a lawn chair quarterback’ but I know and understand there’s also so much goes on in the background that is information kept from the general public.
It’s good to ask questions and question everything, I’m suspicious of the apparatus that controls this world and I work on the premise that if something doesn’t make sense it’s usually because there’s a hidden agenda.
Thank you and in some cases they can't release everything to the public as it could give bad actors the opportunity to study and circumvent their tactics and protection umbrella.

The only hidden agenda is to keep bad actors at bay....tactics need to be adjusted for each and every event and location.

It's easy to be suspicious when you don't know the process....

What I find troubling are all the media sources and their experts coming out of the woodwork with a million different opinions...even these experts would be hard pressed to cover each and every threat in a large open area such as that venue was located in.

Normally there is a drone or chopper running FLiR looking in dark spaces and roof tops...odd it wasn't used here unless Trumps' popularity is making the team complacent....
Thank you and in some cases they can't release everything to the public as it could give bad actors the opportunity to study and circumvent their tactics and protection umbrella.

The only hidden agenda is to keep bad actors at bay....tactics need to be adjusted for each and every event and location.

It's easy to be suspicious when you don't know the process....

What I find troubling are all the media sources and their experts coming out of the woodwork with a million different opinions...even these experts would be hard pressed to cover each and every threat in a large open area such as that venue was located in.

Normally there is a drone or chopper running FLiR looking in dark spaces and roof tops...odd it wasn't used here unless Trumps' popularity is making the team complacent....
Yes a million opinions and theories. I read about a mayor in the state of Washington that claimed it was all a staged fake. After Sandy Hook, nothing surprises me. No respect for the victims at all.
Yes a million opinions and theories. I read about a mayor in the state of Washington that claimed it was all a staged fake. After Sandy Hook, nothing surprises me. No respect for the victims at all.
You mean this piece of sh!t ?
Why has he not been recalled? Fired? Guarantee you if all things were opposite the left would be screaming for his head.
Yes a million opinions and theories. I read about a mayor in the state of Washington that claimed it was all a staged fake. After Sandy Hook, nothing surprises me. No respect for the victims at all.
The whole story is turning into a big pile of poop. Nothing makes sense except that the deep state wants Trump in office. Elon now supports Trump... Elon is the same guy that wants computer chips installed in your head. Trump is a Hollywood star and what you just saw one of his best performances. Perfect timing with the NRC to take place in Wisconsin. The Elites want Trump back in the presidency... This is the script that was planned in advance.
How come we don't see his ear being damaged? Only blood, no missing matter. Were is the damage to his ear? The SS stood down as did the local police.
Now... a little thought provoking humor from a doctor.

Dr. Richard Harambe
If Trump wins Biden can still run again in 2028
9:50 AM · Jul 14, 2024

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Trump has never had an issue such as this before so my estimates is that his detail either got too relaxed or thought the threat level was low.

Like I said, arm chair quarterbacking is easy....walk a mile in their shoes to really know what it's like.
I think you rely too heavily on your time in the military to form your opinion, war on foreign soil where you have armed enemies all around is a lot different to assassination in the suburbs with a single shooter. The people doing the quarterbacking are not old men in front of TV sets, they are recognized security experts, their opinions are valid. But even someone like me, with no experience at all can see that the roof directly in front should have been completely covered. "Oh there is a tree in the way, never mind, no one would shoot from a roof directly in front." Even some spectators saw the shooter up there, and shouted warnings. all ignored by the security detail.

Who does the SS work for? The Federal Government, and what has every agency from the FBI to the Courts been doing for the last 3 years? Trying to destroy Trump. That security detail was compromised, no doubt about it. The FBI is leading the investigation, including its crisis response team members and evidence response technicians. In other words it will all be covered up.
I think you rely too heavily on your time in the military to form your opinion, war on foreign soil where you have armed enemies all around is a lot different to assassination in the suburbs with a single shooter. The people doing the quarterbacking are not old men in front of TV sets, they are recognized security experts, their opinions are valid. But even someone like me, with no experience at all can see that the roof directly in front should have been completely covered. "Oh there is a tree in the way, never mind, no one would shoot from a roof directly in front." Even some spectators saw the shooter up there, and shouted warnings. all ignored by the security detail.

Who does the SS work for? The Federal Government, and what has every agency from the FBI to the Courts been doing for the last 3 years? Trying to destroy Trump. That security detail was compromised, no doubt about it. The FBI is leading the investigation, including its crisis response team members and evidence response technicians. In other words it will all be covered up.
I won't go into it, but you have no clue as to what I did in the missions weren't just limited to foreign soil.


And that is one big conspiracy that the secret service would be involved in this in some sort of way other than doing their job and protecting Trump and his entourage......that's a whopper right there.

Although I never saw this video before....this is troubling to say the least...
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I find it interesting that a lone Aussie and a Canadian are the major contributors here now. Americans eat breath and $hit politics but they seem to want to avoid this one. It's like the covid thing, "We don't talk about that". Personally I think most of them are genuinely stunned. as for conspiracies, they are all around us, the courts are full of conspiracy cases. It's doesn't simply imply UFO's, it means any small group of people conspiring to do something unethical or illegal. Enron was one, it was exposed, so was Iran contra, they are a part of every day life and that's a fact. Anyone who thinks the Government doesn't engage in conspiracy to advance their own wealth and that of say military hardware manufacturers, to name one group, really needs to turn their TV set off for a few years.
I find it interesting that a lone Aussie and a Canadian are the major contributors here now. Americans eat breath and $hit politics but they seem to want to avoid this one. It's like the covid thing, "We don't talk about that". Personally I think most of them are genuinely stunned. as for conspiracies, they are all around us, the courts are full of conspiracy cases. It's doesn't simply imply UFO's, it means any small group of people conspiring to do something unethical or illegal. Enron was one, it was exposed, so was Iran contra, they are a part of every day life and that's a fact. Anyone who thinks the Government doesn't engage in conspiracy to advance their own wealth and that of say military hardware manufacturers, to name one group, really needs to turn their TV set off for a few years.
I find it interesting that you know so much about everything, or at least can Google anything. When, however, you start debating security with Bee , the auto industry with me or...just about anything...with Jelly, you will find you missed a few links. More likely a few thousand. There's no experience quite like living it over a career.
I find it interesting that a lone Aussie and a Canadian are the major contributors here now. Americans eat breath and $hit politics but they seem to want to avoid this one. It's like the covid thing, "We don't talk about that". Personally I think most of them are genuinely stunned. as for conspiracies, they are all around us, the courts are full of conspiracy cases. It's doesn't simply imply UFO's, it means any small group of people conspiring to do something unethical or illegal. Enron was one, it was exposed, so was Iran contra, they are a part of every day life and that's a fact. Anyone who thinks the Government doesn't engage in conspiracy to advance their own wealth and that of say military hardware manufacturers, to name one group, really needs to turn their TV set off for a few years.
There are a few threads running on the same subject and lots of posters in all of them....

We aren't alone in this discussion.
you have to look at the bigger picture - in the UK our version of republicans (Conservatives) and Democrats (Labour) to be honest its like the changing of the guard at Buckingham Palace.
nothing changes in reality 2 political parties are like 2 cheeks on the same arse.

i think its the same in the USA and in the other western democracies

you have to look at who really is in control - faceless overlords pulling the strings including the UN and WEF , Club of Rome, Gates , Larry Fink , Rothschilds , Rockerfeller etc just follow the money trail

Trump or Biden the same policies which affect Joe Public are in place.

but even so i'm in the Trump camp , i prefer a disrupter
Bumblebee, you said politics is the root of all evil.
You better check in your Bible, if you have one. God says "The love of money is the root of all evil".
Bumblebee, you said politics is the root of all evil.
You better check in your Bible, if you have one. God says "The love of money is the root of all evil".
Another falsehood from the Bible. The love of doing evil things to other people is the root of all evil.

The powers that be back then through today and into the future have one objective... to keep you poor and controllable. This is why the propagandist of this world have thrown everything they can think of to dumb you down, distract you, upset you and ultimately divide you from others that you would not normally have an issue with.

People that believe that dogma develop a glitch in their mind... then, they right you off as another crazy person... see how that works?

The modern day label is called "cognitive dissonance". In the political arena it called TDS and other defamatory labels like "deplorables" from the lips of Hillary... She also liked calling people that live in the middle of the country as living in "fly over' country. it was another way to tell Americans they are worthless illogical and being of no value.

So... be careful what you believe... you may discover it's just another lie coming from a source that couldn't care less whether you live or die.