Attempt on Trumps life

Never saw this report...

Interesting, I wouldn't have believed it but the Sherriff himself admitted the officer did that.

I also read the shooter took several aimed did the cop startle him making him take hasty shots yet another report said he took several shots before the snipers took him out?

Pretty early in the investigation yet I'd say.
You're right. I'm sorry for thinking calling Trump Hitler a thousand times a day on tv might have influenced their half brain followers.

Not hate toward my ideology. Hate toward those who so obviously hate this country and it's ways. They seek to change it thru violence and intimidation. They are welcome to continue to try.
Lots of anger.....I've seen this sort of anger before in Bosnia where neighbor killed neighbor in the most horrific ways....

You have hate towards anyone who doesn't follow your particular ideology of being a doesn't matter who they are or if they have ever personally done anything to you...the fact they are democrats is enough to trigger you it seems....

I may be completely wrong here but I can read and I have read these posts and to be honest, it's a bit troubling.
Lots of anger.....I've seen this sort of anger before in Bosnia where neighbor killed neighbor in the most horrific ways....

You have hate towards anyone who doesn't follow your particular ideology of being a doesn't matter who they are or if they have ever personally done anything to you...the fact they are democrats is enough to trigger you it seems....

I may be completely wrong here but I can read and I have read these posts and to be honest, it's a bit troubling.
Omg! For the last fooking time.
NOT Republican
They are free to vote for or support whoever they want. My mom does. I don't care. But when you intimidate, chase, threaten people and now of all things try to assassinate them than yeah you're NOT an American nor do you deserve any sympathy.
Party of tolerance My ASS! They have become the most intolerant violent group here. It may come to a point where they need to be dealt with.
Omg! For the last fooking time.
NOT Republican
They are free to vote for or support whoever they want. My mom does. I don't care. But when you intimidate, chase, threaten people and now of all things try to assassinate them than yeah you're NOT an American nor do you deserve any sympathy.
Party of tolerance My ASS! They have become the most intolerant violent group here. It may come to a point where they need to be dealt with.
To be perfectly honest, your previous anger filled posts point towards you being very angry with democrats........if you are angry at all democrats that would make you either a neutral or a republican would it not?

If you are a neutral, why would you think just democrats do bad things....there are thousands of crimes being committed each day in the US, they can't all be committed by people who vote democrat....

Take a read back over just your posts in this thread and tell me what I'm supposed to think.

You even stated AMERICAN in caps.....I thought people who vote for democrats are Americans as well.

You can see why wars start so easily right?

Maybe it's just me......but I don't think it is.....
To be perfectly honest, your previous anger filled posts point towards you being very angry with democrats........if you are angry at all democrats that would make you either a neutral or a republican would it not?

If you are a neutral, why would you think just democrats do bad things....there are thousands of crimes being committed each day in the US, they can't all be committed by people who vote democrat....

Take a read back over just your posts in this thread and tell me what I'm supposed to think.

You even stated AMERICAN in caps.....I thought people who vote for democrats are Americans as well.

You can see why wars start so easily right?

Maybe it's just me......but I don't think it is.....
Because this thread is about an assassination attempt on Trumps life brought about by DEMOCRATS radical rhetoric. It is they and they alone who are responsible for what happened.
You want to talk about 1/6 and how Trump is responsible fine. We can. But it's a totally different thing and event which has no bearing on this.
Todays democrats are not the democrats of yesterday. The majority are anti American leftists bent on socialism and free sh!t. When they can't get their way their yell scream shout and become violent toward you. There is no agree to disagree left with them. And I am fine with that. Just don't ask me to be nice to them any more.
Because this thread is about an assassination attempt on Trumps life brought about by DEMOCRATS radical rhetoric. It is they and they alone who are responsible for what happened.
You want to talk about 1/6 and how Trump is responsible fine. We can. But it's a totally different thing and event which has no bearing on this.
Todays democrats are not the democrats of yesterday. The majority are anti American leftists bent on socialism and free sh!t. When they can't get their way their yell scream shout and become violent toward you. There is no agree to disagree left with them. And I am fine with that. Just don't ask me to be nice to them any more.
Most of the American population are not far left or far right wingers....most are neutral with a slight left or right lean and in many cases flip flop back and forth much like Canada is...

There is absolutely zero evidence that this attempt was a result of democratic ideology. Hopefully why this individual lone wolf shooter did what he did will be investigated and found out.

You can clearly see how politics are the root of all evil and how they create division like nothing else. With the fall of religion, politics have taken it's place and people are devout in their beliefs.

Most of the American population are not far left or far right wingers....most are neutral with a slight left or right lean and in many cases flip flop back and forth much like Canada is...

There is absolutely zero evidence that this attempt was a result of democratic ideology. Hopefully why this individual lone wolf shooter did what he did will be investigated and found out.

You can clearly see how politics are the root of all evil and how they create division like nothing else. With the fall of religion, politics have taken it's place and people are devout in their beliefs.

here's two and a half minutes of democrats calling for VIOLENCE. You really need to stop excusing the fruits of their labors. And no that fruit loop Biden up there saying no place for violence is boolshit! THIS is on him and them, all of them.

Nothing similar exists from republican members of congress, NOTHING.
It IS the party of tolerance and the left who've gone full loco nobody else.

"Malice Or Massive Incompetence"​

Former Navy Seal and Blackwater founder Erik Prince gave a detailed assessment of yesterday's Secret Service debacle in the wake of a failed assassination attempt on former President Trump.

DJT was not saved by USSS brilliance. The fact that USSS allowed a rifle armed shooter within 150 yds to a pre-planned event is either malice or massive incompetence. Clearly there was adequate uncontrolled dead space for a shooter to move into position and take multiple aimed shots. Watching the newsreel one can hear how proximate the shooter is by the very short time lapse between the crack of arriving bullet (supersonic) to the boom of muzzle blast (sonic).

The law enforcement sniper (unclear if USSS) in newsreels was clearly overwhelmed as his face came off his rifle instead of doing his job to kill the shooter. Clearly they were watching the shooter but apparently have a no "first shot" policy. The only positive action was an apparent 488yd shot by one USSS sniper which despatched the assasin but after the assassin launched at least 5 rounds, wounding DJT and killing and severely others in the crowd.

The sniper was already watching the shooter. Why didn’t he shoot first!
Yes, why didn't he shoot first?

"Malice Or Massive Incompetence"​

Former Navy Seal and Blackwater founder Erik Prince gave a detailed assessment of yesterday's Secret Service debacle in the wake of a failed assassination attempt on former President Trump.
Yes, why didn't he shoot first?
Pretty easy to criticize when sitting on a couch.....being on the ground in that instance is a whole other kettle of fish...

The investigation is in it's infancy and everybody and their dog has an opinion already.

"Malice Or Massive Incompetence"​

Former Navy Seal and Blackwater founder Erik Prince gave a detailed assessment of yesterday's Secret Service debacle in the wake of a failed assassination attempt on former President Trump.
Yes, why didn't he shoot first?
THIS is the question that NEEDS to be answered… why didn’t the USSS sniper shoot the assassin BEFORE he pulled the trigger to shoot Trump???
They (USSS) actually waited until he started shooting BEFORE taking him out.
This is the question that MUST be answered TRUTHFULLY.
I saw the vid of the USSS snipers ( 2 of them) set up on the roof top and aiming straight at the assassins position.
The USSS sniper shot him a second or two after he had fired at Trump.
They allowed the death of the fire chief and the serious wounding of two other attendees and also Trump…. Because they did not shoot first!
Makes my blood boil.
7 paragraphs on the JFK assassination?

Something that will live in conspiracy theory infamy......

Time to move on.

Obviously the guy that shot at Trump was a loser and couldn't hit the broadside of a that range with that weapon, he should have hit everything he was aiming at....

Let's throw another conspiracy theory at you....maybe this was all a ploy to increase Trumps' ratings at the polls and the shooter got a little overzealous and actually came too close....
I will move on when the truth comes out regarding JFK... the crime of murder has no statute of limitations for prosecuting the perps behind it.

We don't know anything about the shooter. It's all scripted MSM BS and other sources claiming to be authentic at this point.

Who Identified the shooter? Was the shooter somebody else and the person said to be the shooter was already disposed of and never to be seen or heard from again? Do you really think it's hard to make someone dissapear ? Where is the evidence that identifies the shooter?

We already know that some alphabet federal agencies ( two tier justice system ) in this country as well as the MSM are corrupt beyond repair. Besides the doctor and people involved in saving the wounded people and the life of the victim hit with a fatal bullet is the witness talking to the BBC reporter. The witness said to the reporter that himself and whomever he was with were yelling at the police close by for at least 2 minutes. They were saying that a man was on the roof with a rifle and pointing at him.

Two minutes in a life and death situation is a long long time for people that are tasked with second by second security to not respond to an immediate threat.

He said the cops acted like they didn't understand or care about what him and his friends were yelling about and pointing too.
Isn't that just absurd on its face?

The witness was already wondering why the SS had not removed Trump from the stage.

With few exceptions Fire everybody involved top to bottom and start over.

Yeah Bee... lets move on... nothing to see hear... the Nazi cult leader survived... that is what the MSM spin is regarding it.
THIS is the question that NEEDS to be answered… why didn’t the USSS sniper shoot the assassin BEFORE he pulled the trigger to shoot Trump???
They (USSS) actually waited until he started shooting BEFORE taking him out.
This is the question that MUST be answered TRUTHFULLY.
I saw the vid of the USSS snipers ( 2 of them) set up on the roof top and aiming straight at the assassins position.
The USSS sniper shot him a second or two after he had fired at Trump.
They allowed the death of the fire chief and the serious wounding of two other attendees and also Trump…. Because they did not shoot first!
Makes my blood boil.
Ever have to shoot anyone?

It's not as easy as you think;

Not only did the sniper team have to squeeze that trigger but there are other factors.....where was the shooter? He was in the lee side of the rooftop. he needed to expose himself as a target. ARs and most weapons of their like have flash eliminators so the sniper team wouldn't know exactly where he was because there was no muzzle flash to track him.

It probably took a few seconds for the team to identify, target and get their sighting and if there was a cop who initially saw the shooter, perhaps the sniper was making sure he wasn't shooting a friendly.....

Lots of factors to go through in seconds......

Easy to judge through a computer screen.....real life is a whole other thing....
I will move on when the truth comes out regarding JFK... the crime of murder has no statute of limitations for prosecuting the perps behind it.

We don't know anything about the shooter. It's all scripted MSM BS and other sources claiming to be authentic at this point.

Who Identified the shooter? Was the shooter somebody else and the person said to be the shooter was already disposed of and never to be seen or heard from again? Do you really think it's hard to make someone dissapear ? Where is the evidence that identifies the shooter?

We already know that some alphabet federal agencies ( two tier justice system ) in this country as well as the MSM are corrupt beyond repair. Besides the doctor and people involved in saving the wounded people and the life of the victim hit with a fatal bullet is the witness talking to the BBC reporter. The witness said to the reporter that himself and whomever he was with were yelling at the police close by for at least 2 minutes. They were saying that a man was on the roof with a rifle and pointing at him.

Two minutes in a life and death situation is a long long time for people that are tasked with second by second security to not respond to an immediate threat.

He said the cops acted like they didn't understand or care about what him and his friends were yelling about and pointing too.
Isn't that just absurd on its face?

The witness was already wondering why the SS had not removed Trump from the stage.

With few exceptions Fire everybody involved top to bottom and start over.

Yeah Bee... lets move on... nothing to see hear... the Nazi cult leader survived... that is what the MSM spin is regarding it.
Like I've said several times before...the investigation is not even in it's infancy.....time will be required to know all the little nuances that took place including the attendee yelling about a person on the rooftop....

Police don't typically start shooting at someone else's say so, they check things out for themselves....that could have been a maintenance person carrying a length of pipe for all anyone really knew.

......and like I said before all the conspiracy theorists will be having a field day with this....look at yourself....the first thing you start with is the JFK assassination and how evil all the different agencies are, how the MSM will be reporting false the police purposely hesitated in hopes of a clean shoot.............and the list goes on and on and on.....

Were mistakes made? Sure they were, were they made in malice.....I don't think they were.

Have you ever been in a similar situation? Things aren't black and white and can get quite confusing especially since there were multiple agencies involved of which some hadn't worked together before-local law enforcement probably haven't dealt with this before.

Like I said in another post, it's pretty easy to sit on your couch and judge, it's pretty easy to get embroiled in all the conspiracies especially if they say it with confidence and throw some sort of would be "expert" in there for good measure.
Ever have to shoot anyone?
Nope, and I never will.
I don’t have a gun and I never have and I never will have a gun.
So I guess I have no clue…
But the snipers are professional killers so I’m thinking they should be pretty good at their jobs.. and that’s why I was disappointed to see the outcome of their failure to get the shot in, before the assassin did.
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Aaaahh ok… never thought about it like that, I’ll accept that, coming from a guy who would know.
Being on a sniper team is a tough thing...

Especially in a venue such as the one Trump was at......lots of attendees, a high value target, lots of outlying places for concealment and even though they kind of sort of knew where he was, it's a hard thing to identify him....

Blanca provided a top map of the positions and in there, the second sniper team would have had a very small target to identify, target and then neutralize. Not an easy task even with someone calling it in. Even when the shooter was engaging targets, his flash eliminator and modern rounds that don't create a smoke identifier would make him a hard target to find.

During an OP years ago we had our sniper team providing top cover while we inserted covertly, we came across an enemy sniper but couldn't get to him without alarming others so we called into our team to take him out.....even though we gave them a very detailed and clear location, it still took them a bit of time to target him....and these were very experienced top tier snipers in a top tier unit.
Being on a sniper team is a tough thing...

Especially in a venue such as the one Trump was at......lots of attendees, a high value target, lots of outlying places for concealment and even though they kind of sort of knew where he was, it's a hard thing to identify him....

Blanca provided a top map of the positions and in there, the second sniper team would have had a very small target to identify, target and then neutralize. Not an easy task even with someone calling it in. Even when the shooter was engaging targets, his flash eliminator and modern rounds that don't create a smoke identifier would make him a hard target to find.

During an OP years ago we had our sniper team providing top cover while we inserted covertly, we came across an enemy sniper but couldn't get to him without alarming others so we called into our team to take him out.....even though we gave them a very detailed and clear location, it still took them a bit of time to target him....and these were very experienced top tier snipers in a top tier unit.
Most of the American population are not far left or far right wingers....most are neutral with a slight left or right lean and in many cases flip flop back and forth much like Canada is...

There is absolutely zero evidence that this attempt was a result of democratic ideology. Hopefully why this individual lone wolf shooter did what he did will be investigated and found out.

You can clearly see how politics are the root of all evil and how they create division like nothing else. With the fall of religion, politics have taken it's place and people are devout in their beliefs.

I agree with the fact that politics has taken over religion.
The new UK Labour government (Democrats ) is the biggest proportion of non church goers ever.

I kind of realised that religion is important not about the ‘God’ bit. BUT about community.
We have a 11th Century church near us abd me and my wife go. It’s only open 1 week in 4.

There were 8 who turned up ( including us 2)
Pre Covid there was 12.

The only growing faith in the UK is Islam with their shiny new mosques