Attempt on Trumps life

As if written in history we just witnessed it.
You are lying to yourself but keep justifying, you are outraged that someone took a potshot at your boy but when your boy stokes a crowd that takes capitol police lives you just write it off....Ashley Babbit was trying to climb through the broken glass in a window of a federal building she illegal entered trying to stop an act of congress, but you just write it off....your side is right the other side is wrong that is just where you are at all the time. It's like you are afraid of some gay persons fairy dust will turn you...
Name the capital police life they took or STFU.
None died that day. The one you wish to keep repeating died of a heart attack days later.
Take your liberal talking points and stick them where the sun don't shine.
YOU and your side brought this about.
I'm the calm one.
No. Sorry. The left has been stoking this fire for years.
I won't pee on any of them getting burnt.
Well, at least the shooter was neutralized......

There are crazy people out there from all walks of life, all political alignments, all nationalities and races....

When we look at this forum where we all choose to come to and see the political division even here, it is troubling to say the least.

Not long ago we had an issue with domestic terrorists where one ran down a soldier in uniform and killed him and another attacked a soldier in uniform while he was guarding the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier in our capital and then rushed the Parliament building where he gained access and was shot and killed.

Events such as these and an assassination attempt are scary events but will test the meddle of a country more than anything and in a perfect world will bring people together.
Well, at least the shooter was neutralized......

There are crazy people out there from all walks of life, all political alignments, all nationalities and races....

When we look at this forum where we all choose to come to and see the political division even here, it is troubling to say the least.

Not long ago we had an issue with domestic terrorists where one ran down a soldier in uniform and killed him and another attacked a soldier in uniform while he was guarding the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier in our capital and then rushed the Parliament building where he gained access and was shot and killed.

Events such as these and an assassination attempt are scary events but will test the meddle of a country more than anything and in a perfect world will bring people together.
Why is it always unhinged liberals doing this?
Do I need to go back and rename all recent mass shooters? always democrats or leftists.
You don't think millions on the right are tired of sleepy? Yet not a one even would consider doing what we just saw.

Always democrats. They've been scaring their minions for years with their boolshit on him. This is 100% on them.

But it's ok. Just secured his victory.
Name the capital police life they took or STFU.
None died that day. The one you wish to keep repeating died of a heart attack days later.
Take your liberal talking points and stick them where the sun don't shine.
YOU and your side brought this about.
Ashli Babbitt
Brian Sicknick
Rosanne Boyland
Kevin Greeson
Benjamin Phillips

Here are all the people that died that day, except Brian, he died the next day. If you want to know more about them you can look it up yourself or STFU as you say. I'm not a registered democrat or conservative and you don't know me, so don't lump me in your pot of hate. Sorry someone took a shot at your hero, that was wrong, but so are you.

The leaders of the left, including past presidents have already condemned this action, your boy can't even condemn the KKK. You are a hateful hypocrite. Look at your posts, go back and read them in shame.
Way to jump to conclusions there reb. Are we sure, is anyone sure if this was an actual assassination attempt, yet? Are we sure who shot the attendee, the shooter or the secret service? Or do you think Biden in disguise showed up and fired the shots? It’s just like this kind of overreaction that’s completely unnecessary and can inflame the minions. So stop it! Wait for some actual details.
yeah... the shooter wasn't aiming for Trump... he was aiming at the people that support him.... right?
I'm the calm one.
No. Sorry. The left has been stoking this fire for years.
I won't pee on any of them getting burnt.
The stoking as you put it has been by both sides, and yes for years. Today’s incident was deranged and completely uncalled for. Just remember that if there are say 90 million democrats in this country and you are declaring war on them because of one idiot and several numbskulls running their mouth after the fact, you are including yourself as part of the problem.
Ashli Babbitt
Brian Sicknick
Rosanne Boyland
Kevin Greeson
Benjamin Phillips

Here are all the people that died that day, except Brian, he died the next day. If you want to know more about them you can look it up yourself or STFU as you say. I'm not a registered democrat or conservative and you don't know me, so don't lump me in your pot of hate. Sorry someone took a shot at your hero, that was wrong, but so are you.

The leaders of the left, including past presidents have already condemned this action, your boy can't even condemn the KKK. You are a hateful hypocrite. Look at your posts, go back and read them in shame.
Sorry. You said CAPITAL POLICE of which there is only one in that list and he didn't die that day.
Nice try.
Division is exactly what the bad actors were seeking...was this a lone wolf or part of an organized attack by a bad actor state?

The answers to these questions is what's important.....
We will never know the truth... it will be buried like the JFK and RFK hit jobs. The FBI is in charge of the investigation... That means as Americans you don't deserve truth just like the last two times I just mentioned. They will try again... it's only a matter of time.

As far as dems saying they don't approve of the shooting... the only thing they don't approve of is the poor marksmanship.

Ok... were done on this one... time for the left to reload and try again unless they think they can win the election in November.

If there is a next time it will likely be when he is in his plane. One shoulder fired missile and a good hit and the marxist, socialist, party over country lock steppers get their dream to come true. They have done things like this before in other countries, they will do it again one way or the other.
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Why is it always unhinged liberals doing this?
Do I need to go back and rename all recent mass shooters? always democrats or leftists.
You don't think millions on the right are tired of sleepy? Yet not a one even would consider doing what we just saw.

Always democrats. They've been scaring their minions for years with their boolshit on him. This is 100% on them.

But it's ok. Just secured his victory.
I think it is more unhinged individuals that do these things regardless of political alignment.....

In all the mass shootings, there had to be people from both alignments involved, they aren't all being done by left aligned people.

Hate is the common denominator......sadly enough. When you have Americans hating other Americans just because of politics, that's where the problem lies.
The stoking as you put it has been by both sides, and yes for years. Today’s incident was deranged and completely uncalled for. Just remember that if there are say 90 million democrats in this country and you are declaring war on them because of one idiot and several numbskulls running their mouth after the fact, you are including yourself as part of the problem.
All of them say and repeat same sh!t, all of them.
Name me a Democrat who called out the others when they labeled him Hitler.
I'll wait.
The entire party and all their supports have brought this country to this point.
We will never know the truth... it will be buried like the JFK and RFK hit jobs. The FBI is in charge of the investigation... That means as Americans you don't deserve truth just like the last two times I just mentioned. They will try again... it's only a matter of time.

As far as dems saying they don't approve of the shooting... the only thing they don't approve of is the poor marksmanship.
Again, stoking the fires of division is never the answer......

Lincoln said a house divided cannot stand....and it appears the US is sliding down that slippery slope once again...
Again, stoking the fires of division is never the answer......

Lincoln said a house divided cannot stand....and it appears the US is sliding down that slippery slope once again...
I am calling it what it is... these people have no shame... the means justifies the ends. These people never change... how do we know? They accuse everyone they don't like of doing the same things they are doing like a bunch of school yard adolescent and clever bullies.

Do you want some examples?

its time to go to Black Angus and have a nice dinner... the black jack Gods smiled on me today... time to celebrate a win.
I saw a snippet from the news, anchor said something like, and I'm paraphrasing here...."this will be a test for the country, will we come together or we will retreat even further into our tribal corners" then there is Blanca's posts, Blanca clearly is retreating to his tribal corner, quoting social media posts as truth only hours after an investigation is just beginning, blaming Joe Biden and everyone else he hates so much, our country is screwed, how are we going to move forward with all this division and hate.

Meanwhile Blanca is all good with Jan 6th the people that lost their lives that day....
Hi. How many were killed that day?? 100's 10 or 2 and killed by who Proud Boy? Vets? Trump supporters? And who started it Trump? Go and protesters peacefully. Is that a hidden message to go in and kill all. Or was it the FBI? I was not there I do not know.
5 People dead because your boy brain washed them and all you got is "Nice Try"....that is pathetic and sad..
You said CAPITAL POLICE you dolt. Not a one died that day. But I know your thick head just can't grasp that fact.

No. Joe Biden and every single one of his supporters did this,
I am calling it what it is... these people have no shame... the means justifies the ends. These people never change... how do we know? They accuse everyone they don't like of doing the same things they are doing like a bunch of school yard adolescent and clever bullies.

Do you want some examples?
No thanks, for once your post was less than 10 paragraphs....

Political division in the US is accelerating and that isn't exactly a good thing.....

I've been to far too many countries that followed this path....and they aren't nice places to be.

Things like this should be bringing people together in a common goal and breaking down political walls not building them up higher.