Looks like a war is looming in Israel

So than you'd abridge their first amendment rights and imprison them for expressing and saying things you don't agree with?
That's interesting.
I believe for once, Bee and Trump agree on something. Trump stated this morning 1 year imprisonment for burning the flag.

Democrats Democracy is denying 14 million votes for the Presidential nominee, and just putting someone else they choose into the position.
Democracy is also allowing buring the US flag, painting on our statues "Hamas is Coming" and replacing the US flag with the Palestinian flag.

You good with the Democrat's democracy?
Anyone notice "Joe", just supposedly recovered from covid, walked from a limo, and up the steps of Air Force One, easier and better than he ever has before?
No up close images either.
Lol, looks like they're trying to save face, while real uncle Joe is delusional at home.
Don't mix freedom with democracy or democrats version of it.
I don't agree with it but scotus did rule burning the flag is protected.
And personally I am fine with all the anti Israel protests going on right now AS LONG AS ITS PEACEFUL.
NO! We don't all have to bow down to Bibi. Screw him!
So than you'd abridge their first amendment rights and imprison them for expressing and saying things you don't agree with?
That's interesting.
You're damned right I would in a heartbeat.....

Any nazi or terror flag bearers would be slammed into a prison cell in a second......these are symbols of hate....not free speech....

If some jack-ass wants to sit in North America and flap their gums about something that they can do absolutely nothing about other than annoy people trying to go about their daily business then fine...(although shouldn't these protesters be at work or something).

If a person wants to knowingly support a terror organization, that crosses the red line and HAS to be curbed and quickly with an example made.

I lost good friends and colleagues keeping these terror factions off our shores......I have zero (zero) sympathy for any terror organization or anyone who supports them.....
You're damned right I would in a heartbeat.....

Any nazi or terror flag bearers would be slammed into a prison cell in a second......these are symbols of hate....not free speech....

If some jack-ass wants to sit in North America and flap their gums about something that they can do absolutely nothing about other than annoy people trying to go about their daily business then fine...(although shouldn't these protesters be at work or something).

If a person wants to knowingly support a terror organization, that crosses the red line and HAS to be curbed and quickly with an example made.

I lost good friends and colleagues keeping these terror factions off our shores......I have zero (zero) sympathy for any terror organization or anyone who supports them.....
Symbols of hate are still protected here.
It's a FREE country. I'm more afraid of the democrats than Hamas. Sad to say...
Apparently your Canadian mentality is fine with doing the exact same thing the people that symbol of hate represented, rounding people up? Your lack of sympathy or loss of friends DOES not abridge anyone else's individual rights.
That's effed up my friend.
I don't agree with it but scotus did rule burning the flag is protected.

Justice William J, Brennan Jr. a staunch Democrat found the burning of the flag by Gregory Johnson to be just fine, around 1989.

Typical Democrat ruling.

There has been dissent by Justice Stevens, but it has not been taken further since then. Time to change that.

Do you think it is OK?

You're damned right I would in a heartbeat.....

Any nazi or terror flag bearers would be slammed into a prison cell in a second......these are symbols of hate....not free speech....

If some jack-ass wants to sit in North America and flap their gums about something that they can do absolutely nothing about other than annoy people trying to go about their daily business then fine...(although shouldn't these protesters be at work or something).

If a person wants to knowingly support a terror organization, that crosses the red line and HAS to be curbed and quickly with an example made.

I lost good friends and colleagues keeping these terror factions off our shores......I have zero (zero) sympathy for any terror organization or anyone who supports them.....
That entire mob should have been loaded in a C130 and dropped off in Gaza.
Symbols of hate are still protected here.
It's a FREE country. I'm more afraid of the democrats than Hamas. Sad to say...
Apparently your Canadian mentality is fine with doing the exact same thing the people that symbol of hate represented, rounding people up? Your lack of sympathy or loss of friends DOES not abridge anyone else's individual rights.
That's effed up my friend.
As much as I hate to agree with this, it's unfortunately part of our "freedom" here. It's been prostituted much like our 2nd Amendment has been.

Justice William J, Brennan Jr. a staunch Democrat found the burning of the flag by Gregory Johnson to be just fine, around 1989.

Typical Democrat ruling.

There has been dissent by Justice Stevens, but it has not been taken further since then. Time to change that.

Do you think it is OK?

There are a lot of things I don't agree with. This whole thread is proof of that. But no I would never support rounding people up. I don't even support rounding up the illegals that are here already. You can't have uniformed groups of assumably armed people going around scooping people up. That IS what Hitler and Stalin did and NO I if seen would stop it.
Until it becomes violent or illegal they are FREE to do as they please. It's what makes us unique in the world and I hope it stays that way.

They are free to burn the flag and others are free to stomp the living piss out of them for doing it.
Symbols of hate are still protected here.
It's a FREE country. I'm more afraid of the democrats than Hamas. Sad to say...
Apparently your Canadian mentality is fine with doing the exact same thing the people that symbol of hate represented, rounding people up? Your lack of sympathy or loss of friends DOES not abridge anyone else's individual rights.
That's effed up my friend.
Terror organizations and supporters of terror organizations do not deserve to breathe oxygen.....people who display symbols of hate are amongst this group....especially if they mean it and are not just some idiot following a trend.

I've seen first hand what these terror organizations do...
There are a lot of things I don't agree with. This whole thread is proof of that. But no I would never support rounding people up. I don't even support rounding up the illegals that are here already. You can't have uniformed groups of assumably armed people going around scooping people up. That IS what Hitler and Stalin did and NO I if seen would stop it.
Until it becomes violent or illegal they are FREE to do as they please. It's what makes us unique in the world and I hope it stays that way.

They are free to burn the flag and others are free to stomp the living piss out of them for doing it.
If someone would have rounded up the gangs Hitler and Stalin formed and eradicated them from existence, that would have done humanity an extremely great favor......same as all these terror groups of today.....
There are a lot of things I don't agree with. This whole thread is proof of that. But no I would never support rounding people up. I don't even support rounding up the illegals that are here already. You can't have uniformed groups of assumably armed people going around scooping people up. That IS what Hitler and Stalin did and NO I if seen would stop it.
Until it becomes violent or illegal they are FREE to do as they please. It's what makes us unique in the world and I hope it stays that way.

They are free to burn the flag and others are free to stomp the living piss out of them for doing it.
I believe what happened yesterday was against the law though.

The flag they burned was not theirs to burn. They lowered the flags in DC, replaced them with Palestinian flags. The flag they burnt was one of those they lowered.

Spraying “Hamas is coming” on statues which are not theirs to deface, plus the flag is government property destruction.

The Speaker of the House and a small group of Republicans raised US flags last night, to restore the damage done.

There has been no Democrat interest in this matter, plus as Bee says, the policing was totally inadequate.

I know what you think of Bebe, but come on, placing bugs and insects in his room surely is not something decent people do and is surely against the law?
Terror organizations and supporters of terror organizations do not deserve to breathe oxygen.....people who display symbols of hate are amongst this group....especially if they mean it and are not just some idiot following a trend.

I've seen first hand what these terror organizations do...
Ok. Thank you for contributing your feelings to the convo
If someone would have rounded up the gangs Hitler and Stalin formed and eradicated them from existence, that would have done humanity an extremely great favor......same as all these terror groups of today.....
Yep. You're right. It would have.
I think it a stain on American history to have rounded up Japanese after Pearl Harbor. There was a better way. And I would not support any round up here for anyone.
I believe what happened yesterday was against the law though.

The flag they burned was not theirs to burn. They lowered the flags in DC, replaced them with Palestinian flags. The flag they burnt was one of those they lowered.

Spraying “Hamas is coming” on statues which are not theirs to deface, plus the flag is government property destruction.

The Speaker of the House and a small group of Republicans raised US flags last night, to restore the damage done.

There has been no Democrat interest in this matter, plus as Bee says, the policing was totally inadequate.

I know what you think of Bebe, but come on, placing bugs and insects in his room surely is not something decent people do and is surely against the law?
Sounds more like destruction of private property, vandalism and a few other things. All illegal. Charge them for it. Arrest them. I'm fine.
But we ain't rounding anyone up here.

Yall :) (Reds new fav word) are sidetracking the thread. We've discussed all this before.
Yep. You're right. It would have.
I think it a stain on American history to have rounded up Japanese after Pearl Harbor. There was a better way. And I would not support any round up here for anyone.
Canada also interred it's Japanese citizens during the war...

I'm not speaking about innocent citizens going about their daily business, I'm talking about people who are either supporting to or belonging to a terror organization and boldly presenting themselves in way of flying the flag of that terror group (Hamas in this case). No place in society for that.

If Japanese people living in Canada and the US were boldly flying the Empire of Japan battle flag, they deserved whatever they got for that.....but none were.

The strive for having carte blanche free speech in western countries make them excellent feeding grounds for terror groups who can establish themselves in plain sight. If a war ever did break out with Iran where western countries got involved in, there would be an insurgency war being waged by the many sleeper cells established here.
Yall :) (Reds new fav word) are sidetracking the thread. We've discussed all this before.
Yep, lets just accept that those opposing opinions are not resolvable.

Israel is going through hard times. Hard times make good men.

If we could have a presidential nominee, with half the b@lls of Netanyahu, this country would be in good shape for the next four years.
That is exactly how they operate. The enemy won't be in uniform and may be right next to you, aiming at soft targets.
Of course......

That's how they operate in their own countries which made it hard to engage them as they'd hit our troops then hide their weapons and blend into the crowd....

Western countries will be engaging in an insurgency war on our own soil......
Of course......

That's how they operate in their own countries which made it hard to engage them as they'd hit our troops then hide their weapons and blend into the crowd....

Western countries will be engaging in an insurgency war on our own soil......
This is what the previous Administration did:

They sanctioned Iran to death.

They sanctioned trade with alliances who purchased oil from Iran.

They took out Soleimani.

They had Iran's economy in tatters.

They had the citizens in Iran starting to protest and revolt against their own regime, as a result of poor living conditions, as in putting food on the table.

They had John Bolton trying to convince Trump to attack Iran, Trump refused, Bolton turned against Trump and got fired.

This is what the current Administration did:

They refunded billions of frozen Dollars to Iran.

They stopped enforcing sanctions, although these were in place.

They allowed Iran to sell oil as in never before and restore their economy.

They allowed Iran to again fund all their proxies handsomely, as this could now be afforded.

They allowed Iran to assist Hamas, financially and with physical training for the October 7th assault on Israel.

They allow Hamas protests, destruction of property, vandalism and an open border for terror groups to enter our country, with no control.

They allow Iran through their proxies and direct to attack commercial vessels of our allies in the Suez Canal and they let Iran get away with it.

They allow Iran to directly attack Israel, with defence assistance to Israel, but not a single penalty imposed on Iran for their action.

They allow our youth and educational institutions towards getting indoctrinated by becoming Iran's useful idiots causing problems here on our soil.
Canada also interred it's Japanese citizens during the war...

I'm not speaking about innocent citizens going about their daily business, I'm talking about people who are either supporting to or belonging to a terror organization and boldly presenting themselves in way of flying the flag of that terror group (Hamas in this case). No place in society for that.

If Japanese people living in Canada and the US were boldly flying the Empire of Japan battle flag, they deserved whatever they got for that.....but none were.

The strive for having carte blanche free speech in western countries make them excellent feeding grounds for terror groups who can establish themselves in plain sight. If a war ever did break out with Iran where western countries got involved in, there would be an insurgency war being waged by the many sleeper cells established here.
There are other flags I fear more than one from Hamas.
Not to mention no flag ever hurt me.