Looks like a war is looming in Israel

Physically of emotionally?

What I saw yesterday hurt me. I think they call it patriotism.
There was a time when you saw US flags being burned in Iraq, Iran, Libya, Somalia and other such places but in the nation's capital?

There was a time and place where a bunch of patriots would go in there and stomp the guts out of someone who would do that....

I know from personal experience if someone disrespected the Canadian flag in my presence, they got a knuckle greeting.....that crap doesn't wash with me.

If this doesn't make your blood boil......I don't know what to say...

There was a time when you saw US flags being burned in Iraq, Iran, Libya, Somalia and other such places but in the nation's capital?

There was a time and place where a bunch of patriots would go in there and stomp the guts out of someone who would do that....

I know from personal experience if someone disrespected the Canadian flag in my presence, they got a knuckle greeting.....that crap doesn't wash with me.

If this doesn't make your blood boil......I don't know what to say...

Here in North Carolina, we still have good people.

There was a time when you saw US flags being burned in Iraq, Iran, Libya, Somalia and other such places but in the nation's capital?

There was a time and place where a bunch of patriots would go in there and stomp the guts out of someone who would do that....

I know from personal experience if someone disrespected the Canadian flag in my presence, they got a knuckle greeting.....that crap doesn't wash with me.

If this doesn't make your blood boil......I don't know what to say...

If you hate the country you live in...you are free to leave.
Soldiers take an oath to serve.
They respecfully obey orders.
Their orders come down through the ranks, and originate in politics.
Hate politics? Fine, me too.
But to burn the flag is to disrespect everyone who bravely and honorably served.
They are obeying orders, orders which sometimes are political bs, putting them in harms way for no good reason, and other times, for legitimate reasons, and they protected the free world...but the political nonsense they honorably serve under in no way undermines their honorable service.
To burn the flag is to spit in the face of these soldiers, all who serve, and all who have left service, most with some kind of emotional scars, and there is no shame, but even more respect for what they endured.
To see the horrors of war(that I have been blessed not to have to have endured), watch your friends die, serve your nation with honor...and come to watch some pos burn the flag, the very thing that represents the great nation they served, and the freedoms this nation has because they answered the call.
Give the garbage a chance a to leave...or hang them for treason if they stay.
Hate the government all you want, and with good reason, but do not disrepect those that sacraficed, and those that did not come home.
Free speech, sure...but burning the flag is not free speech, it is disgusting.
Can't stand for the national anthem, fine...then give your legs to a soldier that lost theirs.
Living close to Fort Liberty, I have a lot of friends in and ex military. Some pretty high up in rank, including a one and four star general.

They are a different breed, they hang together, do stuff together, support each other and my kind of people. One can immediately notice the difference in respect, sincerity and integrity. Very different to the Fortune 500 world where I had to cut my teeth and learn how to survive corporate politics and backstabbing.
So today basically all roads around us shut down for a couple hours.
Bibi flew in to see his Buddy at Mar a Lago.
Personal differences aside you can easily tell who he likes better. The look and weak handshake he gave Kamala compared to this bro fest actually doesn't....

So they are all over there now partying. Good for them. It ain't over yet but it is still looking really good when nation leaders are already coming to see him.
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So today basically all roads around us shut down for a couple hours.
Bibi flew in to see his Buddy at Mar a Lago.
Personal differences aside you can easily tell who he likes better. The look and weak handshake he gave Kamala compared to this bro fest actually doesn't....

So they are all over there now partying. Good for them. It ain't over yet but it is still looking really good when nation leaders are already coming to see him.
It's all so hard to follow. I'm pretty certain it was the left that called Trump antisemitic pretty much daily during his tenure. And yet here we are watching the leader of the Jewish state making nice with Trump. Somebody here is playing us for fools.
It's all so hard to follow. I'm pretty certain it was the left that called Trump antisemitic pretty much daily during his tenure. And yet here we are watching the leader of the Jewish state making nice with Trump. Somebody here is playing us for fools.
I think at one point Trump has been called everything under the sun....

Generally world leaders shed their religious hang ups.....their position outweighs most everything.
Uhhh his son in law is Jewish? Jared? Hello?
Mar a Lago located in Palm Beach aka Little Israel
Trump also recognized the capital of Israel
Him and Bibi have been tight for a long time

No different than how they say he's a racist yet can't prove it?
Can’t prove it? ‘Look at my African American’. How would he have described him in the Jim Crow days?

Hi. Well if Trump is antisemitc I just can not vote for him. It is a good thing that I received my 2 vote by mail.YES I did get 2. I do have proof too

