Looks like a war is looming in Israel

There has not been a notable increase in crime in the last 4 years. Look it up. Regardless, undocumented aliens are last in statistics of causing the crime that does occur. The immigrants do create a need of housing and care, and that's the issue that needs addressed.
If I'm insulting myself by stating the truth, this is one jacked up conversation.
Stop insulting yourself. Kills confidence.
20 million eh? Who gave you that number, trump or tucker or (insert name of GOVERNMENT AGENCY WHO KEEPS COUNT here(_________CUSTOMS AND BORDER PROTECTION______)
Fixed it for you.

10,351,846 THAT THEY CAUGHT in 3 1/2 years! Thanks to votes like yours.
How many million do you think slipped in and didn't get caught?
Yeah. Figured that. So 20 million is a perfectly reasonable number.

Nice try......again...

Why is it when someone states current immigration issues people like you go right into TRUMP TRUMP TRUMP. Do you dream about him too?
Possible for you to stop thinking like a divided dupe and as an American for once? Any other country would consider this what it is, an invasion. Huge trains of walking people just strolling in.
Fixed it for you.

10,351,846 THAT THEY CAUGHT in 3 1/2 years! Thanks to votes like yours.
How many million do you think slipped in and didn't get caught?
Yeah. Figured that. So 20 million is a perfectly reasonable number.

Nice try......again...

Why is it when someone states current immigration issues people like you go right into TRUMP TRUMP TRUMP. Do you dream about him too?
Possible for you to stop thinking like a divided dupe and as an American for once? Any other country would consider this what it is, an invasion. Huge trains of walking people just strolling in.

Because trump and every other alt right idiot have been the source of misinformation for years. tucker, cruz, gaetz, greene, bobert, guiliani ,et al, take your pick.
Fixed it for you.

10,351,846 THAT THEY CAUGHT in 3 1/2 years! Thanks to votes like yours.
How many million do you think slipped in and didn't get caught?
Yeah. Figured that. So 20 million is a perfectly reasonable number.

Nice try......again...

Why is it when someone states current immigration issues people like you go right into TRUMP TRUMP TRUMP. Do you dream about him too?
Possible for you to stop thinking like a divided dupe and as an American for once? Any other country would consider this what it is, an invasion. Huge trains of walking people just strolling in.
That’s people getting across. Yes it’s an issue they need food and shelter, but your earlier accusation was that a big percentage of undocumented immigrants commit crimes.
Not true.
Again, not insulting myself. Stating the facts.
I look at it as a group of people desperate to improve their lives. It warrants thought as to how to achieve that. You don’t agree.
The thing is, there’s no mathematical equation to determine which is the correct way to interpret it, but you always, sarcastically, say that you are correct. It’s tiresome.
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Because trump and every other alt right idiot have been the source of misinformation for years. tucker, cruz, gaetz, greene, bobert, guiliani ,et al, take your pick.
BECAUSE YOU STILL CANNOT FACE FACTS WHEN FACTS ARE PRESENTED TO YOU! Deflect. Deny, cry racism, insult and all else except 'I was wrong'.
Holy effin heck man!

I posted govt link citing FACTS that had NOTHING to do with Trump or any one of the other people you name and yet somehow you bring all them up?

You do in fact dream about him. I now know that for sure.
That’s people getting across. Yes it’s an issue they need food and shelter, but your earlier accusation was that a big percentage of undocumented immigrants commit crimes.
Not true.
Again, not insulting myself. Stating the facts.
I look at it as a group of people desperate to improve their lives. It warrants thought as to how to achieve that. You don’t agree.
The thing is, there’s no mathematical equation to determine which is the correct way to interpret it, but you always, sarcastically, say that you are correct. It’s tiresome.
Sure. 10 million caught
Probably close to 20 million total
What percent would you say are criminals?
1% of the 10 million they caught is 100,000!
100,000 violent, raping, murdering , gang members who don't GAF.
I'm gonna take a wild guess and say it's actually more than that. But you get the point. So did Laken Riley. She'd still be alive if her killer wasn't allowed in. Multiple time deportee. Let in AGAIN.

Sorry. Forgive me for not caring about EVERY SINGLE PERSON on earth and their miserable lives. Sorry for being honest enough to say we can't take them all in and continue to support them. The mayor of NYC was first to call Trump racist and welcome them to his city when Trump was in office. 'Oh how could he?!' he said. Now he's literally screaming for help from the pressure. The influx is breaking one of the most productive cities on earth. And people are gonna say it's ok keep going? The world has gone mad.
Seal the border. Turn on the No Vacancy sign until further notice.

Sure. 10 million caught
Probably close to 20 million total
What percent would you say are criminals?
1% of the 10 million they caught is 100,000!
100,000 violent, raping, murdering , gang members who don't GAF.
I'm gonna take a wild guess and say it's actually more than that. But you get the point. So did Laken Riley. She'd still be alive if her killer wasn't allowed in. Multiple time deportee. Let in AGAIN.

Sorry. Forgive me for not caring about EVERY SINGLE PERSON on earth and their miserable lives. Sorry for being honest enough to say we can't take them all in and continue to support them. The mayor of NYC was first to call Trump racist and welcome them to his city when Trump was in office. 'Oh how could he?!' he said. Now he's literally screaming for help from the pressure. The influx is breaking one of the most productive cities on earth. And people are gonna say it's ok keep going? The world has gone mad.
Seal the border. Turn on the No Vacancy sign until further notice.

Forget about legal vs illegal. Let's take the recent events of the Pro Palestinian protest. Chanting Death To America, destroying our flag, rising theirs, on our soil. I don't give a rat's ass if they are legal or not. If they are here on some form of Visa status or not, dee freakin port their butts back to where they came from.

I hope Biden does try and get a constitutional Congress convened. He can add an amendment. As long as we can also add an amendment. The FAAFO Amendment.

F around and find out.
Forget about legal vs illegal. Let's take the recent events of the Pro Palestinian protest. Chanting Death To America, destroying our flag, rising theirs, on our soil. I don't give a rat's ass if they are legal or not. If they are here on some form of Visa status or not, dee freakin port their butts back to where they came from.

I hope Biden does try and get a constitutional Congress convened. He can add an amendment. As long as we can also add an amendment. The FAAFO Amendment.

F around and find out.
Unfortunately I'd wager the majority of the kids protesting and chanting DTA are rich white kids from suburbia. Their parents are passive dismissive liberals who think it's just a phase.
That’s people getting across. Yes it’s an issue they need food and shelter, but your earlier accusation was that a big percentage of undocumented immigrants commit crimes.
Not true.
Again, not insulting myself. Stating the facts.
I look at it as a group of people desperate to improve their lives. It warrants thought as to how to achieve that. You don’t agree.
The thing is, there’s no mathematical equation to determine which is the correct way to interpret it, but you always, sarcastically, say that you are correct. It’s tiresome.
Hi. NO 100% have commited a crime some have commited more than 1. Sorry that is the truth. Even if you do not like it
Hi. NO 100% have commited a crime some have commited more than 1. Sorry that is the truth. Even if you do not like it
Yes, entering illegally was a crime, but Trump called them thieves and rapists and and Blanca concurs. With a few exceptions, much fewer than with American citizens, not true.
You should consider yourself lucky to be a citizen. It's a privilege not a right.
Yes, entering illegally was a crime, but Trump called them thieves and rapists and and Blanca concurs. With a few exceptions, much fewer than with American citizens, not true.
You should consider yourself lucky to be a citizen. It's a privilege not a right.
Hi. Yes I am the son of an illegal who never became a citzen
but he came over in 1620. What is the % of rime do they commet?
Shouldn't it be.......

Yes, entering illegally was a crime, but Trump called them thieves and rapists and and Blanca concurs. With a few exceptions, much fewer than with American citizens, not true.
You should consider yourself lucky to be a citizen. It's a privilege not a right.
I used the lowest percent 1. That is 100,000 thieves, rapists and as Laken Riley found out MURDERERS. Trump specifically said 'a lot of them...'
I'm pretty sure 100,000 is A LOT?!?

He was right. It seems to bother you? Truth hurts I guess?

'Much fewer than Americans'
What does that even mean? Any of them. All of them. Any one of them who is a criminal does not belong here. And until we have had ample time to make sure of that they need to stay some place else. It's not right, no in fact it's downright insanity to simply turn people loose with a little note and number telling them to come back. You know how long that it? Right now it's approx 5yrs. So what do these unknowns do while they are here?
Let me tell you. They kidnap, rape and murder girls like Lake Riley. Crime from ONE illegal adds to the overall amount of normal crime. It's not like they are replacing it and the number stays the same?
'Much fewer than Americans'
What does that even mean? Any of them. All of them.
Data. A much higher percentage of crimes are committed by American citizens than by by immigrants, and undocumented immigrants are an even lower percentage.
I’ve explained this, not what you want to hear. I get it. I love this country.
Undocumented immigrants are not the problem crime wise. They do create a load because they fill jobs that weren’t sought after but now are.
That’s all I’m saying. The border crisis needs attention, but not because of crime.
Data. A much higher percentage of crimes are committed by American citizens than by by immigrants, and undocumented immigrants are an even lower percentage.
I’ve explained this, not what you want to hear. I get it. I love this country.
Undocumented immigrants are not the problem crime wise. They do create a load because they fill jobs that weren’t sought after but now are.
That’s all I’m saying. The border crisis needs attention, but not because of crime.
I never said they ARE the reason for crime. I did say they are contributing to it. There are more Americans so yes of course more crimes are committed by Americans.
Without them here the crime rate and numbers are X.
With them here it is X+. No matter what they ADD to the overall number.
I do not have issue with all. I have issue with some. I hope you would agree? Now since we both agree how would you suggest we keep YOUR family and MINE safe from ANY possible worries? Your concern about them costing a lot I also share. Both ways they need to stay THERE instead of here.