Looks like a war is looming in Israel

I never said they ARE the reason for crime. I did say they are contributing to it. There are more Americans so yes of course more crimes are committed by Americans.
Without them here the crime rate and numbers are X.
With them here it is X+. No matter what they ADD to the overall number.
I do not have issue with all. I have issue with some. I hope you would agree? Now since we both agree how would you suggest we keep YOUR family and MINE safe from ANY possible worries? Your concern about them costing a lot I also share. Both ways they need to stay THERE instead of here.
Makes sense more people equals more crime, but this discussion began because Trump said Mexicans are "sending" us rapists and thieves.
I questioned it and thus the discussion began. I agree people should not enter the country illegally.
USCIS needs much more funding including staff and office space. They are severely overwhelmed. A good friend of mine finally got her green card renewal. She has lived in this country 64 years and has always carried a card, and she told me the renewal every ten years has always taken about a month to get the new card.. This last renewal took 26 months. Whatever is going on needs fixed fast.
Makes sense more people equals more crime, but this discussion began because Trump said Mexicans are "sending" us rapists and thieves.
I questioned it and thus the discussion began. I agree people should not enter the country illegally.
USCIS needs much more funding including staff and office space. They are severely overwhelmed. A good friend of mine finally got her green card renewal. She has lived in this country 64 years and has always carried a card, and she told me the renewal every ten years has always taken about a month to get the new card.. This last renewal took 26 months. Whatever is going on needs fixed fast.
Hi. As the Left says with gun crimes 1 is to many. So I say one is to many. I have a way to slow it down to a people tricle but not to meny would like it. We should also make it a felony to cross over.
Makes sense more people equals more crime, but this discussion began because Trump said Mexicans are "sending" us rapists and thieves.
I questioned it and thus the discussion began. I agree people should not enter the country illegally.
USCIS needs much more funding including staff and office space. They are severely overwhelmed. A good friend of mine finally got her green card renewal. She has lived in this country 64 years and has always carried a card, and she told me the renewal every ten years has always taken about a month to get the new card.. This last renewal took 26 months. Whatever is going on needs fixed fast.

Every single aspect of government from city councils to congress (everything) in between relies on bureaucracies to operate. Private businesses operate similarly too. Their best attribute is their slowness, their best…so what does that say about their overall ‘performance’. Take mph and his double ballots, albeit under slightly different names, even after reporting it, the same thing happened in the next voting cycle of mailed out ballots, kinda early too weren’t they? The election isn’t until November.
Hi. As the Left says with gun crimes 1 is to many. So I say one is to many. I have a way to slow it down to a people tricle but not to meny would like it. We should also make it a felony to cross over.

The US already leads the world in prison population, the (world). We already have too many prisons operated incorrectly under the BS guise of ‘corrections’. What a crock! Felony huh? What do you want to do, rope off sections of Kansas and put them all there?
Makes sense more people equals more crime, but this discussion began because Trump said Mexicans are "sending" us rapists and thieves.
I questioned it and thus the discussion began. I agree people should not enter the country illegally.
USCIS needs much more funding including staff and office space. They are severely overwhelmed. A good friend of mine finally got her green card renewal. She has lived in this country 64 years and has always carried a card, and she told me the renewal every ten years has always taken about a month to get the new card.. This last renewal took 26 months. Whatever is going on needs fixed fast.
Don't be so exact. You're a pretty fart smeller.
It's fair to say we both know what he meant and it has been twisted to this day. By allowing these human trains to pass thru Mexico is 'sending' them to us. And without disagreeing it seemed you're ok with my 1% who are rapists and thieves and worse.
To be legitimate, as legitimate as an estimate can be, wouldn’t that 1% have to be based on say, males (or females) above 14-16 years old in order to be anywhere close to the ‘estimate’ that 1% of them are criminals? How many of the large number were young kids or old men and women who wouldn’t normally fit into the criminal category?
Every single aspect of government from city councils to congress (everything) in between relies on bureaucracies to operate. Private businesses operate similarly too. Their best attribute is their slowness, their best…so what does that say about their overall ‘performance’. Take mph and his double ballots, albeit under slightly different names, even after reporting it, the same thing happened in the next voting cycle of mailed out ballots, kinda early too weren’t they? The election isn’t until November.
Maybe I will get somemore before November. This way I can support Harris more.
Don't be so exact. You're a pretty fart smeller.
It's fair to say we both know what he meant and it has been twisted to this day. By allowing these human trains to pass thru Mexico is 'sending' them to us. And without disagreeing it seemed you're ok with my 1% who are rapists and thieves and worse.
LOL my best friend always tells me I'm too literal. Remembering what a discussion is about is not really part of it though..
Saying the immigrants were sent is not just a random liberty he took. It implies a negative concept of the whole country. He does that a lot with countries and races, carefully wording things so he can later say he was kidding or spin his intensions.
As far as the 1% scenario, by those parameters North Americans, Europeans and South Americans can be labeled as rapists and thieves. So we're back to square one.
If I were to give the Republican party advice, it would be to muzzle Trump. As of month ago, this coming election was his to win. He doesn't do himself any favors.
Hamas could have ended this war at any time by surrendering and relinquishing their hold on Gaza.......

However, they aren't and this is forcing Israel to continue on their path of eradicating them as any nation would.

This entire debacle is placed squarely on the shoulders of Hamas (and Iran).
Hamas could have ended this war at any time by surrendering and relinquishing their hold on Gaza.......

However, they aren't and this is forcing Israel to continue on their path of eradicating them as any nation would.

This entire debacle is placed squarely on the shoulders of Hamas (and Iran).
Hi. What should Israel do if hezbollah starts to target there citzens?
Hi. I agree but a lot of innocent people will die. I watched an interviue of citzens from Palestine and all said that harakat al-muqawama al-lskamiya = [hamas] was right to do every thing they have done. The interviuers had to leave before they were killed. People thought they wete spies for Isreal.
I posted that here somewhere....

Sadly when a pit of vipers is disturbed, it is either a flee or die situation....
Hezbollah has thrown their hats into the ring and launched a series of rocket and drone attacks against Israel, I reckon the war will be expanding.....if Israel decides to go after the ring leader known as Iran.......all bets will be off then...
Hezbollah has thrown their hats into the ring and launched a series of rocket and drone attacks against Israel, I reckon the war will be expanding.....if Israel decides to go after the ring leader known as Iran.......all bets will be off then...
Hi. I think when the they mop up Gaza. If Hezbollah keeps it up then they are next. Iran what to do big ? mark.
Hi. I think when the they mop up Gaza. If Hezbollah keeps it up then they are next. Iran what to do big ? mark.
I think that Israel can't wait until they mop up in Gaza......Iran is still protecting and supporting both proxy factions....the time might be coming to cut the head off the snake....the problem is it might drag more countries into the fight....one being the US.
I think that Israel can't wait until they mop up in Gaza......
When terrorists hold up children as human shields, do you shoot through the children? Is that the right thing to do in that instance?
The majority of what Israel is mopping up is innocent Palestine blood. How long will this be seen as justified?
When terrorists hold up children as human shields, do you shoot through the children? Is that the right thing to do in that instance?
The majority of what Israel is mopping up is innocent Palestine blood. How long will this be seen as justified?
.....or do you walk away and let the terrorist flourish and grow stronger........

Israel can't and won't walk away and they aren't shooting through children either....the IDF is as much as a professional military as the US military and other western militaries.....much of the media that is coming out of the Gaza is controlled by Hamas and Iran......it's a perfect way to get the general public behind their cause by creating a villain our of the IDF.

They are in a fight for their lives right now.....

I've personally been in a similar situation and nobody ever wants to be in one like that.....
When terrorists hold up children as human shields, do you shoot through the children? Is that the right thing to do in that instance?
The majority of what Israel is mopping up is innocent Palestine blood. How long will this be seen as justified?
If it was you, will you then rather let the terrorist shoot you? Is that what all the Israelis should be doing until there are none of them left?

What other option do you have against an enemy who has no empathy for its own and actually favors innocent civilians being killed as it is part of their master plan to turn everyone against Israel?

I know it is a terrible thing, but rather blame Hamas for that.
.....or do you walk away and let the terrorist flourish and grow stronger.........

If it was you, will you then rather let the terrorist shoot you?
As terrible as both those scenarios sound, killing a defenseless, innocent person is worse. I’m saying it’s time for a cease fire. Hamas is an ideal and can’t be eradicated. Another solution has to be found. Both of you disagree vehemently with me; it doesn’t make any of us correct even though each of us think we are. Blaming Hamas is a given but not a solution.