Looks like a war is looming in Israel

Can’t prove it? ‘Look at my African American’. How would he have described him in the Jim Crow days?

It's sad that the democrats have forced us to have to identify friends by their color. Thirty years ago it would have just been a friend. But it's about as laughable as can be for you to use this as proof he's racist?

As the article says NOBODY including you ever accused him of being racist until he declared his intent to run for potus. He's not. Never was. Nice try though.

By the way I liked how you ignored my response to Biden never lied. Gave you links with complete lists.. crickets...

But remember Corn Pop would tell you 'you ain't black if you don't vote for Joe!' 60yrs worth of Joes racist slip ups and flat out statements he meant to say.

Trump is the racist yet we can post literally dozens of comments or videos of Joe 'I don't want my kids going to school in a racial jungle' Biden who's not..

Holy heck the TDS is strong in you young padowan.....

I'm sure you'll ignore these...

And this too...
I just read this about Palestinian terrorists caught trying to enter the US through the southern border.....makes one wonder how many other made it into the US (or Canada for that matter).

I just read this about Palestinian terrorists caught trying to enter the US through the southern border.....makes one wonder how many other made it into the US (or Canada for that matter).

Old news. Been happening and normalized over the past 3 years.

The open border fans will argue there is just a small number of bad actors.

Now we watch them openly hold rallies (protest) where they yell Death to America. Tear down and burn the American flag. And raise theirs.

Shut down major city transportation routes.

And they do it in numbers. I don't care what the % of the total is.

And nobody wants to admit, we created this freely.
Old news. Been happening and normalized over the past 3 years.

The open border fans will argue there is just a small number of bad actors.

Now we watch them openly hold rallies (protest) where they yell Death to America. Tear down and burn the American flag. And raise theirs.

Shut down major city transportation routes.

And they do it in numbers. I don't care what the % of the total is.

And nobody wants to admit, we created this freely.
I believe many internal terror sleeper cells are awaiting an order...in the meantime they are recruiting and training domestic terror groups and spreading their ideology to the west.....
It's sad that the democrats have forced us to have to identify friends by their color. Thirty years ago it would have just been a friend. But it's about as laughable as can be for you to use this as proof he's racist?
I agree it's sad but first of all, it's definitely not just Democrats, it's a lot of people, and in this case, we'll call it unconnected, it was Trump that said the words African American like 10 times and accentuating the words. That was hard to watch.
It's sad that the democrats have forced us to have to identify friends by their color. Thirty years ago it would have just been a friend. But it's about as laughable as can be for you to use this as proof he's racist?

As the article says NOBODY including you ever accused him of being racist until he declared his intent to run for potus. He's not. Never was. Nice try though.

By the way I liked how you ignored my response to Biden never lied. Gave you links with complete lists.. crickets...

But remember Corn Pop would tell you 'you ain't black if you don't vote for Joe!' 60yrs worth of Joes racist slip ups and flat out statements he meant to say.

Trump is the racist yet we can post literally dozens of comments or videos of Joe 'I don't want my kids going to school in a racial jungle' Biden who's not..

Holy heck the TDS is strong in you young padowan.....

I'm sure you'll ignore these...

And this too...
Now Turkey is talking about sending forces into Israel.......I wonder what that would spark?
Turkey and Erdogan have been blustering for a while.
However I do not know how long Israel and the western world think the rest of the world is gonna just sit back and watch Israel destroy everything and anything they want wherever they want without responding. Arrogance has gotten more than one country in deeper than they wished before.

How does getting an award along with 79 others have any bearing on whether or not he’s a racist? Uhhh it doesn’t.

From the article,

“the fact that Donald Trump received the award and posed for a photograph says little about his motivations or whether or not he has racist tendencies, only that he received an award and participated in a ceremony meant to honor him (and others).

Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton was similarly honored with the Ellis Island Medal of Honor in 1999.”
How does getting an award along with 79 others have any bearing on whether or not he’s a racist? Uhhh it doesn’t.

From the article,

“the fact that Donald Trump received the award and posed for a photograph says little about his motivations or whether or not he has racist tendencies, only that he received an award and participated in a ceremony meant to honor him (and others).

Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton was similarly honored with the Ellis Island Medal of Honor in 1999.”
Yet still he got the award and NOBODY including you ever called him racist prior to running.
YET you conveniently ignored the links I provided proving Biden's a racist.
Give me a quote like 'you ain't black if you don't vote for me'.
I won't even hold my breath or wait because it doesn't exist.
Yet still he got the award and NOBODY including you ever called him racist prior to running.
YET you conveniently ignored the links I provided proving Biden's a racist.
Give me a quote like 'you ain't black if you don't vote for me'.
I won't even hold my breath or wait because it doesn't exist.

I didn’t ignore anything. You and jerks are a real pair continuing to deny he’s a racist and a traitorous criminal so it’s frankly, tiring to read all the BS you type. I know Biden said that and I also know why. It wasn’t meant to be racist. He knows as I and millions of other voters do that the idiot criminal is a bigot and a racist and that black folks should vote for someone better.
Yet still he got the award and NOBODY including you ever called him racist prior to running.
YET you conveniently ignored the links I provided proving Biden's a racist.
Give me a quote like 'you ain't black if you don't vote for me'.
I won't even hold my breath or wait because it doesn't exist.

Yep. Nobody called him a racist, until he decided he'd run as a Republican.

Damn. I wonder how the left wraps their head around the blacks that are openly supporting Trump?

Probably just another disparaging name they use. Like "Uncle Tom" perhaps? I was sort of hoping Trump would have picked a black VP choice. Just to watch the libtards go through mental gymnastics sorting out that racism.
I didn’t ignore anything. You and jerks are a real pair continuing to deny he’s a racist and a traitorous criminal so it’s frankly, tiring to read all the BS you type. I know Biden said that and I also know why. It wasn’t meant to be racist. He knows as I and millions of other voters do that the idiot criminal is a bigot and a racist and that black folks should vote for someone better.
You call him racist yet post nothing to prove it
I asked you to. You can't. Only respond with more hyperbole and baseless claims as most against him are and were.

Meanwhile you can keep defending Joe. Forty years ago he didn't want his kids going to school in a racial jungle. His words. There is zero doubt what he meant then. Recently he said you ain't black if you don't vote for him. In between countless clips and vids of him displaying his racism. Ole Joe, just like every other Dixiecrat racist he grew up with and served with.

I'll ask you again.
Post a statement from Trump similar to 'you ain't black'

You can't. Your attempt to do so was laughable.

This isn't about Trump. Screw him. I don't really care who wins. Probably won't change my life either way.
What it is about is perception vs facts. The media has done a great job of creating the perception to you he IS when I've never seen or heard anything that shows he is? People believe what they are told someone is or says rather than the words of the person themself. Drinking bleach is the perfect example. All else is the same.
You call him racist yet post nothing to prove it
I asked you to. You can't. Only respond with more hyperbole and baseless claims as most against him are and were.

Meanwhile you can keep defending Joe. Forty years ago he didn't want his kids going to school in a racial jungle. His words. There is zero doubt what he meant then. Recently he said you ain't black if you don't vote for him. In between countless clips and vids of him displaying his racism. Ole Joe, just like every other Dixiecrat racist he grew up with and served with.

I'll ask you again.
Post a statement from Trump similar to 'you ain't black'

You can't. Your attempt to do so was laughable.

This isn't about Trump. Screw him. I don't really care who wins. Probably won't change my life either way.
What it is about is perception vs facts. The media has done a great job of creating the perception to you he IS when I've never seen or heard anything that shows he is? People believe what they are told someone is or says rather than the words of the person themself. Drinking bleach is the perfect example. All else is the same.

How about these examples? And I’m not defending Biden. He’s not a traitorous criminal though. Now, stop wasting our time.

How about these examples? And I’m not defending Biden. He’s not a traitorous criminal though. Now, stop wasting our time.

Sorry. I stopped at this
'On the campaign trail, Trump repeatedly made explicitly racist and otherwise bigoted remarks, from calling Mexican immigrants criminals and rapists, to proposing a ban on all Muslims entering the US'

Out of context and obviously rewritten to skew the readers opinion. He did NOT call all of them that. But he did say a lot of them were. We are witnessing the proof of that every single dam day, thank you for your vote allowing it.
And he never wanted to ban ALL Muslims either. Never said and never wanted it. What he DID say and want was after they are properly vetted where they are than they can come.
Please stop wasting MY time with your petty attempts.
But Corn Pop thanks you.
Out of context and obviously rewritten to skew the readers opinion. He did NOT call all of them that. But he did say a lot of them were. We are witnessing the proof of that every single dam day,
Not true. Common public misnomer. Undocumented Mexican immigrants don't commit any more crime than anyone else, and in most cases, less. The only data is as a percentage of immigrants in general and the percentage is small. They have left their country trying to fix their lives. The last thing they want is to get in trouble. Number one in the list of criminals? American citizens followed by legal immigrants. While it's true that Trump didn't say that all Mexican immigrants are criminals, he did say Mexico is sending them, which they aren't. Most illegal immigrants are here to find work or unite with their families, and they're here on their own.
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Not true. Common public misnomer. Undocumented Mexican immigrants don't commit any more crime than anyone else, and in most cases, less. The only data is as a percentage of immigrants in general and the percentage is small. They have left their country trying to fix their lives. The last thing they want is to get in trouble. Number one in the list of criminals? American citizens followed by legal immigrants. While it's true that Trump didn't say that all Mexican immigrants are criminals, he did say Mexico is sending them, which they aren't. Most illegal immigrants are here to find work or unite with their families, and they're here on their own.
Laken Riley would still be alive today
Every crime that an illegal has committed would not have happened if they were not allowed in.
It's that SIMPLE.
If you can't wait too bad
If you don't pass the sniff test too bad
If you are a gang member from South America TOO BAD

Come one come all properly and rightfully. Not a free for all like it is now.
Lastly as far as it hasn't increased crime I'll say boolshit! Tell that to the people of NYC right now under siege from all of them. You cite easily slanted stats when our own eyes tell us the truth. The cop who had his head soccer balled by five of them would agree with me not you. Probably the whole NYPD would laugh if someone told them crime wasn't up due to the influx of illegals. Please stop with that. You're insulting yourself to think that 20 million people in four years did not increase crime all over and heavily in certain areas.
At least you used the word illegal. The majority come here with nothing. They may want to make a dent and earn it but stats also say it takes 5-7 years before one of them turns things around. So until then you and I support them. It can't continue like this.
You're insulting yourself to think that 20 million people in four years did not increase crime all over and heavily in certain areas.
There has not been a notable increase in crime in the last 4 years. Look it up. Regardless, undocumented aliens are last in statistics of causing the crime that does occur. The immigrants do create a need of housing and care, and that's the issue that needs addressed.
If I'm insulting myself by stating the truth, this is one jacked up conversation.