I have expressed my outrage countless muthereffin times against all, Hamas, hezbollah and the rest.Where's the outrage against Hamas?
Hamas who use these people as shields and combatants....Hamas who could end all this by surrendering or leaving Gaza.......and who aren't and who are putting up more and more resistance.
Where's the pictures of the atrocities committed Oct 7th that started all this?
Where's the video of the 15 yr old Israeli girl who was raped to death and then her body dragged down the street with all the innocent civilians cheering? And all the real time body cam videos taken Oct 7th while Hamas fighters did despicable things to Israeli citizens.....
I agree, nobody wants to see children suffer......but there are two sides to this coin......
We could post pictures such as this in any conflict happening right now across the globe.......civilians never come off very well in a war. and it's not easy to see in pictures or in real life.
DO NOT EVER misconstrue TRUTH being told about Zionist mass murderers as support for OTHER terrorists. So STOP repeat STOP with the 'what ifs' and 'what abouts'. What Hamas did or has done does NOT in any way justify what the world has witnessed.
Israel has murdered over 50,000 people in a year and a half. They tell them go here...it's safe...Guess what. Then it gets bombed and another few hundred are blown to bits and smothered under tons of concrete. Wash rinse and repeat. I can post a dozen FRESH recent videos of IDF troops committing atrocities against UNARMED men women and children. It won't change some minds and would be pointless.
THE WHOLE GODDAMN world has labeled Israel and its leaders as architects of war crimes, mass murder and extermination attempts. It would do your soul good to step out from behind defending them.
How does it feel to have the blood of the children posted above on your hands? Out tax dollars paid for those bombs? I know one here relishes in it. He even hoped for a higher body count in an air strike. Didn't kill enough of them it was said.