O-Ren Ishii Has an amazing ability...

Great job man. I love taking my daughter for rides. She loves to ride too it's always "do we have to go back now? just a little farther." Now if I could just get the ex to stop scareing the crap out of her when she finds out about it. Anyway
to the family time and bonds that last for a life time!
GREAT PIC'S I can't wait to take my Daughter on road trips with me she's 10 now and I want to wait til she at least 12 before we do any long rode trips. But for now she loves riding on my Busa to Baltimore and back.
You guys are lucky. My wife hates the Busa and will probably always put up a fight about letting either of my kids on it. Someday maybe
lol Chris...........don't I remember your wife gettin mad at ya for goin too fast when were tryin to find that big caravan of bikes one day and just said FUGGIT and gave up?