Will you get the covid vaccine?

another reason why no one wants this mRNA if you are healthy

rubbery clot deposits in dead vaccinated arteries

and another UK funeral director what he finds

I’ve had dvt, 2 rounds of pulmonary embolisms and 3 doses of Pfizer.
still standing and haven’t caught it yet.

Because we take at expert medical advise from funeral directors and embalmers?
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I had Covid, I never have been vaccinated and at this time, I'm leaning toward staying unvaccinated. If I were elderly or had poor health I'd get vaccinated. All the Covid hubbub seems to be subsiding now. Maybe people are tired enough of it to get on with living.
Got every shot you can take. No flu, no pneumonia, no COVID for more than 2 years. Even with a couple of direct exposures to selfish people who didn't tell us they were positive. I mask in small areas like elevators and stores, theaters, etc. I do this mainly because I actually like the mask, to be honest. I also do it as a show of respect for the people around me.

So far so good.
Sadly for many people who contracted this virus who didn't get vaccinated, the long term affects were moot as they weren't alive.....

Put anything foreign like a vaccine for anything in your body and there will be effects....not all good but the alternative could be death.

I took my personal chances and had zero issues as with anyone I know or have heard of....hell, if a 96 yr old I know of can get the vaccine and survive...the rest of us can.
My side of the family didnt get the vaccine and half of us have caught Omicron and have come thru ok, for some it was no more than a cold and for others a mild flu that lasted between a day to 3 days bed with mild temps upto 37.4C mostly 36.5 - 8C.
I had taste and smell and could eat etc fine my wife had a metallic taste and still does a bit now after 3 weeks.

My wifes family Vaccinated but none have caught it so far.

Where i live we have 'peaked' and on the way down, nationally our numbers arent to bad
