Will you get the covid vaccine?

I want to revisit this with you...

You either are a former serving soldier who is just pulling my leg trying (and successfully so) to get a rise out of me or;

You are very ignorant to what a military does.

In my case, most times my presence in a certain region was generally unknown and I like to think I saved more lives than I took.

Western conventional militaries fight a 3 block war-warfighting, peacekeeping and humanitarian aid sometimes all at the same time or in very close conjunction to one another.
I'm probably ignorant.But I'll bet I'm touching on a few truths over the last 120 years at minimum.
I'm probably ignorant.But I'll bet I'm touching on a few truths over the last 120 years at minimum.
Well, I can tell you if you've never been in a position to lay eyes on a western military during an operational deployment, all you are doing is speculating based on third or fourth party knowledge. Kind of like hearing a Hayabusa is fast yet never experiencing it yourself.

I've only served 33 yrs but majored in military history so have a reasonable knowledge of past military operations.

The "kick the door in" policy hasn't been actively used for quite some time. Operational planning is quite detailed and robust even when going into a combat style operation.

Things such as impact on civilian population, the environment, infrastructure and industry are all taken into account long before the first strike has been launched.

Where ever possible the impact on civilian population is minimized however the sort of enemy we fight in this modern time are re-known for using civilians and infrastructure as shields, unfortunately a fast decision has to be made to weigh the impact of not engaging the enemy force...if we can, we allow them to slip away and engage them in the open where ever possible.

Warfare has changed in 150 yrs, our ability to reach out and terminate enemy combatants from kms away while minimizing collateral damage has never been better. There are times when this program meets with unforeseen obstacles and innocents end up getting injured.

I worked with small teams and generally inserted and extracted covertly when ever possible.
Please keep in mind...soldiers take orders.
These orders come from their military superiors, but ultimately come from politicians.
Sometimes the reasons boots are on the ground can be complete political bs...sometimes there would be drastic negative changes without them.
But, regardless, those boots signed up to serve, protect, and defend...and their personal opinion doesn't change their orders.
If they don't obey orders...then there is no military.
This is the same ignorance and stupidity that got U.S soldiers spit on(Spit On!!! wtf!!!) after returning from Vietnam...because said ignorant and stupid idiots did not/could not understand the above statement.
Don't like a conflict or a war?
No problem...but don't blame the soldiers.
Please Be Grateful for our soldiers and their allies.
None of us would have the freedoms we enjoy without them.
Please keep in mind...soldiers take orders.
These orders come from their military superiors, but ultimately come from politicians.
Sometimes the reasons boots are on the ground can be complete political bs...sometimes there would be drastic negative changes without them.
But, regardless, those boots signed up to serve, protect, and defend...and their personal opinion doesn't change their orders.
If they don't obey orders...then there is no military.
This is the same ignorance and stupidity that got U.S soldiers spit on(Spit On!!! wtf!!!) after returning from Vietnam...because said ignorant and stupid idiots did not/could not understand the above statement.
Don't like a conflict or a war?
No problem...but don't blame the soldiers.
Please Be Grateful for our soldiers and their allies.
None of us would have the freedoms we enjoy without them.
Even during my career which started in the early '80s there were times when we were not allowed to wear our uniforms, any insignia or paraphernalia while off base as the local populace had a hate on for the military.

Our C.O. decided to make a statement as to how the military financially impacts the local economy and paid us all in $2 bills (when we had those). It wasn't long before the local business owners were overwhelmed in $2 bills-lesson learned and even with this it took months and months before we were permitted to wear uniforms in public again.

I echo your words, the militaries of the world are tools used by governments and not always tools of war but of humanitarian aid and disaster response. In a perfect world, militaries are used to protect the oppressed and target the oppressors....
I seriously couldn’t make this chit up if I tried..... My mother was taken to the ER last night she fell gravely ill and was coughing up blood. Come to find out she has 2 blood clots in her lungs and pneumonia!!! She also received 2 jabs of the moderna junk. So sorry but I’m not sorry y’all can debate this garbage all you want but I’m seeing it 1st hand. And for you Dr. Falsey disciples NO she doesn’t have a history of blood clots!!! She’s never had one before in her life never smoked!!! Not overweight or diabetic so you tell me how this chit happened!?!? How did the blood clots in both lungs magically appear.
Fully Vaccinated as of May 3rd .

Took the DragonBike to a mass vaccination site on the old Pratt & Whitney airport .

I did not wait any 15 minutes afterwards and ripped a pretty sweet wheelie on my way out on that runway .

Really sad it is closed now for my booster .

Here’s a fact

Healthy 35-year-old womanIf unlucky enough to catch coronavirus, chance of surviving = 99.9991%
The chance of dying is less than the fatality risk of a general anaesthetic for a procedure
55-year-old man with co-morbidities*If unlucky enough to catch coronavirus, chance of surviving = 99.2135%
The chance of dying is less than the risk of an average 55-64 year old dying of any cause this year
Healthy 75-year-old womanIf unlucky enough to catch coronavirus, chance of surviving = 99.8251%
The chance of dying is less than the risk of being injured in a car accident each year
85 year old man with co-morbidities*If unlucky enough to catch coronavirus, chance of surviving = 79.9154%
The chance of dying is less than the risk of living for one year in a care home
Here’s a fact

Healthy 35-year-old womanIf unlucky enough to catch coronavirus, chance of surviving = 99.9991%
The chance of dying is less than the fatality risk of a general anaesthetic for a procedure
55-year-old man with co-morbidities*If unlucky enough to catch coronavirus, chance of surviving = 99.2135%
The chance of dying is less than the risk of an average 55-64 year old dying of any cause this year
Healthy 75-year-old womanIf unlucky enough to catch coronavirus, chance of surviving = 99.8251%
The chance of dying is less than the risk of being injured in a car accident each year
85 year old man with co-morbidities*If unlucky enough to catch coronavirus, chance of surviving = 79.9154%
The chance of dying is less than the risk of living for one year in a care home

Just made that up eh?
Yaaap a great day in germany! Why? Today the cancel all christmas markets, they thigten the rules, dont allow the people to go to work, if they dont vaccinated, Lockdowns are now normally possible where they want to. Corona, Corona, Corona...24/7 on every TV Channel. Thats depressing! And the media? "Armageddon Christmas" "we will suffer at christmas"....this kind of media terror. They have no idea, how the kids react to it!!! Even their beloved christmas will turned into depressing corona terror.

If you believe the news, the streets ar full with dead, the hospitals collapsing, everythin breaks down! You walk thru the streets and you ask your self "where is it?". Last Weekend my daugther had to go in the hospital, i´ve looked arround, everything was quiet and no panic or corona mayhem. So......what the...???

Today i´ll go to the cinema with my son, because its his birthday. He wants to watcht the new Ghostbusters movie. Two hours wit FFP2 Mask....even during the movie! Its not allowed to eat, to drink or put down the mask...... You must be vaccinated, controlled by a special app..... Its like visit a thrid reich Cinema as jew......