Will you get the covid vaccine?

All new vaccines were "different" when they were introduced. What makes this vaccine different is also what makes it safer. The COVID vaccine injects signals that tell your immune system to react - not actual pathogens like most older vaccines. The technology for this vaccine has been around for 15 years. It hasn't been used mainstream because of the cost and markets didn't make it a good investment for a pharmaceutical company to bring to market.

This vaccine is already the most tested shot ever made. To have over 100 million shots in arms of all kinds and ages of people is a pretty clear indication that this shot is safe.

Maybe that's the source of all the tin-hat B.S. The main methodology of a typical vaccine is to fool the immune system into action by introducing dead viruses (can't reproduce) to your system. The Covid vaccine uses RNA (ribonucleic acid). This is the acid in your cells that your DNA uses to tell the cells what to do. So essentially the COVID vaccine tells your immune system to get its ass in gear directly, rather than having to trick it into thinking it's under attack by a virus. I think it's the DNA part that freaks out the conspiracy looney's. But the vaccine does not alter DNA in any way.

For a lot of Trumpsters though it's not even that well-considered. They just don't want to let Biden solve the COVID problem and go into history as the president who returned sanity and decency to the office.
"For alot of Trumpsters though it's not even that well-considered. They just don't want to let Biden solve the COVID problem and go into history as the president who returned sanity and decency to the office."

Oh my...lmfao!!!
Biden...solve covid...and return decency to the office...and I wear a tinfoil hat?!?!
Thanks, I needed that.
This is Very different.
This 'vaccine' is Not like Any vaccine before it.
It most certainly is...it is based on the HiN1 and SARs vaccines...I got the H1N1 vaccine and it was no picnic nor was it tested for years before administering...I've also received many experimental vaccine thanks to the American government so I have great faith in the skills of the virologists who develop them.

The big difference is the technology of today at the hands of virologists can expedite the development of vaccines like never before.
Then why don't we have a vaccine to prevent Covid-19?
In my estimate as a nobody, I'd say because Covid 19 has already been exposed to the population and it's like closing the barn door after letting the horses out.....but you can close the corral gate so they don't run away completely....

The vaccine is the corral gate.
A virus is made out of the same thing we are. It's to find a virus cell killer that won't kill the host too. That's why the Trump bleach suggestion was so laughable. He was correct in that it would kill the virus, he just didn't mention that it would kill you too in the process.
A virus is made out of the same thing we are. It's to find a virus cell killer that won't kill the host too. That's why the Trump bleach suggestion was so laughable. He was correct in that it would kill the virus, he just didn't mention that it would kill you too in the process.
Well brother Willie.....

This post has gone around in circles for a long time now and we really haven't got any farther than we did on the first page...
Coming from a guy who spent time on a respirator due to Covid that's a bit surprising.

The vaccine was being pushed by the right before the change of administration.

Hopefully your decision works out for you
Remember when all the lefty’s were saying they would never take the vaccine if Trump was doing it? But look now, Full mandate coming. A civil war is coming too. Biden has to go.
Remember when all the lefty’s were saying they would never take the vaccine if Trump was doing it? But look now, Full mandate coming. A civil war is coming too. Biden has to go.
I’m not really sure Biden is the one responsible for all this though.Hes just the a president.
Remember when all the lefty’s were saying they would never take the vaccine if Trump was doing it? But look now, Full mandate coming. A civil war is coming too. Biden has to go.
A full mandate is coming for many countries and it won't lead to a civil war in them, why would it lead to one in the US? The extreme right and left are always saying something to go against the other all the time forgetting they are fellow countrymen share a common bond-the country in which they live. And are lucky to be living in such a country.

I think the whole thing is getting blown out of proportion.
Well brother Willie.....

This post has gone around in circles for a long time now and we really haven't got any farther than we did on the first page...
As we discussed I don't get into these threads to argue or convince the people spewing B.S. Delusional people will never see the truth or even common sense - they just keep building ever more complicated and twisted realities so they can keep believing what they want to.

I counter these posts because there are honest people here who are just trying to figure this all out. I'm lucky in that I have designed BSL 4 research & crime labs - so I know a little bit about the subject. A lot of these conspiracy guys are actually pretty smart but they are lazy. They see or hear something that matches their paradigm of what's going on and they don't question it or double-check sources. So they believe what supports their paradigm. What they don't get is the people using them are creating alternative facts to match their already formed opinions - that is how propaganda works. With information, you have to spend as much time listening to the stuff you don't believe as you spend listening to what agrees with your paradigms.

Anyway, the time has come and gone for talking. We have to isolate these people so they cannot continue to damage our country. I also don't worry too much about civil war, as they are a much smaller minority than they think. The far-right is offering people a step back into a Taliban-style culture characterized by one opinion enforced with brutal force. It's unlikely many will actually take up arms in support of such a huge step backward. Besides, starting a shooting war in this country would be like handing the winner's seat in world leadership to the Chinese. As amazing as it sounds, there are Americans that would rather destroy this country than face any measure of inclusion.
I don't base my opinions on what I see or read on tv or the internet(you know, where all this wonderful liberal ideology comes from, along with their ever changing science).
I base my opinions and thoughts off of what I see with My Own Eyes, and Hear with My Own Ears from nurses I know working in different hospitals.
My truck driving friends who travel to and through hot spots.
My friends in sales who travel for work.
People I know and trust, what they are experiencing first hand as first responders.
The picture they paint is a far cry from what the media would lead you to belive.
There are more health care workers quitting over vaccine mandates too.
Health care proffesionals...who would rather quit their career...hmmmmm.
I'm just a guy on the interenet though, so....but, wait, so are the guys here regurgatating all the vaccine info the media tells them.
The vaccine is supposed to prevent covid...but it doesn't, so why is it my fault you're sick and I'm not?
I'm Not taking the vaccine.
Please, someone try and make me.
Myself and them will no longer have to worry about that.
You choose to take the vaccine? No problem, your body, your right.
And, if the government made the vaccine law, that will be the end of all of our rights, as the government then has control of your physical body.
No thankyou.
Social distancing is also supposed to prevent the spread.
So, why don't the people afraid of covid just stay 6 feet away and be happy?
I hate shaking hands anyway, I didn't wanna swap germs before covid.
But, I wash my hands often, and eat clean and exercise...which really helps with the common cold...which is what covid is...only it's engineered, as it's be scientifically proven the strain could Not jump from bats to humans on it's own.
Yet, that research was being done.
Why? To create a new strain of the virus? Why else?
The money trail goes back to king Faucci.
Nah, all conspiracy, my tinfoil hat clouds my judgement.