Will you get the covid vaccine?

those who are pushing this Vax.... And falsely a cussing unvax as dangerous

You are the same people who will turn in people who don't have the mark...during the tribulation period....prophesied to happen between 2027-2030...the Bible says all those who receive the mark, will turn in those who haven't received it.... Even they're own family members and friends.. These are evil... Just like what's going on now.

This whole plan-demic, is a "trial run" to see how they're evil plan to vaccinate the population with poison goes.

Now we can see who's side everyone is on.
You are on the wrong site....this isn't the psychotic religious zealot site. and we are talking about a man-made vaccine to fight a man-made virus, no Pentagrams and upside down crosses here, just motorcycle riders.
Oh you believe everything he said, it’s just the dates you’re not sure of….

It says I belive it's a pLandemic.
I also DO belive the Bible.
I said I didn't know if the time the Bible refers to(Revalation) is now or not, but it's a good fit, and at some point it will be.
I have as much right to my belifes as you do.
I also have as much right to be a Christian as you do to not be.
It says I belive it's a pLandemic.
I also DO belive the Bible.
I said I didn't know if the time the Bible refers to(Revalation) is now or not, but it's a good fit, and at some point it will be.
I have as much right to my belifes as you do.
I also have as much right to be a Christian as you do to not be.
What about the millions upon millions of people who are not Christians on this planet yet Covid 19 is still affecting them? Christianity is only a very small percentage of the planet's religions.

Mike like myself has been on a battlefield and he has probably seen a few miracles at work which are hard to explain except the intervention of a higher power of some sort.

I've seen such things, watching someone running through a hail of gun fire to emerge without a scratch or going into a village after an artillery strike to find a baby asleep in it's cradle where the rest of the house is wiped out then finding the baby's parents without a scratch...these are but a couple of these "miracles" I've witnessed..I've also witnessed what must be a vengeful day where women, children and elderly people were killed indiscriminately and left in a ditch....where was the divine intervention I thought to myself...

Religion like politics have started each and every war we've ever fought and has killed millions upon millions of people in their name.

This pandemic might have political undertones but it is the medical profession which has declared it a pandemic, not the government...and not just the American medical people either.
These elite globalist people pushing the plan-demic and depolutating Vax,

they are religious too.... Except they are Luciferian's.... That's why the call part of the upcoming Vax, that's used as the mark... "luciferace"...

theye have been planning this for awhile....and books on it

we are Christians and will expose the evil plan the do....satan wants to depopulate

heres a good vid....go to 30:00 minute mark for getting into the vaccine,mark, 38:00 for elite globalist motives

Can You See in 2020?
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great first impression.
who knows nobody here
I cruise the forum like I cruise the Busa - solo.
I will tell you this, I am perfectly fine with getting a vaccine which protects the vulnerable,
And that is your choice & I fully support that. I just ask the same from your kind.
I am living proof most of what you said is utter hog-wash.
Au contraire, mon frère. You are not living proof. You, nor I, nor any other American has been through what we are currently experiencing in American history. Make no mistake, we are living in history making times. And it isn't because of a 'pandemic' with a 99.6% survival rate.
What about the millions upon millions of people who are not Christians on this planet yet Covid 19 is still affecting them? Christianity is only a very small percentage of the planet's religions.

Mike like myself has been on a battlefield and he has probably seen a few miracles at work which are hard to explain except the intervention of a higher power of some sort.

I've seen such things, watching someone running through a hail of gun fire to emerge without a scratch or going into a village after an artillery strike to find a baby asleep in it's cradle where the rest of the house is wiped out then finding the baby's parents without a scratch...these are but a couple of these "miracles" I've witnessed..I've also witnessed what must be a vengeful day where women, children and elderly people were killed indiscriminately and left in a ditch....where was the divine intervention I thought to myself...

Religion like politics have started each and every war we've ever fought and has killed millions upon millions of people in their name.

This pandemic might have political undertones but it is the medical profession which has declared it a pandemic, not the government...and not just the American medical people either.

I am a Christian(a hypocrit and sinner but count everyone as my equal), I follow Jesus's teachings(and usually fail trying).
I do Not follow organized religeon with ideals imposed by man.
The percentage of who belives what is irrelavent.
Plenty in the global medical community are opposed to the vaccine.
A virus is made out of the same thing we are. It's to find a virus cell killer that won't kill the host too. That's why the Trump bleach suggestion was so laughable. He was correct in that it would kill the virus, he just didn't mention that it would kill you too in the process.
what kills you mainly is your own immune response - you drown in the white cell mucus

cytokine storm - body unable to regulate immune response due to lack of Vitamin D hormone
UK 90% of all adults got 1 or 2 doses and now cases and deaths are rising

most covid deaths occur in hospital as your in ICU
but home deaths are way more than seasonal norm
why - strokes and heart attacks - post vaccine reaction in my opinion

my son works in Hospitality , one of the bar staf f is 20 year old Polish lad - he is not getting the jab
why his 44 year old healthy father (in Poland) or was healthy - died of heart attack 4 weeks after 2nd pfizer dose :(
With the whole middle school and high school shut down and now it's starting to hit the upper elementary, we could easily go 100% online for all grade levels again and for the entire school year. It won't stop unless people start getting vaccinated. Almost none of the students here are vaccinated and I believe I'm about the only staff member who is not vaccinated. I think we're close to mandated vaccinations. I'll do it. Apparently the vaccine isn't a guarantee but I believe it will slow Corona down a heck of a lot more than everyone running around without being vaccinated. The only other solution I can fathom is just let the kids come to school and get sick so they acquire natural immunity for a few months like they would with the common cold. I don't see that happening.

i do indeed regret taking the AZ vaccine, lucky my wife and my 4 grown up sons have resisted this experimental chemical , so i need to ensure i continue whole plant food vegan diet

i am linking together now folk i know that have had bleeds on the brain all below 40
The elites planned to use the flu, as a Plan-demic....call the common cold a new virus that's more deadly....

Covid-19 stand for 2019 flu...pushed to justify a vax

C- certificate
O- of
V- vaccination
ID- identification
1=A- artificial
9=I- intelligence

See what they did there....in Satanism, they are supposed to tell the public what they are doing.... Its called "storyboard magic"...and they think it justifies killing and enslaving people....they say "but we told them what we planned, and they let us".... See how sick these bastards are.... They are Not justified.

Covid-19 is to make you take a Vax, that has graphene and nano technology, to make you connect to internet hence a. I.

Quit saying it's a conspiracy theory

They wrote books on the 2020 plan-demic "Event".... They had meetings in New York before 2020,discussing "HOW" they were going to do it...make a fake pandemic, so they can justify a mandatory vaccine.
And they have a 2030 "EVENT"planned... it is the mark of the beast....caise it's right in the middle of the 7 year period.... They planned it for years with satanic rituals.... Why not believe them... They openly admit to what they are doing.