http://www.Busa Bash IV - Deals Gap Sept 30 - Oct2

I just got word of my heading up
A buddy mentioned making one more trip before the summer is out.
I am not sure if it's going to be the same weekend or the one right after it....err.
I'll re-read this whole thread to get the details just in case....BTW, were there any people heading up from the central FL area?
man I cant wait .... work is sucking my will to live, so this is going to be a welcome vacation
I would say I know the feeling, but I just got back from the Caribbean. This will be a welcome vacation after the vacation....
4th trip this year for me. cant wait. just seen on the weather channel that the highs next Thursday was only in the 70s, lows 50s. sounds like great weather, that bond fire is sounding good. Are we there yet?
I know teh guys I am staying with at one of the cabin will deffinatly cook out one night.

The Gap+good weather+great friend= a great time......

We are even gonna get a night run together.....
night run there skippy
just tell me thats not a night run on the dragon
I'm still picking the seat out of my tail from the last night time pass on the dragon
duuuuuddddeeeeeeee gap at night is cool as long as mudder truckers arent up your tailpipe blinding your anus with their lights.... its fine if you keep spacing