Trump assassination attempt

You really jealous I got a free ride on the Concorde as a 6yr old kid? Wah wah wah. Mommy didn't take you to the fair?
Where did I come from? I'd really like to know. So I can go back.
Do you know? Can you tell me? You know nothing.
Thanks again for proving it. I'm the racist and you're the one telling someone online to go back to where they came from. Omg. I think I just quoted classic gold. Showed yourself without even knowing it. Perfect.

I totally owned you on the fact that there were arrests and convictions of protesters after George Floyd was murdered by a cop and you totally disregarded what I posted about that. Of course I've come to expect lies like that from you trump cult members. You all learned from the master liar.

Got any other lies for us? I like owning fools like you.
You really jealous I got a free ride on the Concorde as a 6yr old kid? Wah wah wah. Mommy didn't take you to the fair?
Where did I come from? I'd really like to know. So I can go back.
Do you know? Can you tell me? You know nothing.
Thanks again for proving it. I'm the racist and you're the one telling someone online to go back to where they came from. Omg. I think I just quoted classic gold. Showed yourself without even knowing it. Perfect.

And you conveniently forgot to cite credible sources for the story about the authorities spending 17 million, billion or trillion trying to find some guy without an ear lobe. It must be nice being so stupid that you will believe anything. Zero thinking needed. Just tune it to alex jones or hannity and they will tell you what to think. Even better, listen to trump say "bing, bing, bing". And always remember that water is very wet and windmills cause cancer. Maybe inject some bleach next time you're sick.

Owning fools like you is almost as fun as riding motorcycles.
I totally owned you on the fact that there were arrests and convictions of protesters after George Floyd was murdered by a cop and you totally disregarded what I posted about that. Of course I've come to expect lies like that from you trump cult members. You all learned from the master liar.

Got any other lies for us? I like owning fools like you.
You totally owned me on the fact a LIBERAL DA set free over 300 looters and rioters rather than putting them in prison where they belong? That's your pride?
'Totally owned'
This guy.
You're doing great embarrassing yourself. Keep it up...

Only thing you did was own your own racist self.
You totally outed yourself. Like it it was radical dude.
'Go back to where you came from' he said.
Triggered Lib
You totally owned me on the fact a LIBERAL DA set free over 300 looters and rioters rather than putting them in prison where they belong? That's your pride?
'Totally owned'
This guy.
You're doing great embarrassing yourself. Keep it up...
View attachment 1685569

Only thing you did was own your own racist self.
You totally outed yourself. Like it it was radical dude.
'Go back to where you came from' he said.
Triggered Lib
I expect you to be against the BLM movement because most trump cult racists don't seem to think that black lives matter. As to antifa, I suppose that I could identify with that as I don't like fascists either. I'm anti fascist. There. I said it. Go ahead and quote that too and I'll proudly wear it as a badge of honor. You trump cult members seem to think that being a fascist is cool but the vast majority of Americans would disagree with you.

I thought it was you that was from South Africa but maybe it was one of your fascist buddies on here.

And I didn't do any dances when I heard that trump had an attempt on his life. I'd much rather see him have a severe stroke and not be able to talk or tweet and have to sit in his own poop. That's the kind of life he deserves.
I expect you to be against the BLM movement because most trump cult racists don't seem to think that black lives matter. As to antifa, I suppose that I could identify with that as I don't like fascists either. I'm anti fascist. There. I said it. Go ahead and quote that too and I'll proudly wear it as a badge of honor. You trump cult members seem to think that being a fascist is cool but the vast majority of Americans would disagree with you.

I thought it was you that was from South Africa but maybe it was one of your fascist buddies on here.

And I didn't do any dances when I heard that trump had an attempt on his life. I'd much rather see him have a severe stroke and not be able to talk or tweet and have to sit in his own poop. That's the kind of life he deserves.
If YOU are the kind of person who has to put a color in front of LIVES MATTER than it is YOU who are the racist and cannot let it go.
Every post. Every sentence you continue to out yourself. And you don't even realize it.
You totally just owned yourself dude.
Hold on. I need some more butter for this popcorn. Feel free to continue.
Joe Biden GIF by PBS NewsHour

can we all just get along now *
View attachment 1685572
can we all just get along now *
The entire political division of the US is a sad badge of honor to wear....

And the enemies of America are relishing each and every second it continues as it makes the US weak and a crack in the armor that the enemies can they are doing on social media.....they have experts in this field and all of them are working overtime right now.
If YOU are the kind of person who has to put a color in front of LIVES MATTER than it is YOU who are the racist and cannot let it go.
Every post. Every sentence you continue to out yourself. And you don't even realize it.
You totally just owned yourself dude.
Hold on. I need some more butter for this popcorn. Feel free to continue.
Why do you keep dodging your lie about the authorities spending zero time on BLM and antifa rioters. I called you out on your lies and you won't refute it. But I totally expect nothing more than lies from people like you that are in a cult that is led by the bigliest liar ever.

Of course all lives matter, but I don't see cops squashing the necks of white people much. There was just another video of hotel security guards doing the same thing to a black man for running into a ladies rest room. The horror of it all.

You are very disgusting.
Nobody wants to ask this sick piece of excrement why two people would allow themselves to have their heads blown off in some sort of staged event?
And he IS a sitting Democratic mayor. He should be FIRED now pronto!
A man of Any color, race, creed, religeon, etc Needs his neck stepped on for running into the women's restroom.
You mean murdered? That's what happened. This may shock you but my wife and I use the same rest room every single day with no ill effects.

You are just as disgusting as blancobusaless.
You mean murdered? That's what happened. This may shock you but my wife and I use the same rest room every single day with no ill effects.

You are just as disgusting as blancobusaless.

I don't think that you use the women's room in public, now do you?
And if you walk into one behind my wife or'll find out just how "disgusting" that I can be.
You mean murdered? That's what happened. This may shock you but my wife and I use the same rest room every single day with no ill effects.

You are just as disgusting as blancobusaless.
No male should be anywhere near a female washroom unless it is closed and they are either cleaning it or fixing something in it.....and of course vice-versa with female to male washroom.

Unless it is one of those single use washrooms where you are the sole occupant and can lock the door.

I'm referring to the bulk large scale washrooms such as in a mall or the like.

They don't need to be murdered for it but they do need to be stopped from doing it. There have been many documented sexual assaults which have taken place in public washrooms.
No male should be anywhere near a female washroom unless it is closed and they are either cleaning it or fixing something in it.....and of course vice-versa with female to male washroom.

Unless it is one of those single use washrooms where you are the sole occupant and can lock the door.

I'm referring to the bulk large scale washrooms such as in a mall or the like.

They don't need to be murdered for it but they do need to be stopped from doing it. There have been many documented sexual assaults which have taken place in public washrooms.
