I totally owned you on the fact that there were arrests and convictions of protesters after George Floyd was murdered by a cop and you totally disregarded what I posted about that. Of course I've come to expect lies like that from you trump cult members. You all learned from the master liar.You really jealous I got a free ride on the Concorde as a 6yr old kid? Wah wah wah. Mommy didn't take you to the fair?
Where did I come from? I'd really like to know. So I can go back.
Do you know? Can you tell me? You know nothing.
Thanks again for proving it. I'm the racist and you're the one telling someone online to go back to where they came from. Omg. I think I just quoted classic gold. Showed yourself without even knowing it. Perfect.
Got any other lies for us? I like owning fools like you.