Trump assassination attempt

They have definitely FAILED at every single attempt to bring him down and turn off his support. It just made him stronger.
And that is what's so infuriating. So they bring out the HITLER HITLER HITLER rant. Absolute desperation is setting in.
I still say Trump isn't a good choice for president but nor is the other guy...I guess it will come down to November and the chips will fall where they may.

It's dangerous when people follow the man and not the political platform they stand on.
Like I said Blanca, you don't know me. I don't f'k around like that. I will say and do what I want and most of all I want whoever it is to KNOW it's me. As far as this forum, nothing changes. I do and say what I want. If I get banned life continues on.....
It was a joke which I'm sure you recognized. You're right. I don't know you. So there is zero reason for me to assume or say anything about you other than....

Well anyway....

We beat Medicare


I know you're chuckling now.
I still say Trump isn't a good choice for president but nor is the other guy...I guess it will come down to November and the chips will fall where they may.

It's dangerous when people follow the man and not the political platform they stand on.
Every single solitary thing they have tried has failed miserably and been debunked. Years and years and some more years worth of useless worthless claims. I'm not talking about grabbing one or him saying he could shoot someone and get away with it. Those to me were absolute turnoff. But small points. It simply reminded me of when I moved from Tn to Ct and encountered my first New Yorkas. It's how they all talk....rofl
So I think you know what I'm talking about other than these. My point is it ain't working anymore. True, half true or straight up 'he's Hitler' scare tactics it doesn't matter. It ain't working. People are so tired of the lefts endless pursuit of him. It has done nothing but backfire in tremendous glorious fashion. Nobody from either side can deny that. I'll admit it is crazy how nothing seems to stop the guy.
So when he gets elected again they will literally have nothing to accuse him of, charge him with or anything. It's all been thrown at the wall and bounced off. The country is numb to their childish antics. And for this I think we will actually see him get down to work and get some stuff done. Give him the chance. Lot better odds than mushbrain.
First we have to get past the election and inauguration. It's gonna make people completely forget 1/6. Lefties gonna go kray kray for both!
Every single solitary thing they have tried has failed miserably and been debunked. Years and years and some more years worth of useless worthless claims. I'm not talking about grabbing one or him saying he could shoot someone and get away with it. Those to me were absolute turnoff. But small points. It simply reminded me of when I moved from Tn to Ct and encountered my first New Yorkas. It's how they all talk....rofl
So I think you know what I'm talking about other than these. My point is it ain't working anymore. True, half true or straight up 'he's Hitler' scare tactics it doesn't matter. It ain't working. People are so tired of the lefts endless pursuit of him. It has done nothing but backfire in tremendous glorious fashion. Nobody from either side can deny that. I'll admit it is crazy how nothing seems to stop the guy.
So when he gets elected again they will literally have nothing to accuse him of, charge him with or anything. It's all been thrown at the wall and bounced off. The country is numb to their childish antics. And for this I think we will actually see him get down to work and get some stuff done. Give him the chance. Lot better odds than mushbrain.
First we have to get past the election and inauguration. It's gonna make people completely forget 1/6. Lefties gonna go kray kray for both!

We have many, many threads and posts discussing all of's all been said before many times.


Not all of it has bounced off, it has been delayed.

He is still not the man for the job for many's sad he was shot at but that doesn't negate this fact.

Biden isn't either so don't think I'm some sort of pro-Biden person....Biden is the Trudeau of the south....and I'm NOT a fan of him......

I've said it I don't know how many times-with all those people in the US and these two are the only candidates? I don't get it.

You've said to me that you aren't a republican but an American and I dare say a very pro-Trumper.....and if you aren't a republican but just a pro-Trumper....there in itself lies one of the problems with Trump. People should be following the republican party and what they stand for, not just follow Trump like he's some sort of messiah......that's dangerous.
Yeah! Really.
Orrrr you can have these people.
Holy effin Christ he defends his comment because he said bullseye and not crosshair.
You really can't make this up!!!


We have many, many threads and posts discussing all of's all been said before many times.


Not all of it has bounced off, it has been delayed.

He is still not the man for the job for many's sad he was shot at but that doesn't negate this fact.

Biden isn't either so don't think I'm some sort of pro-Biden person....Biden is the Trudeau of the south....and I'm NOT a fan of him......

I've said it I don't know how many times-with all those people in the US and these two are the only candidates? I don't get it.

You've said to me that you aren't a republican but an American and I dare say a very pro-Trumper.....and if you aren't a republican but just a pro-Trumper....there in itself lies one of the problems with Trump. People should be following the republican party and what they stand for, not just follow Trump like he's some sort of messiah......that's dangerous.
There is a 3rd candidate. RFK Jr. He left the Democratic party to go to Independent. For those of us that are Never Trump and Hell no to Biden, he's what's left. The Dems have tried to keep him silent. Compared to the other two my stomach doesn't turn, casting a vote for him.
Orrr you can join the leftists outside

Keep these things in mind and let's check back next month to see how many hard working republicans go protest the DNC.
My guess is it'll be Z E E RRR OOOO H!
There is a 3rd candidate. RFK Jr. He left the Democratic party to go to Independent. For those of us that are Never Trump and Hell no to Biden, he's what's left. The Dems have tried to keep him silent. Compared to the other two my stomach doesn't turn, casting a vote for him.
Dudes been probed by aliens he said or some batshiite crazy stuff. A vote for him is a vote for sleepy.
I triple dog dare ya not to. :)

Now. You simply cannot
Yeah! Really.
Orrrr you can have these people.
Holy effin Christ he defends his comment because he said bullseye and not crosshair.
You really can't make this up!!!

Biden is way past his best before date....and shame on his narcissistic wife for forcing him to stay in the running-she's enjoying the attention and doesn't want it to stop.....

I kind of feel sorry for the guy...he must know he's not competent any longer.
Sworn FBI agents are making things like this.

The enemies are within and have been for a long time.
Things like this make it easier to understand how a wide open roof 132yds away from him was left alone.
It was a joke which I'm sure you recognized.
Sometimes it's difficult to pick up things like humor over the internet through forums, I thought you were at least somewhat serious, and I took it as a shot at my character. I just wanted everyone to know I don't do pretend.

We beat Medicare
That was the easiest question he had all night in that debate, and he turned into health care WTF.


I know you're chuckling now.
Not going to lie, that was funny but also sad that it actually happened. Like sinking, electric boats with a shark 10 ft off the boats the fk are these two old idiots our choices?
Dudes been probed by aliens he said or some batshiite crazy stuff. A vote for him is a vote for sleepy.
I triple dog dare ya not to. :)

Now. You simply cannot
Oh he has definitely said some chyt. But compared to the other two, those are bumps in the road in comparison.
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No need to tell you what kind of person this is. Look at her pic.

Gonna post this witches name here too.

Bee. I'm sorry. But there is no peace with these people. She's been so brainwashed I guarantee I could not even have a calm convo with her. Just a little bit logic and facts and she'd be screaming.
So no, I don't wanna anymore. Lets do draw a line. All of them and her can go there and everyone else on the other side. We can soon see who propers and who doesn't. I wish them well.
You doubt it? Remember the C.H.O.P zone in Seattle? They took over blocks. It was gonna be peace and love and all good? Yeah it collapsed into lawlessness, violence and disarray because their policies don't work. Based in unicorn fantasies.
Sometimes it's difficult to pick up things like humor over the internet through forums, I thought you were at least somewhat serious, and I took it as a shot at my character. I just wanted everyone to know I don't do pretend.

That was the easiest question he had all night in that debate, and he turned into health care WTF.

Not going to lie, that was funny but also sad that it actually happened. Like sinking, electric boats with a shark 10 ft off the boats the fk are these two old idiots our choices?
Cmon man you gotta admit there is just something about Trump that is almost mythically historic. He's a rude crude dude and I a southern gent. So no I'm not his biggest fan.
But still the ole

I'm rubber and you're glue
Whatever you say bounces off me and sticks to you

Comes to mind every time I think of him. You gotta start to ask yourself if something higher up is driving and protecting this man and his mission.
It's laughable. I feel like I've been watching roadrunner and coyote cartoons for ten years. Dems are Charlie Brown trying to kick the football.

The average Americans life was better when Trump was in office
There is no way anyone can deny that.
It's gonna be great again.
No need to tell you what kind of person this is. Look at her pic.

Gonna post this witches name here too.

Bee. I'm sorry. But there is no peace with these people. She's been so brainwashed I guarantee I could not even have a calm convo with her. Just a little bit logic and facts and she'd be screaming.
So no, I don't wanna anymore. Lets do draw a line. All of them and her can go there and everyone else on the other side. We can soon see who propers and who doesn't. I wish them well.
You doubt it? Remember the C.H.O.P zone in Seattle? They took over blocks. It was gonna be peace and love and all good? Yeah it collapsed into lawlessness, violence and disarray because their policies don't work. Based in unicorn fantasies.
I believe you....there's people on both sides that are completely immersed in their ideology that they are non-redeemable.

I've met many religious extremists who are very similar and honestly they can be scary because there is absolutely zero reasoning with all....

Look at all these Palestinian protests and the way they acted was worse than the people in the Gaza.
The man the myth the legend you're next president is on stage
