Trump assassination attempt


You should be banned as well, for past offensive racist comments and slurs. They were spread over different posts, which shows it as your thought process rather than a drunken rage or impulsive mood. You should feel lucky to still be posting.
You should be banned as well, for past offensive racist comments and slurs. They were spread over different posts, which shows it as your thought process rather than a drunken rage or impulsive mood. You should feel lucky to still be posting.
100% in agreement.
....and not a word about the attendee that was killed or the other one wounded...

But lots of rabid followers all spouting crazy conspiracies already...

One I heard was the shooter was groomed and trained by ? to conduct this.

Another was the FBI enabled him and assisted in getting him into position then instructed the Secret Service sniper team to stand by until the order was given in case the young shooter misses then they wanted him neutralized so he wouldn't give up who his groomers were....

Yikes.......if this is what the conspiracy crowd are already developing, the US is going to be in real trouble if anyone believes them.

Look at the initial reaction by members on this forum.....I could almost see the froth on their mouths as they typed out their anger. It wouldn't take much to spark off the powder keg.
....and not a word about the attendee that was killed or the other one wounded...

But lots of rabid followers all spouting crazy conspiracies already...

One I heard was the shooter was groomed and trained by ? to conduct this.

Another was the FBI enabled him and assisted in getting him into position then instructed the Secret Service sniper team to stand by until the order was given in case the young shooter misses then they wanted him neutralized so he wouldn't give up who his groomers were....

Yikes.......if this is what the conspiracy crowd are already developing, the US is going to be in real trouble if anyone believes them.

Look at the initial reaction by members on this forum.....I could almost see the froth on their mouths as they typed out their anger. It wouldn't take much to spark off the powder keg.
You can clearly see the man drop as he was hit in the head. There is also plenty of video showing his brains all over the place and yet some have nerve to say it was staged or fake.
And others as we see here make light of the fact how close this nation came to collapsing yesterday.
People went unarmed to DC to protest in 2020. Good God if that man died yesterday I'm pretty sure tens of thousands of heavily armed people would now be in control of the White House and Capital. NO! It would not be me. Optics no matter truth now appear to show Biden and the left just tried to assassinate their opponent. All else failed. Thru their words and actions they brought this about.
I hope he wins and goes on the WARPATH!
You can clearly see the man drop as he was hit in the head. There is also plenty of video showing his brains all over the place and yet some have nerve to say it was staged or fake.
And others as we see here make light of the fact how close this nation came to collapsing yesterday.
People went unarmed to DC to protest in 2020. Good God if that man died yesterday I'm pretty sure tens of thousands of heavily armed people would now be in control of the White House and Capital. NO! It would not be me. Optics no matter truth now appear to show Biden and the left just tried to assassinate their opponent. All else failed. Thru their words and actions they brought this about.
I hope he wins and goes on the WARPATH!
The shooter was a registered republican according to what I've been reading. Do you think Democrats got him to register for optics?

And thoughts and prayers for trump. Just like he has for school children that get murdered in school.
The shooter was a registered republican according to what I've been reading. Do you think Democrats got him to register for optics?

And thoughts and prayers for trump. Just like he has for school children that get murdered in school.
It doesn't matter what party he's from.
JOE BIDEN and his minions like you called that man Hitler and a threat to democracy every time you opened your mouths. Now he wants to come out and ask for peace and unity? No!
You caused this. It's on YOU and him

We mourn for kids all the time every time. It's just that people like you think not because we don't give in to your worthless kneejerk calls for more gun bans. Hire a former combat vet to walk the halls and protect the kids while he's armed. Nah. You don't support that do you? Your beliefs leave our most precious assets defenseless in 'gun free zones'.

Concrete is set. Y'all ain't going back on this chaos you've created.
It doesn't matter what party he's from.
JOE BIDEN and his minions like you called that man Hitler and a threat to democracy every time you opened your mouths. Now he wants to come out and ask for peace and unity? No!
You caused this. It's on YOU and him

We mourn for kids all the time every time. It's just that people like you think not because we don't give in to your worthless kneejerk calls for more gun bans. Hire a former combat vet to walk the halls and protect the kids while he's armed. Nah. You don't support that do you? Your beliefs leave our most precious assets defenseless in 'gun free zones'.

Concrete is set. Y'all ain't going back on this chaos you've created.
Things like trump inciting the January 6th insurrection have nothing to do with the violence today? And all the morbidly obese old guys marching on state capitols with their AK's and AR's and side arms have nothing to do with what happened yesterday? Got it, privileged boy. How was your Concorde ride? Most of us could never dream of something like that but for the rich and famous, it's just another day. You have no idea how regular people live.
Things like trump inciting the January 6th insurrection have nothing to do with the violence today? And all the morbidly obese old guys marching on state capitols with their AK's and AR's and side arms have nothing to do with what happened yesterday? Got it, privileged boy. How was your Concorde ride? Most of us could never dream of something like that but for the rich and famous, it's just another day. You have no idea how regular people live.
Speaking of people who have no idea here you are aaaagain.
Do honest law abiding citizens with guns scare you? Can you tell me what crimes or violence happened at any of those open carry rallies you mentioned? Let me answer for you, NOTHING.
As far as I'm concerned 1/6 was 'mostly peaceful'. Yeah that's what you people use in times like that right? The majority of people walked thru open doors and down rows inside the roped aisles. Some even picked up fallen objects and placed them back properly. Capital police officers even helped buffalo horn man find an open door to the chambers.

Don't worry. You'll soon see what leftist whackos try to do when they swear Trump in.
It's how they all feel. I'd guarantee several here are muttering same thing under their breath offline.

Democratic staffer makes vial post after Trump was shot at rally

"Vial post"? Is that a post that you keep your crack in? Not to worry, trump loves the uneducated and has said so.

This should be good for another thousand posts from you.
Speaking of people who have no idea here you are aaaagain.
Do honest law abiding citizens with guns scare you? Can you tell me what crimes or violence happened at any of those open carry rallies you mentioned? Let me answer for you, NOTHING.
As far as I'm concerned 1/6 was 'mostly peaceful'. Yeah that's what you people use in times like that right? The majority of people walked thru open doors and down rows inside the roped aisles. Some even picked up fallen objects and placed them back properly. Capital police officers even helped buffalo horn man find an open door to the chambers.

Don't worry. You'll soon see what leftist whackos try to do when they swear Trump in.
So if a group of thugs knocked the door on your house down and several hundred people followed them in and only some of them poop on the floors and spread it on the wall and ransacked everything in your house, it would be "mostly peaceful", because most of them just walked through open doors?

Maybe you missed it, but I watched the locked doors being rammed open by trumps thugs. There were too many protesters there for them all to have their own door to break down. Also lots of windows broken and barricades dragged out of the way that were obviously there to keep people from entering. But the mostly peaceful "tourists" were fine in your book? I hope your home gets similar treatment some day and see how you like it.
You should be banned as well, for past offensive racist comments and slurs. They were spread over different posts, which shows it as your thought process rather than a drunken rage or impulsive mood. You should feel lucky to still be posting.
The American cancel culture lol. How old are you red, under 40? You moan like a millennial :rolleyes:

Democratic staffer makes vial post after Trump was shot at rally

"Vial post"? Is that a post that you keep your crack in? Not to worry, trump loves the uneducated and has said so.

This should be good for another thousand posts from you.
Typical excuser and sympathizer. I didn't write the title or the article you dolt. But she did write the post. It is atypical of people like you to cry over spelling and ignore the truth within. Why because YOU are one here who hoped that guy hadn't missed. And I'll bet whatever anyone wants you said it and still are bummed he isn't dead.
So if a group of thugs knocked the door on your house down and several hundred people followed them in and only some of them poop on the floors and spread it on the wall and ransacked everything in your house, it would be "mostly peaceful", because most of them just walked through open doors?

Maybe you missed it, but I watched the locked doors being rammed open by trumps thugs. There were too many protesters there for them all to have their own door to break down. Also lots of windows broken and barricades dragged out of the way that were obviously there to keep people from entering. But the mostly peaceful "tourists" were fine in your book? I hope your home gets similar treatment some day and see how you like it.
All committed crimes. Some violent. They deserve to go to jail. 99% of the rest simply trespassed YET were charged with felonies and given years in jail.
Where were you during the summer of love?
David Dorn. Who murdered him? You don't know don't care and don't even know who he was because all you do is focus on what your leftist masters tell you.
Zero equal effort was given to rounding up anyone for the violence we saw from blm and Antifa, ZERO. The fbi spent $17 million dollars using over 20 agents for three years to find a guy who was missing his ear lobe in a single pic they had of him all because he was THERE. Never even entered the capital.
But it's ok. We understand your Stasi tactics. Keep poking.
Zero equal effort was given to rounding up anyone for the violence we saw from blm and Antifa, ZERO.

Where do you get this crap from? It's got to be from hannity or that idiot from Texas that said Sandy Hook was a hoax. Some bigly liars. Just because you didn't see them go to jail or get fines doesn't mean that it didn't happen.

This was from the Denver Post: "A year and a half after Denver police arrested hundreds of people during massive racial justice protests downtown, a total of 33 people have been convicted of crimes related to the demonstrations."
and "A majority of those cases were dismissed in June 2020 when the City Attorney’s Office decided to drop charges against more than 300 people arrested solely for breaking curfew or failing to obey police orders."

So much for zero effort to hold anyone accountable or "rounding up" the "violent protesters".

Your problem is that you believe the lies and don't do any research. You just blindly believe trumps lies and his minions lies. I'm pretty certain that other cities charged and jailed protesters, same as the January 6th insurrectionists.

And I will add that I don't put protesters of racial injustice and insurrectionists that tried to overthrow our duly elected government on the same level.

You're a real jerk and it would be good for the USA if racists like you went back where you came from. No Concorde anymore but I'm pretty sure that you'd be in first class.

edit: and how about posting some credible link about the 17 million or trillion that the fbi spent tracking down some guy that was missing an ear lobe. What was his crime?
Where do you get this crap from? It's got to be from hannity or that idiot from Texas that said Sandy Hook was a hoax. Some bigly liars. Just because you didn't see them go to jail or get fines doesn't mean that it didn't happen.

This was from the Denver Post: "A year and a half after Denver police arrested hundreds of people during massive racial justice protests downtown, a total of 33 people have been convicted of crimes related to the demonstrations."
and "A majority of those cases were dismissed in June 2020 when the City Attorney’s Office decided to drop charges against more than 300 people arrested solely for breaking curfew or failing to obey police orders."

So much for zero effort to hold anyone accountable or "rounding up" the "violent protesters".

Your problem is that you believe the lies and don't do any research. You just blindly believe trumps lies and his minions lies. I'm pretty certain that other cities charged and jailed protesters, same as the January 6th insurrectionists.

And I will add that I don't put protesters of racial injustice and insurrectionists that tried to overthrow our duly elected government on the same level.

You're a real jerk and it would be good for the USA if racists like you went back where you came from. No Concorde anymore but I'm pretty sure that you'd be in first class.

edit: and how about posting some credible link about the 17 million or trillion that the fbi spent tracking down some guy that was missing an ear lobe. What was his crime?
You really jealous I got a free ride on the Concorde as a 6yr old kid? Wah wah wah. Mommy didn't take you to the fair?
Where did I come from? I'd really like to know. So I can go back.
Do you know? Can you tell me? You know nothing.
Thanks again for proving it. I'm the racist and you're the one telling someone online to go back to where they came from. Omg. I think I just quoted classic gold. Showed yourself without even knowing it. Perfect.
